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Everything posted by Caerfinon

  1. Queue thematic fight music...
  2. Both mods will work in 1.11.2 but this was an original creation by the author @Hotel26 and a pretty darned good one as well.
  3. Not that I'm aware of, but if you want to go in a completely different direction, there is always this one: https://spacedock.info/mod/352/Kerbal Space Ponies
  4. All credit to the authour: CountryDoggo. I'm just the Archeologist of lost pieces.
  5. In his house at Ker'lyeh dead Kerthulhu waits dreaming... Jeb out for an undersea adventure finds a little more than he expected..... Using @ColdJ's Working Underwater Lite mod and ship Stunt Submersible from KerbalX ( and a little H. P. Lovecraft Kerbal Konstructs magic).
  6. All mods should go into GameData so it should look like the following; ( Note: Custom Pre Launch Checks is a dependency for Kerbal Konstructs) GameData CustomPreLaunchChecks KerbalKonstructs KerbinSideRemastered You can install the mods individually, but it is generally better to use the CKAN application to install your mods as it automatically downloads dependencies and advises you when mod updated are available.
  7. You are entitled to your opinion. But KIS was the first inventory EVA build mod and I don't think any mod needs to explain itself every time a similar feature is added be either the stock game or another mod maker. Choose to use it. Choose not to use it.
  8. We need to open up some Tim Horton's up there. Money well spent
  9. Well you point was not obvious. While there is a Stock Inventory system now, there was no such system in 2016 when this mod was released. If your point is that this mod is no longer required now that there is a stock system, some would argue that the stock functionality does not provide all the options that KIS still provides. The two systems are completely separate and you can use one or the other or both or neither as you choose to.
  10. Well from the OP. This pretty much states what this mod is and does.
  11. glad you found out the cause. sometimes it gets cranky. It your looking for a new tutorial you cam check out the link in my signature.
  12. Getting our sea legs! Jeb and Bill underway from the harbour in the newest addition to the fleet. What's this contraption at the back do? it moves out.... It lowers to the surface... oooh! It has a claw thingy on it to grab things! And then it retracts back into place! This is going to be a very useful vessel! KerbalX: Recovery Ship by Mudkip909
  13. Nice! I have added it to my Dev instance of KSP for a "little side project' under the waves.
  14. Caerfinon


    Ditto and right back at you! Welcome to the fun. Fly Safe.
  15. No. the data node in a contract is usable only within the same contract_type By defining the vessel key it becomes persistent as long as the vessel exists and can be refereed to in other contracts according to the wiki Separate contract_types can share data (even if in the same file) in two ways; Data nodes defined as part of the Contract Group definition can be accessed by any contract offered by the same Contract Group. This data is typically static. It is accessed by a variable in the form @[group name]:[variable] Data can be added the the persistent data store using an Expression Behaviour and can be accessed by any contract (even other people's contracts) by a variable in the form $[variablename] . This data can be modified by other Expression Behaviours in the same or other contracts. I generally have duration timers within one contract_type and associated with the VPG that defines the vessel that needs to complete the duration. I can switch scenes, ships etc and the timer persists until it reaches 0 with the original ship (when I switch back to it). I make it so that the VPG with the timer is only satisfied when the ship meeting the design and crew parameters is in the correct position/orbit/location any only then is the duration timer triggered. If the timer is long, several days to a year, I set a Kerbal Alarm Clock alert for when it should complete and switch flight to the vessel to see the completion of the duration and continue with any unfinished parameters.
  16. @ColdJ So much awesome.... Droool
  17. It does if you have the GPP HiRes Clouds or GPP LowRes Clouds installed. Check to see if you have a GameData\GPP\GPP_Clouds\ directory
  18. The data node is convenient for only having to define the key once in a contract and then just use the variable in all other VPG in the contract. I find that having the duration in the VPG where the vessel is defined seems to work better. But I don't really know why it does.
  19. I miss UFO. Awesome show when I was a kid.
  20. Do you have a BoulderCo directory in your GameData folder? That's Eve's stock config and it will conflict with AVP. Or remnants of another "cloud provider" mod for EVE could do the same thing if you've tried several different visual packs in this game instance.
  21. makes flight planning soooooo much easier with navigation tools.
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