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Everything posted by Caerfinon

  1. @hemeac Wow... remnant substitution strings in the dialog box settings. Bug #2 - https://github.com/caerfinon/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP/issues/2 Thanks for the heads up. kinda stops the whole thing from working Fix incoming. EDIT: v1.0.2 posted to Space Dock
  2. I managed to work everything down to a basic mission template and I could produce the mission files with a little replace and substitution. If I was a decent python coder I could have automated a big chunk of it. The major time consuming activity was getting Latitude and Longitude coordinated for every runway threshold for Kramax and then get similar positions for the GS aiming points for NavUtilities. Again, If I was any good at coding I could probably have made a utility to crunch the numbers. I also spent a lot of time actually flying the different missions with lots of different sized craft. I had to manually modify some of the flight plans as they sometimes flew me directly into the side of a mountain... but that was the fun bit
  3. First mod, first bug. The logo in the Agencies,cfg file is incorrect. Everything still works but the logo appears all white in the contracts window [sigh] The fix is already in GitHub if you want to go and get it manually. I'm checking out some other things first before I make a new release.
  4. My flight contract pack for Kerbin Side Remastered is now available on Space Dock: Kerbin Side Remastered GAP v1.0.0
  5. It's done. Current usable contracts: 88 of 88 planned. 1 Additional single run open the airport mission Top Secret Area 15 12 recurring flight missions Dununda Airport Round Range Airfield Nye Island Field Top Secret Area 15 Addition of new agencies for future missions rescues, none commercial flights, etc v1.0.0 Published on Space Dock - https://spacedock.info/mod/2573/Kerbin Side Remastered GAP checked the deploy to CKAN fingers crossed
  6. Current usable contracts: 75 of 88 planned. 9 recurring flight missions Kermundsen Research Station South Lake Airfield Hazard Shallows Naval Air Station
  7. The pylon connector only accepts hose-70 connections. You need to add a JS-1 Joint socket to one of the pylon's surfaces and then connect the winch's cable-35 connection to it.
  8. As long as we could anchor them to the ground, otherwise they will "roam". But that could be fun too
  9. I would probably de-orbit on the inclination and slow down my plane as it approached the equator then bank to 90 degrees along the equator and fly to KSC normally.
  10. Kerbal-Konstructs lets you create bases with those types of effects Kerbin Side Remastered includes several additional bases
  11. Current usable contracts: 66 of 88 planned. 6 recurring flight missions Uberdam Airfield Kamberwick Green Airfield
  12. In play testing, the #3 missions requiring 12-80 passengers can be a little much early in the tech tree so they have been modified to require that Heavy Aerodynamics be researched before they become active. This works in Stock and Community Tech Tree career modes. Actually: this will be changed to just the part MK3 Passenger Module part as this is the basic part to make a craft capable of flying up to 80 passengers, and it makes it compatible with pretty much any tech tree module.
  13. This is how "Kthulhu" gets summoned...
  14. The Wiki supports your intuition that a credit is probably acceptable (see: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kerbal_Space_Program_Wiki:Copyrights ) but that it is not a legal opinion. The EULA that covers the game (see: https://www.take2games.com/eula/ ) has a specific "USER CREATED CONTENT" section which details how you grant nearly complete rights to your content to the company absent a contract that states otherwise. I suspect that they would enforce if you attempted to monetize your creations. You are generally covered by copyright "fair use" (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use ) depending on these 4 factors;
  15. That may be related to a bug with Docking Port Jr. see: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/24435 I hardly ever use the Docking Port Jr pieces for anything I build so perhaps this explains why I haven't seen it happen to me.
  16. I've never really encountered that situation you describe. I usually set the priority of the vessel I want to be the primary name to 20 For other ships that connect to it I typically make the priority 10 For craft that might be attached already to one of the other ships I make the priority 5 For undocking I usually us a mod called The Undockinator;
  17. When several vessels are docked together the name of the total vessel changes to the highest priority name. (Example several ships docked to a station) when a vessel undocks it's name returns to the original value set in in the naming priority fields A more detailed explanation is here;
  18. Thanks. It's a nice plane to fly, one of the test models from KerbalX. This one by SpaceKraken - L-117 Visión - https://kerbalx.com/SpaceKraken/L-117-Vision
  19. It works with 1.10.1 fine as far as I can tell. It's pretty involved, but you can take things in small chunks. I did a lot of sandbox testing of stuff before I played with it in career mode and I spent a LOT of time reading the wiki and the forums. It seemed pretty daunting when I started, but not as much now. I enjoy the extra complexity a great deal, but I can see that it may not suit everyone's preferences.
  20. Took Jeb, Bill and Bob for a night on the town
  21. Flight advisory: So a funny thing happened on the way to the south pole.... because the Kermundsen base there is in such close proximity to the pole and the in-flight headings actually "flip" during flight, the settings for the mods Kramax Autopilot Continued and NavUtilities continued had to be fudge a bit. They sort of work, but the readouts they give while doing so often seem "reversed" . Make sure your camera is set to chase as the auto setting follows the heading changes even though you are flying level and it's a bit disorienting. Also, be warned, The Kraken lives here... things behave strangely and I've had planes simply fall out of the sky on approach. Your best bet is to fly under manual control and rely on visual positioning. RWY 19 is more forgiving than RWY 02 (and even these are fudged because for the majority of the inbound flight to both your heading is at 180 )
  22. Yes. You need to keep your default EVE configs though (in your case AVP). Just remove the EVE folder from GameData and replace it with the EVE Redux version
  23. Current usable contracts: 60 of 88 planned. 12 recurring flight missions Desert Airfield Polar Research Alpha South Field Airfield Harvester Airfield
  24. I downloaded the mks_1.3.0.zip from GitHub and compared it to my installed version and the CKAN cached version and they all appear to be the same https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/releases/tag/
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