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Everything posted by Caerfinon

  1. Isn't he data expand a list? so type = List<CelestialBody> ? In the page https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/wiki/Data-Node#the-data_expand-node The notes at the bottom says "Note in the example above that the type is defined as an int, but the actual type provided must be List<int>."
  2. Current Status: I've added a new flight plan for Kramax Auto Pilot for Runway KSC 27. The default flight plan "KSC ILS 27" is designed for space planes returning from orbit on a heading of 90 and then looping around to heading 270 for a landing. The new flight plan provides the standard MAXKY, HIKEY and LOKEY waypoints for a commercial route landing pattern on heading 270 only. It's available on GitHub now and will be included in the next release.
  3. They are actually KSP markers, and @VoidSquid's solution works as well as it removes theses stock markers from view.
  4. You could use Waypoint Manger It has a setting to show all, only active, or no waypoints at all. The latter setting turns off the stock waypoints as well.
  5. Did some testing with the new EVA construction Inventory slots. Couldn't find an obvious way to detect what was contained in the inventory, but the PartValidation parameter can be triggered by using EVA Construction to add new parts to the vessel. (Same behaviour with KIS also). Raised a Feature request on GitHub to see if there was a way that stock inventory could be added with maybe a HasCargo parameter check. Envisioning creating some field repair contract possibilities in a future update if it's doable.
  6. I tested with a stock plane using jet engines and an Airplane Plus plane using a prop engine. In both cases the readout is back to how it was prior to the update. (and best of all I don't have to do math in my head any more). Thanks for the quick fix!
  7. This craft from KerbalX does the trick https://kerbalx.com/swjr-swis/swjrjet-UltraPlus-Mk1 It's using Juno jet engines. In normal level flight at 200m/s horizontal speed the time readout in the previous version was around 2h 30m (give or take) same plane in new version and time is 0.0s
  8. Just a note about GAP code that I've run into that you might run into as well.
  9. An easy way is too use a mod like; It has; specialized parts to create rocket payloads that can carry base parts to orbit and beyond. specialized horizontal landing engines to get parts down on the ground. A system of landing legs and detachable wheels to allow you to piece together various parts of your base.
  10. FYI - Since upgrading to the time calculation on DeltaV Total now always reads (0.0s). It was a nice to have for estimating remaining flight time for airplane flights. Now I have to do math in my head (which is really my main complaint )
  11. The hotel and casino building contracts in the pack are targeted for "Homeworld()" only, so just Kerbin. The station contract will send tourists to any planet with an orbiting station that was a great deal of living space so... If you build it, they will come
  12. Version 1.1.5 now on Spacedock. Issue #21 Cannot have more than one contract OFFERED Contract Groups restructured to allow more than 1 simultaneous flight Issue #14 Multi-site flight Airline fights with multiple destinations Addition of flights to Round Range added and complete this enhancement Issue #20 Kerbin Side Hinterland Tours Addition of contracts for wilderness flights for seaplanes and ground landings in Kerbin's hinterlands Ongoing Issue - Various spelling and grammar corrections because I never paid attention in school.
  13. That's a nice looking ship! I'm glad you are having fun with the contracts. I have some neat ones for sea planes in the next release... Soon (TM)
  14. Welcome to the show! Planes are the best part of the game as far as I'm concerned. It's nice to see more people working on them. If you ever need any help or advice with it I'm just a mention away.
  15. Current Status: Issue 20 - Enhancement/Roadmap - Added Remote Hinterland Bush Plane Adventure mission - Available on GitHub now. Will be included in next release. Based on @nightingale's Field Research HardScience.cfg contract (but requires no science collection... just for the flying ) Requires transport of 2-3 passengers to very unique locations around Kerbin. planes will require equal capabilities to land on water or solid ground in the wilds Can start and finish at any airport for recovery You can download from GitHub by clicking the code button and selecting down load as zip. then manually updating your version in your Gamedata\contract packs directory
  16. FYI - I moved Inspections back to parent level group so it wouldn't have to compete for spots with other TKA missions. Now 22 base open flights will be available in order from start until they are all done. New Groups.cfg on GitHub.
