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Everything posted by AmateurAstronaut1969

  1. Columbus, the European Laboratory. Europe has had a major role in American Spaceflight since the end of the Apollo program. Firstly, wanting to send more than one Astronaut every few missions to Spacelab, the ESA developed the Block III+ mission module, a living space for the crew in orbit, much like on the Soyuz. This allowed crews of 5 to be launched in an Apollo capsule without being extremely cramped. Then, Europe contributed the European Research Module (ERM) to Spacelab, a large module designed to extend the internal volume of Spacelab by a large amount, whilst providing a laboratory for the crew to do experiments and science inside. Finally, NASA asked ESA to join the Freedom project. Under this, they were to construct a module for Space Station Freedom, a new, larger mission module for the Apollo block IV, and a resupply craft, named the Minotaur. The Columbus module is of a similar construction to destiny, however, it has large mounts on its forward bulkhead for large science experiments and research. Columbus is the last module in Phase 1 of Freedom’s construction. Once it’s docked, Freedom will be able to support a crew of 10 Astronauts aboard. This is Freedom’s IOC - Initial Operational Capacity. However Phase 2 Of Freedoms Expansion will add 3 more modules, and two extra solar array segments, extending Freedom to it’s FOC - Full Operational Capacity - of 15 Astronauts. Despite it being a European contribution to Freedom, Columbus is launched on a Saturn M02 from the Cape, as any current European rockets aren’t capable of lifting such a payload. Instead, Columbus was flown to the States and Integrated in the VAB. July 1989; Pad 39-B, Early Evening. The Saturn sits Fuelling on the pad 10...9...8 - Command Engine Start... ...3...2...1, Holddowns released- Liftoff The vehicle is passing through the cloud layer Passing through Max-Q Thrust is Nominal Saturn Enters the Twilight Approaching MECO Stage Separation, confirmed J-2 Ignition Nominal J-2 Performance Sinking back over the horizon SECO on the S-IVB, attitude hold SLA Panel Jettison Separation of Columbus Columbus now coasts for a couple of days In order freedom to catch up with it and dock. Approaching Freedom Columbus now Targets Docking point 02 (DP2), on the opposite side of the station to Docking Point 01 (DP1). Once lined up at DP2, Columbus can preform the flyaround and target Unity’s Portside Docking node. Columbus is lined up and targeting its port - It has to closely fly by the P1 Truss segment, hence the 2nd Axis of rotation has been disabled on both Solar Segments for this docking Soft Capture! ...and, Hard capture! Phase one of Expansion has been completed on Freedom Freedom looks closer to complete than it ever has before! Thanks for Reading everyone! Freedom Expedition 02 will be coming in a day or so. Currently, the mission info is: Spacecraft: “Pilgrim” - Apollo Block IV Commander: Jingle Kerman Pilot: EM Kerman Mission Specialist: Adrian Kerman Mission Specialist: Emillius Kerman Mission Specialist: Maria Kerman (ESA)
  2. Okay so Columbus will be coming later today. I was really tired last night and I decided to go to bed instead of uploading it. See you later!
  3. S1 Truss Segment. The S1 Truss segment is the next part needed to complete the initial Integrated Truss Structure of Freedom. It will be mounted on the Starboard side of the S0 Segment, opposite to the P1 Segment. When both Solar arrays are up and running, Freedom will have more than enough electrical power to support its initial operational capacity (IOC), which will be achieved a month after this launch, with the launch of the European Research Module, Columbus. The S1 segment also hosts the large tracking radiators and the smaller fixed radiator in order to keep the station from overheating and keep its insides at an optimal temperature. June 1989 The Saturn H03 sits on the pad ahed of its 4th launch, with the H03 alone weighing 1.8 million kg. Fuel begins to top-off the tanks a couple of minutes before launch... The S-IF clamps release at 27s... Hold-downs release, and Liftoff! The Vehicle begins to roll to its flight azimuth. The vehicle begins its pitch program Passing through Max-Q Booster Cores are a minute away from Burnout Approaching Burnout... Separation! MECO Separation, J-2 Ignition Fairing Jettison Approaching S-IVC Burnout S1 Separation The Spacecraft now coasts for a couple of days as it corrects its course and slowly approaches freedom. S1 Approaches Freedom from Docking Point 01 - An invisible point directly behind the station where vehicles can approach the station, stop and target their port. Departing from Docking Point 01, S1 Begins the flyaround to line it up with the S0 Truss 20m 10m out 5m out Hard capture from the Truss locking mechanism Pyrotechnic separation of the AARDV Tug. The Next day, the Crew prepare for EVA 06 (I’ll include a list of all Freedom’s EVA’s at the end), to connect up S1 to Freedom, preparing for the deployment of its Arrays. Folding up Challenger’s Starboard Array Connecting up the Truss 3 days and 2 EVA’s later... Radiator Deployment Full array deployment, Secondary axis tracking, and