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Everything posted by AmateurAstronaut1969

  1. Artemis II - 5th February 1998The Artemis program test flight All up testing Issued in 1993, the contract for the Artemis landers went out to Boeing, having recently acquired the Grumman corporation who designed the LM. The design, as similar to the LM it was, was different in many ways. The descent stage for example had to preform the crewed landings, and cargo landings, meaning it needed it's own flight control computers, attitude control system, gyroscopes etc. This was all relatively straightforward however, the difficult part was the surface habitat. The problem was that the 9t of mass allocated for the surface habitat could only get the crew roughly 70 cubic meters of space, a space that would be cramped, need extensive use of multi-use space, and wouldn't allow for anything aside basic occupation. Figure 1 below shows the Design reference habitat: However, with recent leaps forward in Kevlar and other such woven composites, a team of engineers proposed reducing the fixed hab space to 60 cubic meters, and rotating it to a squat, vertical cylinder. With that extra mass, they proposed they could create a ''loft'', a deployable inflatable habitat, to be used for crew quarters and wardroom space, with a whole extra 60 cubic meters of space. Figure 2 below shows this upgraded habitat. This immediately caught traction with the main Artemis surface team, as it could solve the problems of the Hab. A small subscale demonstrator was created and tested in vacuum chambers in 1997, which proved the design worked in space. With the main design then chosen, the team got to work designing a full flight article for Artemis II, known as the Artemis program test flight. Late Jan 1998, Artemis II rolls out to launch complex 39 On the pad, Artemis II prepares for liftoff, Feb 5th 1998 Tank pressure nominal Launch commit Liftoff The centre core throttles down to reduce the G load during Max-Q and to conserve fuel for once the boosters separate Good visual indication of S-IG separation Fairing release, exposing the Cargo lander stack Stage separation and S-IVC ignition Separation from the S-IVC, just shy of orbit, leaving Pegasus to complete orbital insertion This mission carries a docking adapter between the Lander and the Pegasus, something which isn't planned for use on Artemis cargo lander flights. This is in order to test the LPAS (Large Payload Attachment System) which will join the Pegasus and the crew stack on later missions. In order to test it, the lander and Pegasus will undock, move away different differences and redock with a variety of speeds, lighting conditions and angles, in order to prove the LPAS in space. Undocking After a day of repeating this, the lander goes for one final test... Successful redocking After verifying the LPAS, Artemis II is cleared for TLI, sending it on a trajectory similar to a Lunar insertion, however it will not be going to the moon. RL-10 performance nominal The Pegasus is ow dumped through pyrotechnic separators as it would be during a normal mission The engineers wait anxiously as the loft begins to inflate So far, no leakages have been detected To test a full descent stage burn, the Lander changes it's orbital inclination up and down by 7 degrees, using it's different engine modes - 3 for LOI and descent, 1 for final descent and 2 for if the centre engine fails. At earth Apogee, the Lander preforms a final burn to send it into the atmosphere, just as the Pegasus did after separation Arriving at earth after a week of testing alone in orbit, the Engineers have verified the lander and are happy for it to be disposed of. Particular care was taken to monitoring the loft, and the Artemis surface team are happy with it, letting in little radiation, and holding itself against the vacuum of space incredible well. Preparing to enter Earth's atmosphere
  2. Sorry for taking so long between posts, I've had Artemis II done for over a week, I just couldn't be bothered to type it up. It should be up later hopefully
  3. 1. Pegasus doesn’t wait long, only a day or so. It’s not too much boiloff. 2. You’ll see in a few posts time the full stack. As we stand, Artemis II will maybe be up tomorrow, Artemis III soon after, and then Artemis IV will be the first landing. 3. Yes, the crews sit “eyes out” like in Apollo Venus or Constellation. It actually isn’t bad for the crew, the G force isn’t too much
  4. No, it’s nothing like irl Artemis actually. If you want to read it in detail, check the ETS page here, but since that’s spread over many posts and chapters, I’ll summarise it here. Launch 1 - Cargo lander + Pegasus, 6 months before main mission Launch 2 - Pegasus Launch 3 - Apollo & Lander, rendezvous with Pegasus and go to the moon Apollo doesn’t wait in NRHO, like irl with Orion, but at L2, where JWST is currently.
