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  1. hey. is there any chance we could get an attach node on the side of the general swing arms (where the umbilical's are) (if the umbilical's option is set to none) where we could attach the drop umbilical's for customized layouts? if that didnt make sense, i can send a drawing on a screenshot
  2. any chance we get more hole size options on the launch plates? so for example use a size 2 plate but have a hole that's the size of the one on the size 3 plate.
  3. can we get an update with ariane 6 parts?
  4. I know there's the a vertical test stand already but could we get a one where we just attach an engine to it (like the horizontal one)?
  5. hum, i don't see that option https://imgur.com/a/SrzNGnU, https://imgur.com/a/abI709j maybe i have something set up wrong but i don't think so (copy of player log file) https://www.dropbox.com/s/y2wewv4uhhvv7zi/KSP.log?dl=0 also, in the system will they still show up like in the pics once i put them in the inventory?
  6. can we get an iva for the spacelab European research module, and free iva support for all parts that have an iva?
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