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Everything posted by Krazy1

  1. @zer0Kerbal it was a few days ago, old version. I'll try again later this weekend I hope and provide more data. And I believe it was a 3.75m bay so bigger than "lookupRadius = 2.865" maybe? Also Tweakscale worked but only one size up or down, not unlimited scaling. That's probably sufficient in most cases but unusual.
  2. Yeah... it does that. It's a KSP bug I believe. It's really bad. What I observed is the first time I fly a particular ship there's a chance this phantom acceleration will happen. It's more likely if you have a big save file or on interplanetary orbits... which sucks because a small orbit change throws your intercept way off. I haven't seen it with small saves, like 5 ships in flight, but it happens frequently with 50. I thought this was related to KAC "jump to ship" so I tried always going back to the Tracking Station and using the green fly button but that still has some chance it will happen. So what I did was always watch the AP/ PE when the ship loads and if the phantom acceleration is happening, immediately hit ESC and go to the tracking station. That stops the acceleration. Then use the green fly button to go back to it... then it's usually normal again. This still sucks because you can't undo the course change that happened before you jumped to the TS unless you load a savegame and hope it doesn't happen again... so save often and/ or do lots of correction burns. I have not seen steering locked or camera issues with this personally... just phantom acceleration. I believe it has nothing to do with the ship parts or design. The only fix I know of is to dump the stock system and use Principia. I haven't seen this bug then... but I haven't been using it as long as stock and my save files have been smaller.
  3. A giant drill - very nice. Did you make it or a mod? Does it actually work for drilling? If so it's not useless (well not any less useless than this whole game).
  4. Hi @zer0Kerbal I found parts inside these cargo bays still have drag. I put in a bug report for this.
  5. how'd you EVA a tourist? Worked on a hypersonic plane with 100 passengers. Major goal was to put the Mk3 cabins inside cargo bays so they have some view for takeoff/ landing but don't overheat after 30+ minutes at >1700m/s. I found a cargo bay that could fit the cabin OK but the cabin still had drag when the bay was closed. Glad I tested it first. So I did a bug report and got some Minmus gravity scans.
  6. Nice big boosters. Assuming you need to use stock parts for the challenge, otherwise Tweakscale and/ or SpaceY would be very helpful. I'd consider SRBs for the side boosters to save some funds. You can still asparagus stage them by reducing max thrust (wouldn't go below 60% though) and/ or sequential staging. 10 Clydesdales on Osmium might work. I would try to make the second stage recoverable to save funds too. That takes more work to design (parachutes, probe core, reaction wheel, battery) and actually fly the recoveries though. Skippers are good for the core but I'd also try Mammoths. It seems like a first stage engine but only 5s less vacuum ISP and much better TWR. And surface attached engines are super draggy. KSP is pretty dumb and just models drag for surface attached parts as if it was out if free airstream. It only considers occluded airflow on node-attached parts. I think it's OK with engine plates... can't see if you used those for every engine but I would try to.
  7. Have you tried JNSQ 2.7x ? That's a big jump but manageable with stock parts. I'm still trying to adjust my intuition from stock to 2.7x. Like reentry...
  8. Thanks for the update. It fixed my plane The monologues were... interesting and I felt your pain. So now I seem to have a found another issue with surface attaching, rotating, translating, ALT-LMB copying then chain scaling. Yeah, it's an obscure case... It needs pictures... >>> Imgur album <<<
  9. So my report was premature... I assumed the reentry would be No Big DealTM after enough aerobraking passes. Wrong. I didn't have a heatshield... I thought the fairing base rated at 2600K would suffice. JNSQ had other plans. I added many fiery pictures to the >>> Imgur album <<< This is just the start...
  10. Minmus mission report from last couple weeks. Goals were to deploy satellite and land tourists on Minmus using existing lander and return tourists and present Minmus crew to Kerbin... 12 crew total. More pics and notes: >>> Imgur album <<< While I was doing that mission, I was also flying a new hypersonic plane around Kerbin. More of that later.
  11. I'm new to ScanSat - like it so far but I got a KSP crash in the VAB while building. I was moving existing parts around on a ship. Here's the end of the player.log. It's >100MB. Let me know if you want the whole thing.
  12. I was looking through my KSP log to debug a crash and noticed Y. Gagarin is hidden. I wonder if it will appear again if I go there.
  13. TS test1.craft TS test1.loadmeta Thanks. Sorry. Good luck.
  14. Thanks for all the investigations. For the session I got a TS warning about adding TS-frameworks but that's listed as a beta so I haven't added that. I made a new sandbox save, went to the SPH, made the test "ship" with 3 MK3 fuel tanks, side attached tanks scaled to 2.5m (offset correct), saved it, loaded it, observed incorrect offset with large gaps, exited game. KSP log MM log MM cache I hope this leads to tea and crumpets with your buddy, without moderator intervention.
