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Misguided Kerbal

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  • About me
    Guided Miskerbal
  • Location
    I forgor
  • Interests
    Haha rockets go boom boom

    i saw someone else do this so I'm doing this too now

    something something verbose

    something something procrastinate

    desperately failing to forgor of my past on le forum

    sometimes, less is more.

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  1. P 4 Apparently I'm quite late to this new positive party - and let's make it one so! (These words, of course, will not come back to haunt me in the slightest)
  2. Well, I suppose I am indeed NeXT, but I'm not necessarily certain about such's pleasurability rating. Is a certain - actually, I was going to say dinosaur, but I have no idea actually - @Kerbalsaurus around?
  3. No, they're the last swallows of air, by which I mean the bird, of course. Do swallows dream of swallow's nest sheep?
  4. It's amazing how Eve is somehow rotating apples faster than the Adamantium onesie
  5. Granted. Instead, the mouse invites the lizard into the house. I wish I wouldn't hear that weird crackle that comes up in my headphones every so often, infrequently enough to be an actual problem, but frequently enough that it's sort of kind of annoying when it does indeed inevitably come back up.
  6. I'm not sure I'd consider myself very much of a royal - but I do know one man of Kerbin, alive at this hour? @Mr. Kerbin?
  7. P -13 I believe I hath returned, to join my positive brethren! (or something like that, I dunno)
  8. 0/10 I'm very sorry, but I believe I've literally never spotted you around before - but then again, I know for certain I haven't participated in too many forum games recently, so I digress. Hopefully, with time, that does flip to the contrary!
  9. Misguided Kerbal's Closet, the Sequel - the WDYDIKSPT Archive 
    (Gosh, I do very much love that ever-so-unwieldy acronym)

    I can't believe it - I've finally gotten around to posting another one of these status update thingamabobs. My most sincere apologies to the wisdom of one most esteemed author of Kerny Kerman's Journal (which is absolutely quite excellent, by the way) and those that do indeed partake in such, because many of the extended signatures I've seen do look most absolutely amazing, but I can't say I've necessarily ever counted myself as willing to be part of that club - my longstanding reasoning has been that much of the 'elegance' of signatures comes from simply managing to stuff as much items of value in there in itself, and that extended signatures then are a betrayal of such.

    Anyway, by piggybacking this off of the concept of the original Misguided Kerbal's Closet (which, wow, is really quite old now - it seems Imgur has broken literally all of the links with time, but fortunately I did download what was remaining on my account onto my hard drive, so it's not completely lost, just mostly) - and also, considering its targeted subject manner, I am attempting to perform here an amount of mental gymnastics to justify this as !not an extended signature. (For all practical purposes, I have indeed acquiesced, and this is for all intents and purposes an extended signature - I mean, it is after all literally linked in my signature proper and the like!)

    Speaking of which, the whole point of this: for an amount of relatively arbitrary reasons, but mostly for the sake of convenience, really, I've decided finally to collate all of my WDYDIKSPT posts in one place. So, uh, bazoinga. (I might not necessarily list everything, as I'm realizing just now the sheer amount of posts that I've made over the years - so if all the images start breaking, for instance, I may just stop at a certain point)

    (Ordered from most recent to least, descending)

    - I just wanted to break rather briefly here, for a hot second - this above this is all post-Starbound WDYDIKSPT posts, which I do believe is at least on some level a significant and notable milestone. -

    - Well, okay, yet another break - I do believe this above post is quite culturally significant. (I'm still very much proud of such) -

    Actually, I suppose this archive does end here - everything before consists of in its entirety the Misguided Kerbal's Closet era, so that includes not only One Small Step and KASA (Jeez, what a throwback!) among the various other adventures of mine at the time. Very much unfortunately, however, it seems that everything prior to our modern period has been entirely lost to the sands of time - I suppose I really should've started posting everything to published Imgur albums earlier, but hindsight is 20/20.

    I hate to end this pseudo-museum of mine on such a note, but I suppose all things do come to an end some time or another. At least, if someone is reading this in the very present, this forum is indeed still standing (or archived in some particular manner, but I digress).

    Actually I feel like that's made everything worse, so I'll just wrap this up now. Er,


    (I am sure that you all will be able to agree, without fail, of this image's utter cultural significance :sticktongue: )

  10. Here's something which I suppose counts most certainly as much more 'mundane' than my usual fare, whatever that is supposed to be - although, really, I'm not necessarily sure I can say that in complete good faith, as, to yours truly, a self-professed dweller of the editor, I do believe trials and tribulations such as these do quite definitely compose of the meat and potatoes of my personal KSP experience. *whew*, try reading all of that in one breath Anyway, what I was trying to say was - although I may have professed a supposed return to KSP and all, which I do most certainly believe is the case, it appears that my most copious amounts of time just seem to be entirely consumed by the various eldritch machinations of [real life] - that, and I've also been picking back up on my hobby of absolutely scouring through the KSP forums, which I do consider most certainly quite enjoyable - I've been able to read some absolutely amazing stuff recently. But not only does that run my ailing balance of rep completely dry every day, I am also most definitely not putting off much any sort of resumed effort on my personal writing in lieu of gathering 'inspiration' whatsoever, no, not in the slightest... Maybe someone should start appending some sort of extraneous word limiter to my posts or something haha - all that aside, what I was trying to say through all of that was: me no have time, so not get to do too much really, per se.
  11. Haha, I was just about to post wondering if anyone else had managed to get back in yet - I was in the midst of writing a post when the forums went down last night, and upon a refresh was thus stricken with absolute terror, as my first hypothesis, upon seeing the corresponding error, was complete domain deletion or something like that... Anyway I don't believe I can fully express my elation at the forum's return, since the mood was definitely of mourning around these parts.
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