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Everything posted by KeaKaka

  1. Quick question, but why are you using the BDB 1.6 mercury parts? They have been revamped in the latest update and are now more realistic.
  2. I don't see why a dual LR-91 should have a Hydrolox plume, maybe a dual LR-87 LH2 but I doubt that's what it was modelled on. Just because it says on the wiki that it's based off dual RL-10-A4s doesn't mean that it should be those, it just means that it was inspired by them, so two LR-91s makes sense. With AZ50/UDMH plumes. EDIT: The restock poodle is modelled after the RD-0124 so it should have a Kerolox vac plume.
  3. Actually, as far as I'm aware, the dual nozzle RE-L10 "Poodle" and the LV-T91 "Cheetah" are based off the LR-91 engine used on the Titan series of rockets, therefore they should have a Aerozine 50/UDMH plume. The single bell variant of the poodle should have a Hydrolox plume though.
  4. Just a couple of notes. The LR-87 is supposed to be ignited 10 seconds (not 5) before SRM cutoff, and the LR-91 needs to be hot-staged (igniting the second engine just before first engine cutoff).
  5. Flying is simply the art of throwing yourself at the ground and missing.
  6. Does anyone know how you fly the Gemini concepts with a docking port on the rear end of the service module? Do you just fly them backwards TKS style or is there some other way?
  7. I think this is a bug, an Atlas V in the 401 configuration cannot provide enough thrust for it to leave the pad, it only has a TWR of 0.83. I'm using KSP 1.11.0 and JNSQ.
  8. An issue that I have found is that tanks that contain liquid fuel and oxidiser AND monopropellant (e.g. the BDB Juno IVA second stage) will lose monopropellant as a resource when switched to hypergols. I have only noticed this problem in the aforementioned part and will check if others have the problem also (like the Delta K).
  9. What an mazing mod this is! My launchpad dreams have come true! Question: are there any plans to add the launch tower for the Titan IIIB (23B, 24B, 33B, 34B)? I was eventually able to kitbash this somewhat oversized version of it, kind of sad I can't make it yellow.
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