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Dr. Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr. Kerbal

  1. Awesome. Im in the chat as vonkermankerbal
  2. right now I am just coming up with a story. And since I am awful at fiction it might take me a year or 2.
  3. BROTHER KIND TEASER A brother of our kind. An upcoming KSP2 movie coming in 2023. Brother Kind a KSP2 film which will show space battles, explosions, invasion, and daring adventures of un-successful time travel missions. The movie take place shortly after the Kerbal's find their first exoplanet which is Puff. They decided to send a large ship to go an explore and colonize it. However, another variant of Kerbalkind already lives there in secret. However, before we continue there is some history we must cover. A very very very long time ago Kerbalkind had some sort of, Civil War. The war ends at that one group left Kerbin forever and where exiled. The exiled group moved to Puff and started new lives. But they were still angry at the kerbal that exiled them and wanted to take revenge. Then thousands of years later they decided to invade Kerbin and take it back. Coincidently at the time Kerbalkind starts to head to Puff. I wont spoil the rest. Thats it. And enjoy this image of Doc's train. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bttf/images/9/91/Timetrain.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131025205033
    A brother of our kind. An upcoming KSP2 movie coming in 2023.

    Brother Kind a KSP2 film which will show space battles, explosions, invasion, and daring adventures of un-successful time travel missions. The movie take place shortly after the Kerbal's find their first exoplanet which is Puff. They decided to send a large ship to go an explore and colonize it.  However, another variant of Kerbalkind already lives there in secret. However, before we continue there is some history we must cover. A very very very long time ago Kerbalkind had some sort of, Civil War. The war ends at that one group left Kerbin forever and where exiled. The exiled group moved to Puff and started new lives. But they were still angry at the kerbal that exiled them and wanted to take revenge. Then thousands of years later they decided to invade Kerbin and take it back. Coincidently at the time Kerbalkind starts to head to Puff. I wont spoil the rest. Thats it. And enjoy this image of Doc's train.


  5. I still can not believe that making an orbit was that hard. And simply making it looked nice needs so many points. It still boggles my mind. I mean, how, This is still informative and maybe this could be implemented into KSP like a mod.
  6. Maybe star systems could be randomly generated.
  7. My vector missiles don’t work. Wow. That astroid is tough. I guess I will have to move to plan b. Will explosions change its course?
  8. Wait. Will these things be available on Amazon?
  9. We dont know yet. But I hope so! It would truly bring a new experience to most of the KSP community.
  10. BROTHER KIND A brother of our kind. An upcoming KSP2 movie coming in 2023. Current Status: VERY VERY Early story line planning (rough draft of script) Start of Project Date: December 30, 2020 Project Announcement: June 21, 2021 Projected End Date: Spring of 2023
  11. Sorry I couldn't submit. But I encourage this project.
    A brother of our kind. An upcoming KSP2 movie coming in 2023.

    1. Admiral Fluffy
    2. Guest


      Hopefully I’ll still be on forums by that time 

    3. JB182


      2023? okay! 2 more years! can't wait.

  13. There are more Kerbal Space Centers! https://www.google.com/maps/search/Kerbal+Space+Center/@3.7685004,167.3216149,2.08z
  14. Well. Lets see. A simple term for this to to put. It like balancing a stick and then balancing a house a top of those sticks. That's KSP. But KSP2 as from heard is going to be more like a ground holding the house.
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