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Everything posted by Grimmas

  1. This part tripped me up for an hour or so. Wouldn't work in Visual Studio no matter what I did. Even when trying to edit code from within Unity. Then I repaired my VS (2019 Community) installation, which nuked the VisualAssist and UE4 plugins but in exchange I finally got the Unity debugger option. Looks like one of those doesn't play nice with the Unity Tools plugin. I also got the warning from VS mentioned above, about how "this breakpoint won't be triggered" yada yada, but they actually triggered just fine (maybe VS gets confused because it's inside a dynamically loaded mod or w/e). Thanks for the detailed instructions, sarbian et al.
  2. Yea it's a known issue, if you check the last ten pages or so you'll see it mentioned a few times.
  3. The general case is this: software renderer or performance. Pick one. Can't have both, unless what you're rendering has the visual complexity of Doom (1993 version). KSP may not look fancy visually but it actually does a lot of fancy stuff under the hood, including IIRC rendering the planets at a reduced size in a separate scene which is then overlaid over the main scene. This kind of stuff needs raw GPU power. And that's long before we even bring Parallax into it.
  4. JC is for hiding parts from the parts list in VAB/SPH. It doesn't (or shouldn't) have the capability to hide buttons from the toolbar, last time I checked.
  5. I've never tried it but since it's just another resource I think you should be able to use a fuel valve to drain it.
  6. Most of the base parts from this mod are in structural or in utility. You should find the PT-SP100 Structural Support Unit in the structural category (sort by alphabet and scroll down). Edit: I recommend the Janitor Closet mod for cases like this, it has a function where you can just filter out all parts except for those from a certain mod.
  7. My level of involvement in this project is zero. I actually want to use FAR but had to uninstall it recently due to some really janky behavior. While I can do a PR, I can't in good conscience patch it without reproducing the issue first and making sure the fix works. And I haven't been able to reproduce it so far. I've tried with FAR+SSPX as that is the mod whose parts show up in your log but no dice. So it's likely that yet another mod is causing this incompatibility issue with FAR by patching the SSPX parts, but it's not clear to me which mod is responsible. Also the stuff I wrote above is just the obvious issue, there is a less obvious issue somewhere else that is causing the NaNs and is unrelated to the naked dictionary lookup (probably).
  8. I took a look but nothing stands out to me immediately, unfortunately. Maybe someone else will see something. But asteroids are another type of vessel in KSP so it would make sense that FAR tries to attach itself to them . Players do tend to drag asteroids into Kerbin's atmosphere occasionally :-)
  9. @mszegedy I think that particular exception you're seeing is probably related to this file on line 164. There is a naked usage of a dictionary key without making sure that the key actually exists in partWorldToLocalMatrixDict. It would be better to make sure that the key exists first - an example of that is even further above in the code on lines 148-150.
  10. I think we can all agree that Kerbin's space program is much superior to the Soviet and US one. Well, maybe not all - the RO/RSS crowd may have their own take on that
  11. What I was trying to do was praise him for making CTB and point out that it is decidedly NOT a waste of space, but it seems my intent was lost in translation since all you guys got out of it is 'the other mod also helps - the modder' and 'go complain to the other modders'. Sheesh.
  12. Do you guys see any exception spam in the logs? Often when a mod goes into a loop spamming exceptions, the excessive amount of sudden disk writes (logging) will cause such noticeable slowdowns.
  13. I don't find ToolbarController very useful since I only use the stock toolbar, but there is no question whatsoever that ClickThroughBlocker is absolutely awesome and helpful in any mod with a UI, including this one. My only gripe with it is that not all other mods use it - If I had a cent for every time I clicked through the NFT interfaces in VAB and completely messed up my design, I could already retire.
  14. You need to keep USI Core and USI Tools, the rest should be safe to remove. Edit: You also should keep CCK and CRP of course. And I think that some of the other mods including MKS depend on Firespitter for the switch code so you need to keep Firespitter also, at least the dll (you can delete the Firespitter parts and assets and should have no problems).
  15. There is no way to do that. Well technically there is - you can edit all WOLF parameters directly in the save game file. But there is no way to do it from inside the game. You can change the resources being sent on a route, but you can't delete the route itself. You'll need to build out more TC infrastructure if you need more TC.
  16. The Space Dust patches are already in the repo, just not part of a release yet. If you want to play with them you can grab all the configs here and replace the ones in your install.
  17. Open source engines are not some sort of panacea. Lack of licensing costs is a very small consideration when making a professional game (it is a much bigger consideration for indies of course). There are other hidden costs. And game developers usually are not in the business of pushing an FSF FLOSS agenda - they just want to make great games and get rich doing so :-) When picking an engine or deciding to roll your own, the more interesting considerations are proven track record of commercially successful released games, availability of paid support, availability of free support, community size, a robust toolchain (including various editors, 3dmax/maya/blender exporters, etc), engine feature set (ie support for the latest goodies, today I guess that's PBR, ray tracing, and fur shaders?), and the availability of developers familiar with the engine (you don't want to train people to use it if you can hire someone who is already proficient with it).
  18. If you paint it red instead of green it would totally look like Stellaris Contingency
  19. Janitor's Closet works for me too, I've been using it for a while. Though the PermaPrune function is not that great since it doesn't check whether the part is currently in use on any vessel before it gets pruned, and because it's an 'all or nothing' deal that renames all parts that are fully blocked, and won't let you pick and choose. JC is more useful for cutting down on part list clutter, for the great filter functionality, and for its ability to tell you which part came from which mod.
  20. I would say it's unlikely, but if you compare the minimum recommended GPU from the OP with the GPU that is integrated into your CPU, you'll see they are actually not very different although your integrated GPU still falls short, in some categories by a lot. So it may work, barely, though I doubt it will look good. Why don't you install it and give it a try? The worst that can happen is that you'll have to uninstall it again. Back up your save first, just in case, though Parallax should have no permanent effect on the save file.
  21. God but why... Ugh. OK in that case let me revise that statement, if you know the assets aren't needed then it's better to delete the assets too.
  22. That's how WOLF works. The vessel, including all parts, all resources, and all kerbals on it, are destroyed. This way they no longer consume any valuable processing time and do not take up any space in your save. WOLF is an abstract representation of your industry development, it is basically just a small list of numbers per WOLF biome, which is much simpler to process. If you want bases that stay around you can use the default MKS chains instead. But after you build enough of them, you will see noticeable performance drops and at that point you'll consider WOLF since it removes the vessels. No vessels = no performance issues. Basically, WOLF is an end-game solution for end-game lag in large MKS bases.
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