  5. Pegasus first flight - 10th October 1997Giving wings to the Artemis program Pegasus ECUS The ECUS (Exploration Cryogenic Upper Stage) is an essential part of the Artemis program, being the stage which sends all the mission components from LEO to the moon. During it's development, bidding took place between McDonell Douglass, planning for a 6.6m diameter stage, similar to the S-IVB, and Northrop, who recently acquired General Dynamics and was planning on upscaling their Centaur. McDonell's bid was more expensive, as it required advanced tooling and extra dry mass to produce their inverted bulkhead. Despite it yielding a higher preforming stage, NASA eventually chose Northrop's bid, a 5.5m stage, which was named Pegusas as it gave wings to the Artemis program. Now, almost half a decade later, Pegasus is preparing to fly, launching partially fuelled on a Saturn M02 and inserting itself into a Heliocentric orbit. Launch commit and liftoff! Pegasus pressurisation nominal We have J-2 chilldown, 43 seconds to sep We have good indication of Stage Separation Pegasus is exposed to the vacuum of space Nominal orbit achieved, commencing Pegasus separation After testing systems in LEO, the RL10's ignite to send Pegasus into a Heliocentric orbit Cuttoff With it's tanks fully drained, Pegasus cruises into deep space
  6. Great thanks man. I'm an academic person really, so it wasn't too big of a fuss. The real impact was mentally tho, I really didn't expect how stressful and stuff it'd be. I'm good now tho
  7. Robotic arm is HabTech sorry I’m not publishing a mod list, it’s too much effort because I have probably over 100 for version, I use 1.11.2, it’s the most stable for me
  8. Wow, been looking forward to this for a long time. Great job man. Screenshots coming soon!
  9. Hey everyone, just thought I’d give you an update. As it stands, I have like a week and a half left of exams, then I’m free. Once that’s over, I’ll be waiting for Rogerwang86’s new Altair to come out, as he’s making an ETS version. After, that, missions should start again
  10. Ah thanks. British exams are much different though ha, they’re many times harder than the American equivalent, and they’re taken 2 years earlier. We also don’t get retakes either. I’ll be fine though, I’m get good grades and I’ve been preparing all year for this. I’m just exited to return to Artemis after
  11. Hi guys, I should probably have said last week, but Artemis is stopping for the near future. I’ve got important exams for the next 7 weeks basically I haven’t had much time to play amongst all the revision. So posts will stop until the end of June, after which, I’ll try and do this whole thing over the summer. Cool? Awesome!
  12. Tweakscale, and It's closer to like 4.2m. Challenger was essentially Skylab - It was close to it's size but instead of being a reused stage, It's an actual station module
  13. Freedom Expedition 32 - 30th September 1996 It's a test...still a test! Crewed Block V After the successful launch of Artemis 1 back in March, the Apollo block V system has been fully fully crew rated and verified. Before crewed flights for the Artemis program begin, a full manned test of the block V must be done. Expedition 32 will carry the new Apollo spacecraft to Freedom, along with a block IV mission module for a 2 week test flight. The crew chosen to fly on the new spacecraft are: - Commander, Michael Lawson - A veteran of the Freedom program, and his last spaceflight - Pilot, Natalie Duncan - The first woman to graduate NASA's pilot training scheme The crew will use their two weeks aboard Freedom to film the movie ''The dream is alive'' using an IMAX camera system brought up aboard the Crew module The crew board their Saturn M02, ready to launch in a matter of hours Liftoff! Passing through Max-Q ''Expedition 32, you are go for staging!'' ''Copy that Houston'' Successful staging Nominal orbital insertion, prepare for spacecraft separation Block V spreads it's wings Mission module extraction After 15 hours, Block V approaches Freedom Docking confirmed After 14 days, the crew wrap-up filming and depart from the Station Mission module jettison Apollo preforms it's deorbit burn and prepares for SM separation Gasses begin to compress around the CM and generate heat Drogue chute deployment Mains drawn The crew splashdown safely only 2 kilometres from the target zone, close to the coast of Hawaii Apollo Block V is now certified for Crewed flight, a major step in the Artemis program. Block V spacecraft will soon replace Block IV spacecraft, transporting crew to both Freedom and the moon!