Radiator Tracking Freedom looks a bit more complete now, doesn’t it? AARDV Deorbit and Destruction Thanks for reading guys! As I promised, a comprehensive list of all Freedom’s EVA’s so far EVA-01 - November 1988. Outfitting Challenger, Preparing for the Docking of Unity EVA-02 - January 1989 - Preparing for the docking of the Port 1 Truss EVA-03A - January 1989 - Folding in Challenger’s portside array, Connecting P1 to S0 EVA-03B - January 1989 - Connecting P1 up to the Station EVA-04 - May 1989 - Preparing for the Docking of Discovery EVA-05 - May 1989 - Connecting Discovery up to the Station - Activating Science experiments. EVA-06 - June 1989 - Preparing for the Docking of S1 EVA-07A - June 1989 - Folding in Challenger’s Starboard array, Connecting S1 to S0 EVA-07B - June 1989 - Connecting S1 up to the Station (Future) EVA-08 - July 1989 - Preparing for the Docking of Columbus EVA-09 - July 1989 - Connecting Columbus up to the Station - Activating Science experiments. Thanks so much man. I love all the support This series is getting, it makes me proud of my work - Thanks so much everyone
  4. US Laboratory, Discovery May 1989 The US Laboratory, Informally called ‘Discovery’ is the main laboratory for space station Freedom, however, Unlike the similar module of Destiny from our timeline, it isn’t the functional centre of the Station/the US Segment. Discovery is much different as all the life support hardware that would have been located on its 23 internal racks, the hardware is inside its core; Challenger. Instead, Discovery functions as a research centre. It has the space for lots of internal research, with most of its experiments being constantly switched in and out, being delivered on crew or cargo flights, and returning in the Apollo capsules or in an ESA Minotaur. It also has external pallets for mounting experiments to, of which many were launched up with Discovery. Discovery is launched on a Saturn M02, using its own OMS thrusters to rendezvous with Freedom (Side note - That was a mistake on my part, I assumed that the modules were delivered by AARDV tugs’s however, only the Truss segments are), and will dock to Unity’s Starboard port. Launch Complex 39-B... Late Afternoon: ...3...2...1...Release, Release- Liftoff! “The vehicle is passing through the point of maximum aerodynamic pressure” “Approaching Core Burnout” “We have confirmed Separation of the S-IVB from the S-IF first stage...and we have J-2 Ignition” “The J-2 has had a nominal ignition and is burning at 100% thrust” “Approaching burnout” “Nominal Orbit Insertion” “SLA Panel Jettison” “Discovery separation...OMS thrusters Confirmed to be functioning Nominally” Now In orbit, Discovery completes a series of small burns to raise its orbit, coast closer to Freedom, and change its orbit to rendezvous. 2 days later... Discovery inches closer to Freedom, 100m out, it parks, and performs the flyaround to target the Starboard port of Unity. Now lined up with Unity, Discovery begins its approach. Discovery slows down to less than 1m/s for the docking, and its Soft capture ring deploys. Freedom sits as a Monolith in Orbit above the Earth... Next Time - S1 Truss segment A little teaser maybe? Thanks for reading everyone, see you soon!
  5. US Laboratory, Discovery, from Space station Freedom - @Zorg’s great new SIM bay and Skylab science parts look amazing for external science on the module! Also, Saturn H03 Kitbash - Using the LDC parts for the S-IVC Tank extension. Talking about the Saturn H03 / Multibody. When the ETS parts get made, will the S-IVC be a separate tank extension like last time, because I think it makes more sense just to have one long tank, that way you can match up all the piping. Also, will the S-1F cores be SOFI, or will they be an Atlas V like material like they are supposed to be (I believe)? I know this is all in the future, but I’m just wondering
  6. God I love the new Saturn parts! Can't wait for the historical stuff to be finished so we can get the new ETS stuff! Saturn M02 Crew A little teaser for the next launch of my space station Freedom replica...The US Laboratory, Discovery, coming later today.
  7. Hey everyone! The next mission should be up in a few days. Sorry I haven’t posted anything this last week. I’ve just started school again, the Computer is being a bit temperamental and I did a little bit of an update to freedom with the new Saturn parts. Here’s some pictures: And let’s throw in some new Apollo action because that’s always hot
  8. Good idea, but I’m recreating the eyes turned skywards Alt history, and it had a shortened SM with less fuel, the LM APS instead of the Apollo SPS, and batteries instead of a fuel cell Maybe, I’ve played around with it before. It’s somewhat similar to the new parts, but different in a few ways
  9. A few things to show off, all using @Pioneer_Steve’s Amazing TUFX Configs. Apollo 15 SIM bay Showoff Apollo block IV upgrade So as some of you may know, I’m recreating Space Station Freedom from ETS. It’s not the best time as all the new Saturn parts are coming out, but I’m not bothered. After playing with the new capsule, I can’t go back to using the old one, so until we get a block III service module made, I’m using this: The Frankencapsule!
