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Everything posted by Caerfinon

  1. And we are glad you are here! Enjoy the fun. Fly safe.
  2. Took the redesigned Latitude Lux out for a flight to Hazard Shallows Naval Air Station. Many thanks to the work of @Hotel26 and @swjr-swis on the improvements. This version flies great! Latitude Lux on KerbalX
  3. You can do this in the CONTRACT_GROUP node with the following; // List any contract types to disable as part of this contract group. // Multiple values can be provided. These can be a Contract Configurator // CONTRAC_TYPE name, a stock contract type class name, or a mod contract // type class name. disabledContractType = ARMContract You can also go into the difficulty settings for Contract Configurator and disable various contract agencies there as well as certain classes of stock contracts. I would need to look at your contract file.
  4. I'm here . Even before morning coffee is @Admiral Fluffy?
  5. And "Voila!" @ColdJ if we can drag him away from pod racing....
  6. It's the opposite pronunciation to how someone would pronounce ".gif", I hope this settles the matter once and for all
  7. but me first! @Spaceman.Spiff would also like a go!
  8. Not sure it mattered in the context of choosing between two choices. SelectUnique() would return the first one. Random() would return either the first or the second. The Uniqueness check would prevent duplication on the second round. I never use the reload contracts in the debug menu I just reload the game so I get a clean load of any contract changes I make. You would need to post your ksp.log and your player.log to check what;s happening.
  9. You need to add a "uniquenessCheck" to the Data Node. DATA { type = CelestialBody targetBody = NextUnreachedBodies(2).Random() uniquenessCheck = CONTRACT_ACTIVE } See the Wiki for full details -> https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/wiki/Data-Node
  10. “I Knew I Should’ve Taken That Left Turn At Albuquerque!”
  11. Bob's Baobab Botany Buggy... Bob is off in search of the famed baobab tree He spots one on the horizon A quick scan and the valuable scientific data is gathered... That can only mean on thing now.... TREE CLIMBING TIME!
  12. There's always time in the busy day for a little ScanSAT Cartography... Do you fly from a land Dununda? (Dununda Airport Kerbin Side Remastered)
  13. It's a lot of fun. Enjoy. Fly safe.
  14. 503 error is a Service Unavailable. The KerbalX may have been experiencing issues.
  15. The Right Stuff Finally made it into orbit with manned vessel (this low tech start has it's challenges) On the pad Launch! Booster separation 1st Stage away Orbit achieved! Stage 2 released and de-orbit trajectory gets a bit warm Splash down and home safe. All stages recovered successfully.
  16. I found this guide to be extremely useful when I started building my first planes. Have a look and compare to your aircraft to see what improvements can be made.
  17. Continue your search Desperately seeking @Spaceman.Spiff
  18. If it looks like a duck... Val take the new "Platypus" Science Seaplane out for a spin Lands and floats nicely on the water Take off is a breeze with an extra little kick and it handles very well on more traditional landings The Platypus on KerrbalX
  19. Traduit par google Parfois, la mission de réparation perd l'ID du navire qui doit être réparé. C'est un bug qui a été signalé Dans ces situations, il est préférable d'utiliser le menu de triche pour terminer le contrat avec succès.
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