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Everything posted by Apelsin

  1. All NFE reactor parts have 2 sets of fission reactor modules (2 independent sets of controls and temperature readouts when right-clicked in flight). Engine reactors don't have this. I delted it from GameData and reinstalled but it's still there. Any idea of what might be causing this? Edit: Nevermind, got it. It was leftover patches from before SystemHeat was split into core & extras.
  2. So I noticed that the fission aerospikes don't have exhaust cooling with the SystemHeat patch installed, now they always need radiators. Is this an intentional change? None of the big radiators that are now required seem aerodynamic enough for atmospheric launch vehicles.
  3. Any chance this mod will get a compatibility patch for Nertea's SystemHeat?
  4. Has anyone tested Nertea's FFT test engines like the Frisbee with this mod? Are they feasible to get around within reasonable time? Would be nice to have more alternatives.
  5. Just tried out the frisbee properly for the first time. Started at LEO, made it to Sarnus in 9 days and 2 hours. Passed by the rings going at over 0.2%c. It was a one way trip, but with a fusion reactor onboard I probably could've packed more antimatter to slow down at the destination. Conclusion: torch drives are insane Here's an album: https://imgur.com/gallery/CBYqpWY Great work Nertea, the new FFT was definitely worth the wait
  6. Huh, for some reason Tekto didn't have any clouds or visible atmosphere when I tried this mod earlier today. I'm pretty new to visual mods, maybe I'm missing something.
  7. Just downloaded the 1.10.1 version and OPM, and Sarnus' rings are missing their texture (are all black). Any ideas as to what could be causing this? Should I post logs?
  8. Hey, I'm new to this mod and have a question: are the Legacy parts supposed to be part of this version? If so, is there a way to take them out and only keep the newer ones? There seems to be a lot of redundancy. I installed with CKAN and didn't see such an option. Edit: I also noticed that you put Legacy into Recommended, but it's a dependency of Reconfig and so also a dependency of Continued.
  9. No but you can create a whitelist for most broken parts to make them functional. There are instructions a couple of pages back in this thread.
  10. Great little mod. I have a question though: the cockpit doesn't have a crew report function. Is this intentional or just an oversight?
  11. Has anyone checked how well the latest version works in 1.10?
  12. Damn those are gorgeous! Also "Tokomak Fusion Aerospike" has got to be the most awesome combination of words in existence lol. Cant wait to try all of these out.
  13. Hey, great work on the mod, been enjoying it for the last couple of days. One odd thing I noticed though: why is the Orion drive placed so early on in the tech tree? (I'm using CTT btw). I think despite all the trade-offs it is should still be around the very end of the propulsion branch.
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