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Posts posted by Dientus

  1. I take the X and chew it up. I then put an H in its place and run up the hill and nip you and stormpilot both. You both chase me and fall into a covered pit. I run back up the hill and plant my paws in place.


    My paws hill

  2. Granted. By not wishing a rip in the space-time continuum develops around Sagittarius A*. This causes all matter in that ultra massive black hole to depolarize into a previously unknown state which results in a "miniaturized big bang" resulting in the instantaneous transmutation of all matter outside the event that is still inside the Milky Way galaxy. This transmutation leaves every atom in the galaxy as superheated plasma that travels the speed of light in all directions from said event.


    I wish to have Earth back.


  3. 18 minutes ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

    Makes the things that like to lurk and stalk nervous.  Also lets the big things know you are coming so they can get out of the way or won't be startled. 

    Therein lay the fact that you have to understand what it is you're dealing with. Antelope, deer and water buffalo may run, but others will not. We can only go with what we know as fact here and not conjecture. In general a loud aggressive display shows territorial claims. I guarantee if you yell at a troop of guerrillas it can be met very unfavorably, especially if their babies are nearby. However conversely yelling at a lone black bear can save your life.

    Fact is, we don't know which it is.

  4. 1 hour ago, DDE said:

    Biological matter doesn't have that many unique qualities, and those it has are peculiar to our environment. The aliens aren't coming to serve man.

    Whether you mean to serve man as in to help or be subservient or you mean to serve as a main course with Chardonnay, the fact is we would have no clue as to why come here because their thought process will be, pardon the pun, alien to us.


    And we don't know how common or uncommon life is in the universe as a whole, we only have our observable space to gauge. So far, this little blue marble is the only thing that would have biological resources. Everything else is abundant by comparison. I tend to follow and agree with the teachings of Steven Hawkins where most things are concerned, if that helps clarify my position. You just don't walk into a deep jungle and begin screaming.


    As far as Avi Loeb, I tend towards  @FleshJeb line of thinking. If the data will be kept clean and properly collected, something good could possibly come out of the project.

  5. I feel at this point I have to throw in my opinion.


    When it comes to aliens and UAP/UFO, I have always been 'apprehensive'. Let me try to quickly explain. The math clearly supports the existence of aliens, less so that they are here now. But a couple of things on the subject bother me. One thing is why whenever the subject is broached, is it almost always led by someone who appears to be flat out looney? This always tends towards a sense of not taking it seriously due to the fact that every little anamoly becomes "the aliens did it". Why can't more be open minded and less jumping to conclusions? The Breakthrough Listen Project, to my knowledge, started out very sanely and methodically, as an example.


    And the other thing, if found, why would we ever want to attract their attention? From our own limited search of the cosmos what is the one thing that is not abundant? Biological matter, and that is something we have all over this planet. Why would we want to paint a target over ourselves to any otherworldly intelligent species out there when we could never guess just what their initial intentions are? If we use are own history of life, everytime one lifeform that has an advantage over another is introduced into an area, the one with the advantage wins hands down. It's Darwinism. From Neanderthals to Columbus, from algal blooms to the European starling, the results have historically never been good for the natives.

  6. Regional sales rep stopped by the shop to give me an "attaboy". I went ahead and let her know about me considering moving on.

    It's funny to me because she wanted me to stay on because of my performance and my knowledge and how I keep the company I work for from being liable. For me I do what I do because I believe in what I do in keeping people safe and making sure these new cars are repaired properly with no shortcuts. Just funny how different parts of a company look at the same thing in different ways.

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