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Misguided Kerbal

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    Guided Miskerbal
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    I forgor
  • Interests
    Haha rockets go boom boom

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  1. Haha, I was just about to post wondering if anyone else had managed to get back in yet - I was in the midst of writing a post when the forums went down last night, and upon a refresh was thus stricken with absolute terror, as my first hypothesis, upon seeing the corresponding error, was complete domain deletion or something like that... Anyway I don't believe I can fully express my elation at the forum's return, since the mood was definitely of mourning around these parts.
  2. P -22 I'm working on it, I swear - but for now, I must keep the negative mercenaries at bay!
  3. No, but the house always wins. Is @ColdJ freezing about?
  4. I mean, really, where am I supposed to even begin? I suppose it's truly been quite a long time since I've last properly picked up KSP - in fact, my last WDYDIKSPT (I still am quite the fan of that but ever-so-unwieldy acronym) dates back to nearly two years ago at this point. Truly, a lot of time has passed since then, and a lot has changed - I'd go on and on furthermore, but of course I understand this is the WDYDIKSPT thread (haha, I found an excuse to say it again) and not one for more personal ramblings. My point is, regardless, my KSP itch is ever-so-present and perennial, and, despite my concerns in part of the current state of the KSP community and the future of the forums, I've decided to try and just make the best that I can out of it. Thus, we begin by revisiting a couple of old flames that I seem to just be entirely incapable of taking my mind off of - although, considering the enjoyment I've managed to wring from such, perhaps that's really much for the better.
  5. No worries! I believe I did end up getting Spectra working on JNSQ's Kerbin, just not entirely functional - I ended up just using JNSQ's default graphics in the end.
  6. I have to say, it's really been quite the while since I've been active on the forums in any real capacity (I have definitely not been neglecting updating any of my existing commitments on the forums. Entirely unrelated, my accrued time on Steam in other games has shot up dramatically for no reason). Anyway, as the owner of aforementioned discord server and having been involved in discussions regarding this particular space race (as I'm sure Dres can confirm, I have been quite a vocal advocate regarding certain components of this modset), I'm ready to throw my hat back into the ring - presenting:
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