  17. @Daniel Prates Issue 21 has been opened to track this change. The current change is on GitHub now and will be included in the next release. So because I'm on vacation, and because my dogs wake me up a 6AM, I've had some time to dig into this, and I've decided to reproduce the structure from the Original Kerbin Side GAP Groups.cfg which is; Trans Kerbin Airlines Group can have 8 simultaneous flights offered Trans Kerbin Airlines Prime is now a child group that can have three fights offered (assuming the part requirement is unlocked otherwise only flights from the parent will be offered) Trans Kerbin Airlines Inspections is now a child group that can have one flight offered at any time until all bases are flown to then this spot will be allocated to the other two groups The Navy will have 3 simultaneous flights offered at any given time. All groups, parent or child can be enabled or disabled in the Contract Configurator settings. All individual flight contracts will remain configured to be active only once at any give time, so you won't get multiple copies of the same flight. Mission progression has been changed to depend only on the initial base open flight and any part requirement that may be required. Caveats from testing Occasionally you'll get two flights to the same airport ( ie FLT 1001 & FLT 1002) that you may want to combine as a single mission. This will work, but; ATC: dialogs get a little messed up and can fire out of order and in the wrong situations. To fix this would require changing parameter names to be unique across all individual flight CFG files which is not something I want to rework at this time. The issue is just cosmetic as it has no effect on the progress of the missions and both will complete or fail at the same time. Tourist spam issues (and this holds true for all missions) If a crew compartment gets disconnected from the main craft and somehow survives the crash with tourists inside, They become unattached tourists in the Astronaut Complex if you recover the part. The only way to prevent this is to revert the flight to launch or SPH. If the crew compartments do not detach from the vessel then the passengers from the multiple contracts are lost as normal together. You can download from GitHub by clicking the code button and selecting down load as zip. then manually updating your version in your Gamedata\contract packs directory
  18. Or do some creative editing... Open up \GameData\MechJeb2\Parts\MechJeb2_AR202\part.cfg in notepad and replace every instance of "unlockTechs =" and "TechRequired =" from whatever they are currently to these; TechRequired = start unlockTechs = start On your next repload all mechJeb2 functions will be available. Edit: make a backup of the original file. safety first.
  19. So I took a look at he original Kerbinside Gap settings, and the groups.cfg has multiple sessions per group defined. So I get why you expected more of them. So I am going to play-test it out and see what happens. Stay tuned.
  20. Nice feedback. thanks It was intentional with the rationalization that If they were "all" available all the time it would swamp out other contract providers. Also the three regular flights to a base need to be unlocked 1 then 2 then 3 (the third one also requires mk3 crew cabin to be unlocked as having the 16 seats available is probably the only way to realistically build a craft supporting 80 or so seats.) In the groups.cfg file, each of the contract groups is set to "maxSimultaneous = 1" which means one at a time. You could change that value to a 3 or 4 (or more to suit your taste) and have multiple flights available per contract group. The individual contracts are also limited to 1 at a time in the flight.cfg files. I wouldn't change that setting. but playing around with the group setting seems OK. The inspection missions are designed to happen one at a time and progress in order. The new Hinterland contract has only one contract.cfg file so it only gets called one at a time. I've noticed in my low tech career play through that I get a lot of repeats of the same missions, so I am considering mucking around with this and finding a balance for general release. FYI - If you do change your groups.cfg file you will need to change it each time you upgrade the package to the values you've selected.
  21. The "avoid kraken" part was the most important....
  22. There is an old post on Steam that showed when the various utilities became active in career mode https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=193177293 (might be a littler out of date now) You need to use the Landing Guidance module (see the related wiki page https://github.com/MuMech/MechJeb2/wiki/Landing-Guidance ) Pick a spot on the map, or enter coordinates Add options if you require them (gear, parachutes, staging options, etc. ) Press land at target. avoid kraken ... ... $Profit
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