  10. Okay little Update Ive taken the last few days off from Freedom to play with the new Saturn parts. And I’ve decided that I’m gonna switch as much as I can to them. So the rockets will change Diameter and the S-IVB will be different. And also I’ve decided that I’m switching the Apollo CSM over to the new parts. However, there isn’t a new Block III SM right now, so I’m gonna have to make a frankencapsule of sorts and mix the new parts with the old SM. I’ve looked at it, and it’s actually alright, so I think I’m gonna do that until the new SM is made.
  11. Thanks so much everyone for firstly coming here and supporting this endeavour, but secondly, for nominating me for thread of the month. This is just mental, and I am over the moon right now that people appreciate my work so much. You guys are amazing! Enjoy the rest of your day everyone, and see you soon
  12. Wow I never expected this at all. I just wanna say thank you to the people who nominated my thread, I hope you have some idea of how pleased and how happy this has made me. It’s nice to see the work you put in pay out Congrats to all the other winners aswell
  13. Hi everyone! Small update here. This isn’t exactly related to Freedom, but already after a day, I think I’ve improved my Screenshots tenfold. Take a look at this! I hope you’re all as Chuffed to bits as I am! I’m really looking forward it the next mission now
  14. Oh thanks. I think I’m still gonna change the style up a bit. Alverro’s TUFX is overrated and I’m bored of it. I’m trying a few new things. Hopefully the next mission will look much cooler
  15. Freedom Expedition 2 April 1989 With Freedom expedition 1 being up at the station for almost six months now, it's due time for Freedom's first crew rotation. The Crew of Freedom's second expedition consists of: -Commander Truthful Kerman -Pilot Talv Kerman -Mission Specialist Kolbie Kerman -Mission Specialist Volvical Kerman -Mission Specialist (ESA) Evan Kerman Despite Challenger's enormous size, Freedom is still below it's initial operational capacity (IOC), and can only host one crew at a time, therefore, Expedition 1 will depart later the same month. The Main Objectives of Freedom Expedition 2 are to: -Maintain the station in an Operational state. -Host the docking of the US laboratory 'Discovery', the European laboratory 'Columbus' , the S1 Truss segment, Expedition 3, and Expedition 4 -Outfit the interior and exterior of the new modules with the required hardware -Achieve IOC with Expedition 3 -Stay on the Station for 6 months -Return safely Cape Kennedy, Pad 39-A Freedom Expedition fuels up at dusk, preparing for it's mission later that night. 1:23am, T-10,9,8...We Have F1-A Ignition... ...3,2,1...Hold-downs released, and Liftoff! The Saturn's Plume as it lights the sky ablaze Saturn Passing through the cloud layer Throttling down the F1-A before burnout Confirmed Stage Separation, and J-2 Ignition... Nominal J-2 Thrust Level "Houston, We have LES Jettison" "Confirmed SECO, and...Nominal J-2 Shutdown" The S-IVB is oriented into it's hold attitude for Extraction and Transposition Images from the Apollo Docking Camera And images from the Mission Module Camera Extraction Confirmed Apollo Preforming the "Fly around" to Unity's Forward docking node On Approach Hard Capture Confirmed! Late April 1989 - Expedition 1 Undocking Reentry Parachutes Deployed Thanks For reading Just a little side note here. I think I might change up the screenshot style here. I've noticed I tend to take loads of mediocre pictures and then upload them, but I really shouldn't do that. I want to strive to take really good pictures, even if that means less. so you're gonna see me change my TUFX, and my screenshot style too. See ya!
  16. Yeah @CobaltWolfI might have mentioned it before, but it could be a good idea to either beef up the Ascent stage monoprop tanks, or add tanks to the descent stage. When I played with the old LM, Clipping around the same amount of RCS fuel into the descent stage would just about last me using RCS heavily during the descent, and the amount inside the Ascent Stage would just about last ascent and docking. I know it’s a minor thing, but I’m sure others have noticed how it could have a bit more monoprop in it.
  17. I'm pretty sure that's waterfall's mesh interfering with conformal decals - There's a patch to fix it in existence, but I can't remember where
  18. The very old mod CXAerospace. I’d delete everything but the truss sections because it could break the game, but mine worked fine with just the truss sections. They are tweakscaled to 75% size and the HabTech Solar arrays are also tweakscaled smaller (0.925m I think)
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