  15. I'm having an issue with saved files not restoring as I saved them. TS on KSP 1.12.5 with Firespitter and airplane plus companions and 80 other mods. Surface attached MK3 parts in mirror symmetry then scaled down to 2.5m are reloading with 100% size offset (but still correct 2.5m size). Also the flaps attached to them are deploying in opposite directions, like ailerons. BUT with another copy of the same ship flaps were correct (offset issue the same). Can't reproduce that. Imgur album Test build: Root part Mk3 long fuel tank. Side attach (mirror) same tanks. Tweak side tanks to 2.5m. Save ship. Load ship. Now they are offset with a gap. Same result with 2.5m tanks scaled down to 1.875m. Same when tweaking tanks larger... side tanks overlap center part. By the way, I often have problems with flaps deploy direction changing randomly, when reverting or detach/ reattach wings. I assumed this was a stock bug. It's not consistently happening. Update: every time I exit and enter SPH it loads the autosaved craft, then the offset is compounded. So when the side attached tanks are reduced in size, they keep moving further away from the center with every exit/ enter iteration.
  16. Hi. I'm using Contract Configurator for JNSQ. I see v2.3.0.0 up on CKAN. What changed? Nothing here: https://github.com/KSP-RO/ContractConfigurator/blob/master/CHANGES.txt Thanks
  17. Me too. I can't believe I haven't used ScanSat before. It's amazing. Also flying a lot. Just flew 11 pax and 3 execs to N76A on the northern ice shelf, picked up some meteorite cargo, then flew to C. Yeager near the equator to deliver cargo and waited for execs to negotiate landing rights. The flight back to KSC is 3300 km but it's not terribly long cruising at 1350 m/s. Assorted pics for last few flights.
  18. My TS fins and wings are working great. Chain scaling made it easy to adjust the wing size. Came here because I got a Houston warning for Firespitter needing the companion. Strange thing is I don't think my install changed so I'm not sure what triggered it. I've been using Firespitter Core for Airplanes Plus (and Airplanes Plus Things) for weeks. I installed the companion and all seems good now.
  19. https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/KSPCommunityFixes#1260 Nice! It's done. Even has a delay to turn the light off when retracting. Thanks
  20. Craft parts do not cast shadows except when lit by the sun. If you believe otherwise, look again. You may be surprised. Some examples... #1 This ship has a large thermal radiator panel and lights shining downward on it. The Mun surface has no shadow from the ship lights on the radiator panel. The landing legs have faint shadows from the sun (it's up to the left) under the ship, but none from the other lights. In KSP 1.10 or 1.11? #2 Bob is standing on top of a Mk2 plane on Kerbin. His helmet light shines through every part of the plane onto the ground. There are no shadows. KSP 1.12.5 #3 More direct test... the first fin should shadow the other fins. Looks so weird. KSP 1.12.5 Here's the bug report I put in but it wasn't addressed. https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/25693 I expect the devs designed it this way as a performance compromise. Multiple lights would probably cause a large performance hit especially 10+ years ago. But considering how far the other visual mods have progressed, I wonder if a mod could enable all shadows and how much FPS would drop.
  21. Agreed. I'll start a new thread to babble about shadows. Turn off the light on the Kelus-LV ladder when it's retracted. Or alternatively toggle that light with the L key like every other light.
  22. I have 85 mods including TS and KSPCF and I don't have any problems with duplicate icons or green clipboards. I assume the kraken has even worse plans for me. Request for fix... is it possible to turn off the lights on the 2 retractable ladders when they are retracted? I know it's minor but maybe easy to fix. It's just unnatural to have this eerie light glow all around the ladder storage compartment. A bigger issue is that all artificial light passes through solid parts without casting shadows, but that seems like a whole mod to add shadows or just can't be fixed in KSP1. I entered a bug report and it was reviewed but not implemented. Does this work in KSP 2?
  23. I thought there was something in KSP Community Fixes but now I don't see it. FYI: I'm been flying a lot now in JNSQ now that I have the Whiplashes unlocked. Using GAP for JNSQ and KSRGAP. First report is for a late afternoon flight to bring 2 execs to S72A on the southern ice shelf to negotiate new landing rights. Amazing clouds, aurora borealis, a full Minmus rising in the East, and Jeb almost killing everyone.
  24. Thanks for your constant work on this. I'm busy IRL. I'll try it later this week. Might take some time to believe it's working because the unlit KSC happens often but not every time. So would you expect KSC might (with -165 release) have the lights on in the daytime? I'll look for that but have not noticed it. Do you expect it may happen only on non-6-hour day Kerbins and/or Kronometer?
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