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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. Should be fine. Looks like you’re using the default config though. I personally recommend AVP.
  2. What are the inspirations for these? I think one of them is the GPHS.
  3. I think we all need to know more @Rocketsciences101
  4. Most of the money wasn’t spent by his administration. He’s only been the administrator for just under a year. There’s no way they’re going to terminate SLS at this phase of development
  5. To play career with RO you need to use the RP-1 mod.
  6. I ignore your weird quantum hill and build my own, normal hill. My totally normal hill.
  7. BUt how can i do this? Clickety click!
  8. Given that the thrust persists through time warp, the mod is very strangely called “Persistent Thrust”
  9. I, um, built an aircraft. It can go over 1000kmh!
  10. @DeddlyDepends on how much money you have. How do you catch a mouse?
  11. I take the rubble from you nuking the hill to build a new hill. my crumbly hill
  12. After the latest update they have been moved to the extras folder. Take the “StationPartsExpansionIVAs” folder and put it in your Gamedata
  13. I bribe CNSA to drop a stage on Jeb and his starships. They explode. my hill
  14. Then why pollute this thread? If you want to use KSPIE, make your own space race.
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