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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. He’s to busy helping stars to answer that. @Apelsin
  2. But with a default dark mode! I use @HebaruSan's dark mode thing.
  3. Yep. Just got the negative result back this morning. @Gargamel how’s it going?
  4. I think people don't know what the IRC chat is. They probably click on, and then do what you described above. Then they just leave because they don't know what's going on.
  5. Well, in the vein of possible COVID, today I received an email from my school, telling me that they had contact-traced, and that I had been in close proximity with a confirmed COVID diagnosis. I've had the vaccine, and at the moment I feel fine, but I've yet to get tested. Here's hoping I didn't catch anything.
  6. @Nertea How does this compare to the implementation in Waterfall?
  7. @HebaruSanit could be marked as compatible with 1.11.2 and below. Or incompatible with 1.12
  8. Are you 100% sure you have the right branch? https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/tree/apollo-saturn-revamp/Gamedata/Bluedog_DB/Parts/Engines because it looks like the new stuff is there
  9. You should get all of the purpose-built RO mods. ROEngines, ROTanks, ROCapsules, and ROSolar. That’ll have most everything you need to make whatever you want.
  10. I can only assume that this means being a moderator requires being a
  11. Press of several keys and the track pad on my computer
  12. Follow on lander proposals for after the initial few rounds of landing, the landers will be disposed for the early missions. These will be reused. (I think)
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