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Everything posted by Jacktical

  1. Wow! How did you make a legless superheavy? And did you actually manage to catch the booster? Cause if so that's insane!
  2. The front actuating fins are a lot darker (heatshieldless side) than the rest of the starship, on the 'release candidate' I'm not sure if this is a bug or intentional so I thought I'd point it out
  3. When we see BN2 take shape, will you be making a superheavy prototype like starship? It would be quite nice to see!
  4. Wasn't trying to sound inpatient, I was referring to how other people have said (below) This made me think that they had maybe seen a model. Sorry if my phrasing made it seem like I expected to see models, I meant it in more of a technical issue of me not being able to see images, as opposed to impatience
  5. Are there images of the models you have been making? Because if so I haven't been seeing them
  6. Key word in his comment is "hopefully", nothing is set in stone
  7. Hey! Little idea to maybe have an avionics unit that is solid white (see the SRB on the left) Would be nice to see this, also loving the look of the starliner, probably the best looking model for ksp I've seen
  8. Poglyus is looking great! Also I really liked what you wrote for the description, thanks a lot!
  9. External parts? That would be cool to see! (If that isn't the extra bits your talking about )
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