  14. Honestly, I love the design of Kratos, it’s really cool, one of the best custom vehicles I’ve seen in KSP - seriously!
  15. Well Lagrange points don’t work in KSP without Principia, but I’m just gonna park Apollo in a high lunar orbit to simulate the high orbit of L2 . I’ve tested it out and it works, and I managed to get a rendezvous almost immediately so it’s good
  16. Thanks! ETS never actually showed a Mars mission, however part of Artemis was almost like Artemis In our timeline, the unofficial goal was preparing for Mars
  17. Btw, I just thought I’d say, it’s better to view on desktop, the structure is a bit messed up on mobile I think, or is it alright?
  18. Artemis 1 - 5th March 1996 All great things have to start somewhere Apollo Block V Back in 1973, engineers at North American Rockwell worked hard to remove everything an Apollo CSM would need for lunar flights, creating the perfect LEO taxi, the Block III. Now, for Artemis, NAR once again has to reequip Apollo for Lunar flights. The block V CSM, as it is known, replaces the heavy batteries for lighter solar arrays, ensuring the CSM can spend long times in orbit powered. It's antenna system has been upgraded, and It's heatshield beefed up to it's former glory. Finally, the Block IV pressure vessel has been optimised to use space more efficiently and free up room for more propellant. The Block V will wait for Astronauts at the L2 Lagrange point, far out in a high lunar orbit, enabling an 'anytime return' for it's crew launching from the lunar surface. Because of this, it will have to spend long amounts of time uncrewed waiting patiently for it's crew's return. By the mid 1990's Artemis hardware had left design and began production and testing, and by March 1996, the first flightworthy block V was ready for testing. The mission plan will be similar to Apollo 4 - The block V will launch uncrewed on a Saturn M02 rocket into orbit. Since the mission isn't carrying a mission module, the leftover performance in the S-IVB will be used to boost the spacecraft into an eccentric orbit. Once the spacecraft has separated and it's systems verified, it will fire it's main engine until depletion so it's orbit crosses and exceeds the moon's orbit, which will mirror the lunar return it will have to make crewed. March 5th 1996 - Artemis 1 prepares for liftoff at 10:55am local time. Camera technology has improved very noticeably since the first launches of the Freedom program Engine ignition Liftoff of Artemis 1! T+30s performance is nominal Approaching separation Onboard cameras capture the departing S-IVB J-2S cutoff - the stack now cruises for nearly 2 orbits whilst systems are checked for the departure burn Ignition! Engine cutoff Block V separation Apollo spreads it's wings once again SPS ignition Apollo cruises further away from Earth than it has been in almost 30 years Cameras on the outside and in the windows of Block V capture views of itself in the dark of space NASA opts to land the CM in the middle of the night, reassuring fears about a worst case scenario landing, and reassuring that a return in the night is possible A new skip reentry profile will be used, in which two passes will be used - one to slow the initial velocity, and 'bounce' the CM up, and a second and final reenrty further downrange Drogue chute deploy Main chutes deployed Splashdown! This is just the first step of many, the first of the steps that will return humanity to the moon, to stay!
  19. Here’s a little teaser of what I’ve been working on I meant to post the first mission today, but I’ve been quite busy, so hopefully we can start tomorrow
  20. Hi everyone. Freedom is now complete, there is nothing else to add. Thanks for supporting this thread and enjoying the missions, this will be my last post here. I’ve migrated over to my new project, recreating ETS Artemis. If you would like to check that out, look no further than here Ad Astra!
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