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Everything posted by Caerfinon

  1. A couple more fun test planes I've been using. Moa Mk3 - seats 42, and the Accelereze seats 4. Both required the Airplane Plus mod. For Navy testing I've been using the KC-10A Seabird. Seats 8, packed full of science experiments and lands nicely on water at 40 m/s full flaps and a pitch of 5-6 degrees. Stock + Making History DLC required All available on KerbalX.
  2. Version v1.1.0 is on Space Dock Issue #6 - Trans Kerbin Airlines moved all passenger flights with over 12 passengers to a new contract group Trans Kerbin Airlines Prime. If you do not want to fly these mission due to performance issues you can toggle this group off in Contract Constructor settings. Issue #7 - The United Knations Navy is looking for a few good Kerbals to join the Naval Auxiliary Reserve. Two initial certification missions are available. Mission 1 is for helicopters and VTOL aircraft. Mission 2 is for patrol seaplanes. Additional rescue/recovery and patrol/deployment missions are planed for future releases.
  3. Queue alien invasion sequence. [Incidentally that would be "BINGO!" on my 2020 bingo card]
  4. Turns out the solution was just a matter of defining a new contract group. The 12-80 passenger flight missions are now all part of the Trans Kerbin Airlines Prime contract group. This means that you can toggle them on or off in the settings of ContractConfigurator. The code is on GitHub now and you can download it manually, otherwise it will be on Spacedock/CKAN with the next release. It doesn't address determining the # seats of the craft on the runway and then assigning passengers but it does let you avoid the missions that limit FPS and not have to loose rep or delete files
  5. I'll see what I can come up with. but the passengers are created when the contract is accepted so I currently do not know how large the aircraft is until it's on the runway. Let me think about it Ive added this as Issue #6 In the mean time you can do one of the following; Simply decline any Airline-Flight mission that ends in a "3". You do get a -1 rep hit for it in game Go to your KSP folder GameData\ContractPacks\KerbinSideRemasteredGAP\Flights and delete all Airline-Flight-xxx3.cfg files. This won't impact any thing else in the mod and you will be limited to flights carrying 4-8 or 8-12 passengers only. (you would have to do this whenever the mod updates)
  6. This is where I can't really help. I don't run Beyond Home . Your best bet for community help on a particular mod would be its forum thread.
  7. I hope that a lot of the issues get fixed in some future KK upgrade. Until then we soldier on.
  8. The stock sites are not the issue. But all of the locations in Kerbal-Konstructs can be problematic at times. There's around 20 of them and not all have the same launch or recovery capabilities of the KSC.
  9. One of the reasons they start and end at KSC is not having control over the launch site or recovery site for the missions. It's economically better to recover your plane at KSC so the first round of missions are bound there. The next round of missions will be more goal oriented and will encourage players to leave planes/boats/rovers at bases carry out the missions from there. Kerbals could either be on station with them, or fly out in a small transport, board the craft they need to use locally and fly the mission. The can recover at the end of the mission if they want to, or they can hop back in their small transport and fly back to KSC. Missions like this are on the road map and will be of the following types Standard airline routes KSC - major hub - local field and return VIK (very important kerbal) pick up transfers and return charters Cargo related flights combined missions that involve some flying/boating and driving to achieve goal Right now I'm working on the Navy Agency missions but there are at least two other agencies planned.
  10. Current Status: I have completed the preliminary work on the "Navy Certification" tests. Both missions require that in the initial flight to Kola Island be completed Test one requires helicopter or other VTOL craft. Mission success opens the gate to Air/Sea rescue missions Test two requires a seaplane to fly a patrol circuit and make a water landing. Mission success opens the gate to patrol and deployment missions. The follow on missions will be based around the Naval Air Station sites and will also require that the initial flight to the bases be completed. It was good to work with Lt. Dan Kerman again, always a professional
  11. If you want to automate it, the mod StageRecovery does a pretty good job. It abstracts chutes or powered recovery and presents you funds based on speed of reentry and distance from KSC. Or... sometimes the Kraken shows up and your stage just goes boom
  12. Always good to answer your own questions. I figured it out. Using the "showMessages = true" in VisitWaypoint accomplishes this.
  13. For longer flights you can "hop" to a site in between and get some gas. The mission doesn't care how many times you land and take off. Also it's a good idea to add your own permanent way-points for bases theat are never on the map just in case you want to go there even when not on a mission.
  14. Thanks. I really enjoy putting it together, but I stand on the shoulders of giants of the original creators of GAP like missions It's likely a bit of both. Kerbin Side Remastered was designed so that some bases needed to be discovered like Easter eggs to be visible on map and tracking station. But I think Kerbal-Konstructs is not playing nice with that feature, Even if you change the settings to have all bases open at start some still don't show on the map. I sort of bypassed this in the mod by throwing up automatic way-points to the runway with each mission open or not, or discovered or not. I also programed the locations of all the runways into the two supporting mods Kramax Autopilot Continued and NavUtilities continued. This lets players fly "everywhere" and your can refuel at sites that have working tanks but it's independent of the the actual functioning of the bases themselves. Also.... I made a map: Kerbin Side Remastered Flight Map
  15. I'm stumped then. You may want to post in the CKAN forum and ask. There are people there who may have more ideas about what's going on.
  16. In CKAN, under file menu, look at "Managed KSP Instances" and make sure the instance you are trying to install to is listed correctly.
  17. Beyond Home 1.5.2 is compatible with ksp 1.9 - 1.10 Kopernicus is compatible with ksp 1.9.1 You can set CKAN Compatible KSP version under the settting tab. It's usually safe to use the most current version of ksp (1.10.1) and 2-3 previous versions and the mods should still generally work together, See below
  18. Beyond Home 1.5.2 is the most up to date. Check the dependencies in CKAN, there are quite a few that are required for it to run.
  19. Huzzah! Glad you got it sorted. One additional thing... It's a good idea to create a sandbox game that is just for testing new mods. That way you don't kill things in you main game. Also it's a good idea to periodically create a named saved game of your game's progress so that if the Kraken comes to call you have a good place to start over again.
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