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Everything posted by AmateurAstronaut1969

  1. I just find them online - I have a tonne of flags. If you want any I can send them to you somehow. Edit - I’ll put them on Imgur now and link it on this page
  2. Well, it’s mostly all from BDB - the science palettes are from the Spacelab parts, and most of the experiments on them are either from the Apollo SIM bay parts, Or the Skylab experiments. There are also Canadarm Latches in either side of it Also, (For everyone now), I forgot to add, I want to experiment with videos for the one after tomorrow’s mission. I need to learn how to take videos, but I’ve tested around with imgur and it can upload them and post them to the forums
  3. I’m actually getting used to making lots of fast paced freedom missions. Like if my computer isn’t playing up (a problem that will be almost entirely mitigated when I get my new computer In a few weeks) I can get a mission done in a hour and a half, like in the last two hours, I’ve already got tomorrow’s mission ready. I just need to stop getting distracted lmao
  4. Freedom Expedition 4 October 1989 Freedom Expedition 2 has almost finished its stay on the station, after its arrival 6 months earlier. Prior to that however, Freedom Expedition 4 must launch and Rendezvous with the Orbital platform. The crew aboard the block IV CSM, Ares consists of: -Commander Penguin Kerman -Pilot Fox Kerman -Mission Specialist Raccourier Kerman -Mission Specialist Nebel Kerman (ESA) -Mission Specialist Derp Kerman During their Stay at Freedom, Node 2, Harmony will be docked to Unity’s Forward node, leading to Ares staying docked to the Zenith node of Unity for their 6 month stay at Freedom. They will also host the first ESA Minotaur docking in order to resupply Freedom. Early Morning, LC39-A The crew waits with bated breath as the clock ticks closer to launch Umbilical retract, 26...25... Ignition, and liftoff! Tower Cleared, initiate roll to flight Azimuth Pitch program in nominal progress Approaching the Cloud layer ...F1-A preforming Nominally...go for throttle up Ares... Approaching MECO, 8.75% fuel remaining Nominal Engine shutdown...prepare for Separation We have good indication of S-IVB separation J-2S ignition Tower Jettison... J-2S is performing Nominally Ares, Houston...prepare for burnout in T-60s Copy that Houston Shutdown...prepare for SLA opening... Transposition Complete...preparing to turn around Closing in Hard capture confirmed...the Mission module is docked. Preparing for Extraction Ares enters its coast phase where it performs a few small rendezvous burns to catch up to Freedom, for a docking later that day. Rendezvous burn 01 Only a few Km away from Freedom now... ...as it slowly fades into view Approaching from the front, Ares wants to be slightly above Freedom to dock to the Zenith port on unity, and in order to do this, it preforms the flyaround manoeuvre, raising it just above Freedom and facing the port at the same time, so by the time it had arrived at Freedom, it is parked ahead of the Port Parked with the Port ahed of it, Ares begins it’s approach... Pictures captured from the monochrome and colour cameras on SSRMS 2: The soft capture ring is nearly touching... Successful docking confirmed The crew of Ares now open the hatch and join Expedition 2 & 3 onboard Freedom. 13 days later... The crew of Expedition 2 board their CSM, Olympus, and prepare for undocking Another view from SSRMS 2 Prior to deorbiting, Olympus discards its Mission Module in LEO, to deobit a few weeks later The Final burn of Olympus Approaching entry interface SM separation Olympus in reentry orientation Olympus, Houston, do we have acquisition of signal? Olympus, Houston, do we have acquisition of signal? Houston, this is Olympus, signal acquired! Drogue deploy Drogue release...mains pulled, we have successful main deployment Fully inflated Touchdown, Welcome back to Earth Olympus! Thanks for reading
  5. It’s actually just the lettering decal where you can spell out words. I’ve got it on the Air Force font. That was canonical for the S-II, but it looks similar enough to use on the S-IVB. I found that a good colour for the red is 210 or 217, with Green and Blue being both at 0 You just need to have a it of a measure around with the word decals and see what works for you
