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Everything posted by cameronisher3

  1. are smaller cameras on the way? or even the ability to tweakscale the cameras? i find cameras like the wide angle are just too big for use with rockets from BDB and tundra exploration. something the size of the external radial mount camera from jsi would be a blessing
  2. how is a two stage rocket a blatant copy of electron or the basic design of falcon??
  3. i know this thread is long since dead, but i was more than a little curious if the mod author ever planned to update the model to something a little more high res and tweakscale compatible. the current state is pretty out of focus looking, and is much too large for use with mods like tundra exploration. if anyone has news about an in the works update or where i can find an updated version that i havent already found, and manages to see this, please do let me know
  4. just after half way through the loading time. i havent had issues last little while of playing (well over a month) what should i download to hopefully fix this?
  5. yesterday i was playing just fine, now its crashing without changing anything log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o6j7cx26cfiskkv/error.log?dl=0
  6. im getting this error https://ibb.co/9Vb6RCT im using the version for 1.7.3 what should i do to fix this? ive already uninstalled realplume at the recommendation of someone and that has not helped heres my logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/39zn9pn18dhzulm/output_log.txt?dl=0
  7. here you go https://www.dropbox.com/s/39zn9pn18dhzulm/output_log.txt?dl=0 since my original post i tried removing the mod from ksp, load ksp, then reinsert and load the game. this unfortunately broke it even more https://ibb.co/cLQxTg1
  8. today is the first time im seeing this error, and its happening with the version for 1.7.3 and the latest beta version. ive done fresh installs of b9 and nothing has remedied this https://ibb.co/p4J2VkJ any help would be great. im not using 1.8
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