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Everything posted by stephensmat

  1. Just finished a three hour play session. Ahh, I'm back. It's like coming home after a long time away. So. In three hours, I finished four missions, and experienced only one glitch, which was quickly corrected by quick-loading. Since I've made a point of quick-saving before any 'step' in all of my missions since KSP1, this was a very minor matter. The familiar ritual of fly, fail, improve, repeat is exciting again, as I feel confident that it's my failure and not a glitch. And when I reached orbit, I spent a crazy amount of time staring down at the planet. It's... beautiful. Congratulations Devs, it's a great game again. We're almost exactly where we were with KSP1, with better graphics. If I can figure out how to export saved ship designs from one campaign to another, and get a good Mechjeb equivalent, I'll be set. And I will admit, I'm looking forward to Colonies more than makes rational sense. It Science Mode is any indication, then the song is right: Things will only get better.
  2. I choose to see it as a good sign. If it's a father/son bonding experience, then it's likely in good order. Kids get frustrated with glitches almost as fast as experienced gamers.
  3. Some of the later names have me speculating. Thinks like 'Orbital Report', so far to the end of the tree? It can't be talking about crew observations. Mk3 Fuel Systems? I can't tell if there are drilling/refinery parts up for grabs here. That was always a major part of my outer system explorations in KSP1. Are they saving that for the 'Resource' mechanics found in the 'Exploration' expansion? (Side note; I haven't played for a while. Are there still EVA mechanics? Adding trusses to fuel tanks was always a major part of ship construction for me. )
  4. Should I uninstall the game tonight, have a clean install ? I wonder if patching one on top of another might cause some minor file to be 'lost in translation' when a complete reinstall might be cleaner... I don't claim to be an expert on this, but I know reinstalling was sometimes a solution to glitches and problems. Are there any thoughts on which one gives you the better result?
  5. Nate, I bought the first game on Steam when it was very early. I had a computer that could barely run it, and it was Pre-Science Mode. I made a few rockets that took off and crashed, and quickly forgot about it. Too young to invest the time, and too ignorant of what was coming to understand the point of what I had already. Then one day I saw this: I didn't start playing this game seriously until I saw this trailer. I learned how to play from YouTube channels; and got my questions answered on this forum. It's been hard to watch the torches and pitchforks ranting every day in the same forums that made me feel so welcome, taught me to be patient, and celebrated with me when I finally started to find my feet. I'm glad this is something you can share with your kid. My father was less than a third my age when Armstrong put footprints on the moon. We were born decades too late for Apollo, and a decade too soon for Artemis; let alone Mars. For us, there is dreaming, inspiring, imagining, and creating. KSP1 has raised a generation of NASA and SpaceX engineers. I hope the second game does the same. I also want to say: We Do appreciate it. This game has been the full time jobs of many people we've not met. Thank you for holding out while the Forums went crazy with flames and condemnations. To those who found bugs and glitches, thank you for investing the time and effort to shine a spotlight. As the song says: Things Can Only Get Better.
  6. Having gotten a better look at the new Tech Tree, this is not only what I'm expecting, it's my absolute hope. Consider it a NewGame+ mode. Remember, when we get the 'Interstellar' Expansion, we'll be arriving in a new, untouched system, with Interstellar-Level craft. One way or another, we'll be using these engines 'In-System', if only in the *new* systems. There's the obvious balance. First, there's the question of just how *big* an Interstellar Drive has to be. I can't imagine the modders won't handle that, one way or another. The other is a viable 'lore' reason. An Interstellar Drive in atmo could be easily declared 'too dangerous' or 'too destructive'. By the time the Interstellar expansion comes, we'll have Colonies first, and that includes an Orbital VAB. Either way, I can't wait to find out.
  7. They were talking about 'Discoverables'. Expect a lot of Sci-Fi references.
  8. Well, that's the point, isn't it? The game gets easier as you move on to the more advanced stuff, like travelling to another System. And if you want the challenge, all you have to do is not use them.
