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Everything posted by Caerfinon

  1. Winches, Cables, Tow-bars - all pretty integral for airlifting rovers around Kerbin in a MK3 cargo hold. EVA construction just not there yet.
  2. This mod let's you make use of any hatch to EVA a kerbal from any part of the ship as well as enter any crewable part from any hatch.
  3. There and back again - suborbital flight and return on the cheap "I'm OK to Go" Up and away! Quite high now Not so much a graceful reentry, more an uncontrolled plummet... Whew. Parachute is out! That is way more than I hoped for. Welcome home little buddy! These sounding rockets are pretty useful in the early game, and quite fun as well.
  4. Scatterer and Module Manager are dependencies of AVP. You also need one of the AVP texture packs (2K, 4K or 8K) for it to work.
  5. Do you have the mods Community Category Kit and Community Resource Pack installed? They are required.
  6. First Passenger Flight - TKA Flight 1011 KSC to Kola Island Naval Air Station - Jeb and Bill take out the new Lawson twin engine biplane on it's maiden voyage. KerbalX: Lawson Flying over the Islands Safe landing at Kola Island NAS
  7. Mods that let you build runway landing lights visible from 25 kms Kerbal Konstructs Kerbin Side Remastered (has parts for runway landing lights. You can delete the bases you don't want and just use the parts to add to the runways you do want.) But... it would be nice to have the functionality in stock .
  8. is there any debris or other vessels too close to the site you are trying to launch on? That sometimes messes up a new launch. You could check through the ksp.log and the player.log to see if there are any warnings/error/exceptions when you try to launch your vessel.
  9. Multam in Parvo - Early game mission for an uncrewed launch to pass the Karmen line... Just a simple probe. Launches for the heavens And reaches 471 kms height (and lost all the fins due to extreme heat). This little guy packed a punch! Sadly, the probe burned up on re-entry (not shown, still too soon ). Now, if I could only steer the thing...
  10. Then you are going to have to research each mod and its dependencies, and the dependencies of all the dependencies as well. Then you will need to get all of the proper versions of the resulting list of mods and correctly install them in your GameData folder. Parts not showing up correctly is typically due to the mod being installed in incorrect folders and the part config then not having the right path to the models and textures that it needs. This is not every case, but it is the better part of them.
  11. Another auto pilot mod based on Crzyrndm's "Pilot Assistant" is Kramax. It has very good auto landing features.
  12. Small first steps towards space (with marvelously coloured sounding rockets). And lets not forget the ground game. Bill and Bob head out in the utility truck to field test experiments around the KSC After a hard day's data collection and in the spirit of "For All Kerbalkind", Bill and Bob end their mission at the local...
  13. Boka Chika is here: https://spacedock.info/mod/2687/Kerbin Expansion Pack
  14. Started a fresh "Bureaucracy" career game. So time to build some old style planes KerbalX - Caelum Jeb on first flight Out over the sea where a crash will meet something less... solid A little bank turn... Hey the wings didn't fall off! And it's home safely just as the sun goes down... That means a trip to The Outpost for a couple of pints before tomorrow's mission.
  15. You would neeed to edit the MapDecal file and group file and change the celestial body to the planet/moon you want and the LAT and LON coordinates. You would need to have a ship /probe at the location to use the KK editor to finetune and move things around.
  16. HAB time and Homesick time are always two clocks counting down. It is designed so Kerbals always want to come home after some period of time in space. Individual kerbals show the effects of this countdown in different ways. Pilots and scouts have a longer immunity to the countdown. It represents how long a kerbal will put up with being on a long mission. At some point they all need to be brought back to Kerbin. Home time can be altered by med labs and colony supplies, but not stopped entirely. Hab time can be reset by moving Kerbal to more spacious craft, but then it still counts down "Indefinite" is not an absolute. it only shows while the timers are over the perma-hab value. From the Wiki: Functions-(Habitation) "Hab time is reset every time a kerbal enters a new vessel. It begins with the vessel's provided Habitation time, divided by the number of kerbals present, and counts down to zero" "Home time never resets of its own accord and starts counting down from the moment of launch. However, it is increased by the highest amount of Habitation ever experienced by the kerbal."
  17. Regardless of the starting values, Hab time and Home time are always decaying over time for the crew. All kerbals are immune if these values are over 50 years. Under 50 years only pilots and scouts are immune. All other kerbals start counting down at less than 50 years until it zeros out and they need to return home. Some people set Hab effect (vet) to none to give the original 4 kerbals immunity.
  18. The max number of contracts per level is controlled by upgrades to mission control this can be changed with a Custom Barn Kit config. The maximum number of contracts that can be accepted of each prestige level can be set in Contract Configurator by the game difficulty settings. Change the Active Contract Multiplier slider to a value you would like. The default value is 1.0 At slider 8 (maximum value) it allows 42 trivial, 33 significant, and 24 exceptional contracts at the same time. If you want to change the values per Mission Control level use this;
  19. Mine has been with me since Warhammer Online days and has followed me through every MMO that I've played since.
  20. It certainly did do the trick! It looks great. When you get the accuracy fine tuned I'd be happy to add it to the Mod's Assets/Maps and credit you as a contributor. If that's OK?
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