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Everything posted by AmateurAstronaut1969

  1. Does anyone Know some Good Planetary Base Mods? I've Tried MKS/UKS, but Really don't Like the Textures (Sorry Roverdude No offence) and Don't Really Want to use USI Life Support. I've also Tried Kerbal Planetary Base Systems and also Don't like the textures (Again, no Offence Nill277) I am using SSPXR, but want to know if there is another mod for good looking, Planetary Bases. ( Preferably In a Stockalike or Restockalike Style ) I know i'm Being Very picky, but I just want to know If the Community knows anything Thanks!
  2. Ok? Ok to what? Making the Mod? Something Else?
  3. What does the KSP Mod File Localiser .dll do, and is it required for the mod?
  4. So No Sustainable Crewed Stations? (Also I Tried to Edit the first Post and add the Quote, but accidentally made a new post. Sorry! )
  5. I Know this Mod Fits In With USI, Life Support, But will it Work With Kerbalism?
  6. Can Kerbalism Create Sustainable Planetary and Orbital Bases (Can You generate Food, Water and Oxygen Sustainably On the Surface Of A Planet or On an Orbiting Station without Constant Micromanagement/Constant Cargo Resupply Missions?)
  7. Yes Thanks - The 2nd and 1st Are Perfect Cheers
  8. Sorry, so is This to Replace EVE (Delete EVE and Install This Performance EVE) or To Replace Configs (Delete BoulderCO and Install Performance EVE) Also is It Compatible With Spectra?
  9. Yes I have ALCOR! Those are the Exact type Of Legs I am Looking for, However, I dont believe they are in the ALCOR mod, all that the mod has is the Capsule and the External Camera Oh wait ive Found them now. thanks They Look Great
  10. Hi I know its a Big ask, but is there any mod developers Interested in Making some Larger Landing Legs? I Know there is Mods Like KRE, but the landing legs on that are Designed for Boosters, and don't work as Well for landers. I Have Four Or Five Types of Legs in Mind: - Medium Legs based off the Martians Ares Landers ( there is a mod with these, but I was talking to the Dev about them not Folding away Enough to Reasonably Put in a Fairing ) - Medium/Large Legs Based Off the National Teams ILV - Small/Medium Legs Based off The LM Descent Stage - Possibly a Set of Landing Legs That Extend out of a Heatshield (Not like The Dragon Concept, like the NASA Space Exploration Initiative Lander from 1989) in Multiple Sizes. - Large Base Legs for Building Surface Bases, Preferably Something Big Enough To Extend Below Nertea's Stockalike Station Parts Inflatable Habitats. I Know its a Large Request, But if anyone would be interested in doing this, I would Appreciate it a whole lot! Also, If anyone knows any good mods that Add Similar Legs, or Others Like it, Please let me Know! Thanks Again
  11. Is this Still a Problem And By the Way, This Mod Keeps On surprising me, The Orion is SO Much better, And with an IVA! My Friend - You have Once again Outdone Yourself, Congrats
  12. Alright, Thanks Anyway I can Probably Use a Hinge To Fold the Legs Up Higher, so I’ll all be mostly Ok thanks Again
  13. Hi Minor Complaint and Request here ( Sorry ) Would You Be able make it a Selectable Retraction Length for the Legs, as When they Retract, they are Larger than about 6.5m, and that’s not even on the mods Lander Base, that’s on a 2.5m tank this Makes them hard to Store and Fairings just look Stupid as An example, the Mod Near Future Launch Vehicles had a 7.5m Cargo Bay, and On the Lander Base, The Legs don’t even fit in it - Extended or Retracted please Do Something!!!
  14. Hi I’m just Wondering If you are planning to have The NFS support RPM, MAS and ASET I saw a Few WIP pictures With them, but can’t find anything else on them thanks
  15. Two Questions please. 1- Do mods like KSC extended work, or does the larger Kerbin Mess Them Up? 2- Do the Textures Get stretched out, making Planets and Moons look very Low Quality? thanks
  16. Yeah I saw the screens, but on the screenshots folder I couldn’t see rings, so I (Stupidly) Assumed that it didn’t have any. sorry lmao
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