  9. So, we know a later expansion gives us interstellar travel. The Devs have made no secret of the fact that the interstellar Engines will be enormous, powerful, etc. I can't imagine they'd be the standard 'chemical' rockets, needing regular liquid fuel. What little we've seen suggest something new. Something that can burn for 'weeks'. So I wonder how they'll deal with that inside the Kerbol system. Because any Interstellar Drive I can think of won't have any trouble with 'In-System' distances. The way I see it, there are two options. 1) Story reasons. They could say that the 'Interstellar Drive' is too powerful, or too delicate, and has to be entirely out of the system before it can be activated. 2) Unlockable 'Easy Mode'. If you could use the 'unlimited range' tech in system, then it's the final unlockable. Something you have to earn through plenty of colonies and plenty of science, and plenty of work. Effectively, once you build up your Kerbol system enough, then you never have to worry about fuel or electricity ever again, and are rewarded for your diligent efforts with a semi-'God' mode. Any thoughts?
  10. There's a mod in KSP1 where you get 'medals' and ribbons for each Kerbal, according to their achievements. I'd go for that. More in-depth stuff? That's what fanfic is for.
  11. I don't think that's a umlaut. I think it's a smiley face.
  12. When I used to have docking fails like that in KSP1, I'd set the thing to the lowest 'warp' I could. Even a little faster and the game would automatically move the thing on automatic, either away from the port, or into it. The game took over from there without the collision physics getting in the way. Not sure if that works in KSP2, but docking is the one thing I'm bad enough that that I'll never really be certain if I'm screwing up, or the game is.
  13. In KSP1, I had a 'standard outpost' with all the science toys, a lab, landing legs, and enough power to let it keep running around the clock. I put one on each planet/moon so I could farm Science Points forever. One scientist and one engineer in each, and I fooled around with parachutes and Delta-V to make them viable to land anywhere in system. I wonder what the KSP2 Laboratory Module will look like. Will we be running experiments in orbit for huge Science boosts? I hope so.
  14. I doubt you'll get an answer until December starts. The Discord feed says everyone's out of the office at the moment. If it was going to be the first few days of December, we'd know it by now. I still think it'll be before the end of the year as promised.
  15. Yeah, I agree with everyone who thinks that 'Mapping/Scanning' will come with the Resources Update. Right now, what are we scanning for? In KSP1, there was all purpose 'Ore', and the only question was how much of it you'd find in any given place. That's not how it's going to work this time around. At least, not when we get to the Resources Update. 0.2 is about Science. Seven parts lets you design ships/missions around getting science points.
  16. Gotta be honest, that gives me more hope for a shorter interval than anything we get in an interview. Cautious optimism.
  17. The tech tree was always the way of controlling the progression of the 'Space Program'. YouTubers and experts took delight in finding ways to Duna or the Mun with the lowest end parts possible. Could be the Tree this time is unlocking the locations, more than the parts. Unlock 'Mun Landing' to get missions for exploration, or the ability to test Mun dust for things. Unlock 'Duna Landing' to run those experiments for Duna. Sounds contrived, but it could work in concert with the Colonies Expansion. You need a checklist of completed tasks to build a colony somewhere in particular, you need a certain number of flight hours before you could unlock orbital construction, etc..
  18. I understand the reason for the progression in KSP1, but it seemed contrived. Remember that KSP2 has a whole other reason for Kerbals to fly in person with Colony systems. Also, it's a simulation of spaceflight, and in the 15-odd years since KSP1, we've seen autopilot rockets flown, and landed enough times to wreck the curve on successful flights.
  19. In KSP1, Bases were basically landed ship segments. The addition of a full-on colony system means they can shift things like manufacturing and Research to Moons and Planets, but try to keep them off ships in flight. Their previews of 'Resources' means we'll need multiple bases in multiple places. It's the rollout at work. Before 'For Science!' there's only so much interest in building ships without a mission, or a goal. Once Science Mode rolls out, there'll only be so much science we can do from orbit, and there's only so much Colony Building we can do without Colony parts. But I won't deny I was hoping to build a science lab in space.
  20. "Must Be Returned to KSC" implies there's no Science Lab part this time around, or at least that the message changes when unlocked. I put one on all my interplanetary craft to farm science points. I find it hard to believe that KSP2 won't have Science Bases in Space. Think they're saving something special for the Orbital VAB, or the Colony building? The one question we don't have so much as a hint at is: What happens when you've unlocked the tree? Extra science points could be sold for cash in KSP1. What about in KSP2?
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