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Everything posted by Caerfinon

  1. Different ships for different missions, depending on what they need to do. I have different designs for crew transport, resource harvesting, cargo transport etc.
  2. I was going to add some water related missions to the Kerbin Geographical Organization agency in KSRGAP, but if I put some thought into it I could probably come up with a water themed Contract Pack all it's own. This also aligns with some interesting underwater statics I've found in some older KK mods that could be used to provide the backdrops.
  3. massive platform suspended at Jool's "surface" and then demonstrate a kerbal on EVA collecting science.
  4. take a look at the video attached to this ship.... same goal, different approach. https://kerbalx.com/HoDeok/abc123
  5. You could safely kill the load after module manager is completed Also you could see specific module manager logs in the \Kerbal Space Program\Logs\ModuleManager folder that would contain the same information as the ksp.log without the extra bits
  6. look for "Done patching". Warnings will be listed following it. Example: [LOG 16:11:00.374] Done patching [WRN 16:11:00.374] 1 warning related to GameData/ContractPacks/GAP/Flights/Airline-Flight-120.cfg [WRN 16:11:00.374] 1 warning related to GameData/ContractPacks/GAP/Flights/Airline-Flight-122.cfg [WRN 16:11:00.374] 1 warning related to GameData/ContractPacks/GAP/Flights/Airline-Flight-124.cfg [WRN 16:11:00.374] 1 warning related to GameData/ContractPacks/GAP/Flights/Airline-Flight-201.cfg [WRN 16:11:00.374] 1 warning related to GameData/ContractPacks/GAP/Flights/Airline-Flight-202.cfg [WRN 16:11:00.374] 1 warning related to GameData/ContractPacks/GAP/Flights/Airline-Flight-203.cfg [WRN 16:11:00.374] 1 warning related to GameData/ContractPacks/GAP/Flights/Airline-Flight-30.cfg [WRN 16:11:00.374] 1 warning related to GameData/ContractPacks/GAP/Flights/Airline-Flight-320.cfg [WRN 16:11:00.374] 1 warning related to GameData/ContractPacks/GAP/Flights/Airline-Flight-322.cfg [WRN 16:11:00.374] 1 warning related to GameData/ContractPacks/GAP/Flights/Airline-Flight-324.cfg [WRN 16:11:00.374] 1 warning related to GameData/ContractPacks/GAP/Flights/Airline-Flight-360.cfg
  7. I haven't seen any evidence that this is the case. It seems more likely that stock contract has an issue where it forgets the vesselPersistentId of the ship the repairs are destined for, making the contract to be impossible to complete except from the debug console or editing the persistent.sfs file of the game were it occurs. The issue as pertaining to satellites is discussed here;
  8. Mod making is a voluntary effort so the answer is either when the author feels the need to do so, or when some other mod author decides to modify it in some way (subject to license restrictions) and publish a derivative work. So sometime between now and never is the only real answer. In the meantime, there are the parts we have, and there are many other mods offering useful parts as well.
  9. Lot's of mods are moving to a share resources between vessels "near" each other model. This removes the need to cable bases up together (which in some cases calls the Kraken to attack) MKS is moving towards this and mods like Simple Logistics also implement this non-connected connectedness.
  10. I cheat there... I set all bases open by default in career games. I just like to fly there or launch from them. I don't really care about the facilities for making science or money I prefer to do that through field work.
  11. Ya, this "orginal" GAP mod has really stood the test of time. It's still fun to fly. @inigma really made something great and showed the rest of us the way with our "GAP-like" mods.
  12. Well that's just strange. I haven't had it happen to me yet. I do paranoid saving as well, The only difference I can think of is that I move all of my creations out of the default new instances folder into folders that are very specific to the mod I'm working on, or to my private collection of KK statics. I never leave them under the KK directories (also a kind of paranoia).
  13. The number values in both files are the JNSQ default presets. When you make the changes in the instance to the grass do you close and save from the instance edit dialog or from the larger KK menu dialog?
  14. Would need your ksp.log and player.log to investigate further.
  15. Take a copy of the instance file after you change it and save it, and another after it reverts and and compare the two files to note what the changes are. Also you should be aware that JNSQ has a patch file called DefaultColor.cfg in folder \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\JNSQ\JNSQ_Configs\KK that changes color presets. See if the altered values from #1 match with what #2 is doing. If it is, maybe some advice from the JNSQ team on how to resolve.
  16. The wiki is your friend; https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/USI-LS/wiki/Mission-Planner-Example:-Supplies https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/USI-LS/wiki/Example:-Mission-to-Duna
  17. Yes, this pack works in 1.11.2 Module Manager may throw some warnings during loading but they can safely be ignored
  18. An engineer can activate EVA Construction mode by pressing the "I" key or by clicking on the hammer and wrench icon on the toolbar. Then it acts like the VAB/SPH and the engineer can grab parts from storage within range and attach them as needed.
  19. There is an airport mod that works on the current stock version of Kerbal. It has 19 additional airports for you to use.
  20. Many thanks! I really prefer working with KIS rather than EVA Construction or Stock inventory. I find it more flexible.
  21. We're doing Science and we're still alive... Bill and Bob try out the new Science Truck around the KSC (mostly fish tails on the runway if truth be told).
  22. The Space Program Starts Here Val waits to launch in one of Werner's wackier contraptions This thing actually goes! Good thing Bill added those parachutes...
  23. the love that dare not speak its name...
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