  6. Love it! Did the entry probe survive long enough to gather anything useful? I havent really done much with it balance wise yet. Thanks! It easily survived Reentry, but it exploded on impact. It was going at like 25ish m/s in the atmosphere
  7. I have to say, I love these shots! S-IC Separation Transposition and Docking Configured for TVI Flyby! Entry Probe Deployed
  8. Oh yeah definitely. I never said I was giving up on Freedom lol. I just need to relaunch it with the new Saturn Parts, that will either be done tonight or tomorrow, aiming to release it in a day or two. I want to keep up these fast paced missions, I disliked it when I took over a week for a mission
  9. Oh wow this is amazing. I’m glad to see people inspired by mine and others work! I expect great things here
  10. *Sigh* I had Expedition 4 nearly complete, but then this happened... Wait, you think this is a bad thing. Oh no, definitely not - This is Amazing news for Freedom! Just look how awesome this Apollo block III looks- It will be a few days before the next mission though, because I’ve had a busy weekend and I need to completely relaunch the mission (and also Hyperedit a new version of Freedom to orbit - It wasn’t even me upgrading it this time, the Plumes on the RCS broke and they can only be fixed by launching new RCS ) See you all soon then, hopefully I don’t take too long haha
  11. Hey sorry but what Config is giving the HabTech modules a slight metallic shininess?Is it the TUFX, or is it a Config? If it’s a Config, please may I have it - I think it would look really good on Freedom Awesome work guys
  12. Yo Maybe @TruthfulGnomewould like to Relay this message too?
  13. Freedom Expedition 3 August 1989: Between May and July 1989, Freedom has been receiving all the modules it needs to reach its Initial Operational Capacity (IOC), with the docking of Discovery and Columbus providing 2 science laboratories, and the S1 Truss providing the power required to supply them. To achieve IOC, one more launch is required, the Launch of Freedom Expedition 3, to grow the crew to 10 Astronauts. The Crew of the next Expedition is: -CSM - Pilgrim -Commander Jingle Kerman -Pilot EM Kerman -Mission Specialist Adrian Kerman -Mission Specialist Emillius Kerman -Mission Specialist (ESA) Maria Kerman The Main Objectives of Freedom Expedition 3 are to: -Maintain the station in an Operational state. -Host the docking of Node 2 ‘Harmony’ -Outfit the interior and exterior of the new modules with the required hardware -Perform research using the two new laboratories -Achieve IOC upon docking -Stay on the Station for approx 6 months -Return safely August 1989, Pad 39-A, early Evening. T-27s, S-IF Fuelling arm retraction T-8s, Engine Ignition T-0s, Launch Clamp retraction, and Liftoff Roll initiated Passing through the cloud layer Approaching Maximum Aerodynamic stress on the vehicle - Max-Q Approaching S-IF Burnout Stage Separation J-2 Ignition is Nominal LES Jettison Nominal Orbital Insertion SLA Separation, and Pilgrim Transposition Pilgrim closing in for Docking (Note - you’ll see me start to use this Blue coloured Config a lot more, especially in the next mission, but tell me what you think about it, @ballisticfox0 did a great job making it!) Extraction from the S-IVB Pilgrim now coasts for the next couple of days I’m orbit, closing in on Freedom Pilgrim Performing its phasing burns Approximately Freedom Pilgrim lines up once again with Docking Point one, much like the other spacecraft visiting Freedom, however it doesn’t need to do the Flyaround Challenger’s aft Port is directly ahed of it. Camera Views from Freedom: Challenger cam Monochrome camera on SSRMS 01 Colour Camera on SSRMS 01 Closing in... Prepare for Soft APAS capture Captured! Hard Capture Confirmed Freedom has Officially reached Initial Operational Capacity! Thanks For Reading! As of today, the crew for Expedition 5 is: Calvin Kerman Heinrich Kerman DG Kerman There are two seats left, so if you want to join Expedition 5, just say so Have a great day
  14. Oh thanks man! Sorry it kinda spoils it for you I would have Started with Skylab and Spacelab, but the BDB parts were bad at the time, because we have the new ones now. I might think about going back to do Skylab and Spacelab after Freedom. I have a few ideas on what to do after Freedom has finished Assembly, but I’ll talk about that later
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