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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. nope. it is included in SSPXR by default since the 2.0.0 update
  2. This one: https://science.nasa.gov/science-pink/s3fs-public/atoms/files/Neptune Odyssey.pdf
  3. I say yes on HDR. Looks fantastic.
  4. @KSPStar Think you can Kerbalize Mr. Spiff from my profile picture?
  5. I think there may be a slight typo in the title, or you’ve packaged a new version of KSP along with the mod!
  6. I think that could be a good opportunity to eat some stuff that you can brag about! Like say, a ghost pepper!
  7. @adsii1970I personally like the latter, but I've heard lots of praise for the former. What is a cat?
  8. Yep, that’s how I did my first launch! It’s a lesson learned from RP-1
  9. @The Doodling AstronautInventions fired man What is the worst invention ever?
  10. Yay! That worked! Anyways: Nacho Average Space Program: Entry 1 Launch 1 -Success A basic sounding rocket to get some science and complete the "First Launch" and reaching space objectives. Launch 2 - Success First orbit and a weirdly shaped scientific satellite. Did a little science thing on the launchpad. Launch 3 - Failure Attempt at a scientific sat and first orbital return Launch 4 - Success Modified the launch vehicle to be more stable; That's all I've got for today. All of the Gael orbit objectives complete! Next up, Iota!
  11. Default scatterer configs get me this: (sandbox btw) My first report will just be hideous I guess
  12. The last episodes of Brooklyn 99 are releasing this Thursday, September 9th, or, 9/9!
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