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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by Scarecrow71
As an OG GenX...get off mah lawn!
Oh how I hope. Just so long as I can finally do a Jool-5 in KSP first, I'm ok with this!
Oh, yeah, he is. I guess that means that I just basically reworded the speculation about Rocketwerkz.
Wild theory time. Please remember that this is a wild theory that has no basis in our current reality whatsoever. What if - and just go with me here - what if...HarvesteR bought PD? Gargamel put forth above the idea that a venture capital firm could have purchased the publisher. So what if Felipe was able to get investors and purchase the rights back? I mean, he has said that once he is done with Kit Hack he had an idea for a kerbal-esque game, right?
You can be angry and still remain calm. And if you wish to hold the new owner responsible for something TT did? That's anger. Or, at least, some form of ill will towards someone for something they simply did not do. And as has been pointed out numerous times, Steam isn't holding developers responsible or accountable for updating their EA tags when games are clearly no longer in development. If they did, corporations would probably never release games in EA due to the requirement of mass refunds. Slope, meet slip. To answer that last part: Take Two. The money went to them when you purchased it, even if the purchase was a single day prior to them finalizing the sale of the IP. Why? Because they legally held the IP at the time you purchased it. So TT would be responsible for paying the refund. Which then brings me back to what I said about that hypothetical car and the previous owner. The previous owner is only liable for the things that happened on their watch, not after ownership was transferred. I can't say enough that you are trying to hold the new owner - who, to this point, is unknown - responsible for what TT did. Take the car situation, for example. If it runs out of gas, that's on you, not the previous owner. You can't be mad at the previous owner for something that isn't their fault, right? Same situation here. You can't be mad at the new owner of the IP for something that TT did. A bit in reverse, here, but you should take my meaning. Well, for starters, that's all on Steam. If they aren't going to be hands-on with their own policies and store, then what's the point? Oh, right - to make money. Which Steam and TT did through this whole mess. And the almighty buck is what drives the world. Or, at least this country, anyhow. As far as the KSP community lacking a backbone...I think you are highly wrong. We, including yourself, have been very vocal and strong in our words about what happened and what we think should be the outcome of this. The issue is that we as a community don't have the funds to pursue anything beyond review-bombing the game and posting our negativity on forums and Reddit. Which we have done. And if Steam isn't recognizing what is happening with the game on their own site through the reviews and refund requests, well, again, that's on Steam for not giving 2 squirts. Using Reddit as a measuring stick is not the right way to go. You've said that before yourself. Is it a portion of the community? Yes. But it's not the only portion, so you can't really use that as the end-all of the discussion. There are people here and on Discord that aren't as irritated over this as you see in the negative posts on Reddit. Some of which are mine, yes; I won't hold back and be all fru-fru with my words. This game stunk to all holy heck, from the day it dropped until the final update. I haven't even launched it since I think March, and I doubt I ever will again, especially not when I have the 1.12.5 and a whole boatload of mods that make the original far better than the sequel. But the opinions of one portion of the community are not the same as the entirety of said group. When you buy a business, you acquire whatever the contract says you acquire. And beyond knowing that they acquired the IP, we have no clue of what is in the contract. So we don't know if they acquired capital, debt, legal problems, staff, equipment...nothing. We know nothing of the actual details. Which is my point. Trying to go the legal route here would be an exercise in futility. You'd first have to herd the cats and get everyone on board and going in the right direction. Then someone has to take the lead and collect legal fees from all interested parties. Then a compelling argument has to be drafted and presented to a lawyer...who may or may not even want to take the case. That's months of work just to try to get someone to say "Yeah, we'll investigate it". So you get what you pointed out: some are international and following their laws, while those of us in the US are pretty screwed and just have to take it on the chin. Does it suck? Yep. Big old moose. But there ain't a whole lot we can do about it now except wait it out and see what happens with the new owner. I will state that I don't have much hope here. KSP2 is dead as dead can be, and nothing the new owner does will ever rectify that. I am also of the mind that the IP is either going to be sold off to an interested party (Rocketwerkz comes to mind, but there are others out there), even if only to gain access to the assets to be used in other games. I think KSP has gone as far as it can, and we can all just hope that KSA is what we wanted KSP2 to be. Again, not a whole lot of hope here.
Your anger and resentment would be misplaced, PDC. The new owner of the IP, no matter who they are, is under zero obligation to you or anyone else who purchased KSP2 (and I am included in that group) to either continue developing the game OR produce mass refunds out of their own pockets for cancelling the game. It's the same as if you buy a car and then expect the former owner to pay for the gas. TT no longer owns the game, so they aren't responsible, and the new owner isn't liable for what happened before they owned the IP. But if you want to be angry at someone for something they didn't do, go right ahead. Honest question, because I'm not all up-to-date with Steam's policies: Although it would make sense for the new owner to formally shut down development and announce it as such on Steam, are they actually obligated to do so? Does Steam have the right to force them to update a product that they weren't responsible for? I personally believe that they should, because it's simply false marketing/advertising otherwise. But, again, the new owner, whomever they are, wasn't there for the initial releases and such, and therefore isn't technically obligated to do anything with the products they weren't involved with at the time they were "developed". Not all of us are as salty over the whole thing as you are, though. While I agree that there is a section of the community that will be all like "Never again; fool me once and all", I'm pretty sure there will be a decent-enough group of people who will at least give the new owner the chance to do the right thing. As I said above, you can't hold the new owner responsible for what the previous owner did. That's just not right. Now, don't get me wrong - I'll never buy an EA title again. Not even if someone gifted me the Steam code (although I prefer Epic, but that's not the point of this discussion) would I redeem it for an EA title. Never again; fool me once and all. But I'm certainly not going to be liquided at the new developer/owner because of Take Two's horrendous job of handling the product; that's on Take Two. If you don't want to give them a chance, that's your call. But I don't think it's right. I believe - and someone will probably waltz in here with guns blazing to correct me because I seem to be the community's whipping post - that the NDA would still cover what happened under Take Two's umbrella and wouldn't need to be re-done unless the same employees were being brought along to the new owner AND the new owner wanted to keep them from talking about what is now happening. The sale of the publisher and the transfer of the assets/IP doesn't mean the NDA is void; the people who signed an NDA must still be hush-hush about whatever the NDA covers. If this were true we would have seen at least 1 class action suit in the US alone over this. I know that the cost of going through legal channels can be very prohibitive for the average rocketeer, but that doesn't mean there aren't any who are wealthy. Not to mention the crowd-funding option, which, if the community was really that angry and upset at TT, would probably be a viable option to generate the funds. There was a lot of talk in the beginning about doing this, but it seems to have fizzled out. Why? Agreed. HarvesteR got way lucky that his employer (at the time) allowed him to create KSP to begin with, and he sold them on the idea because he was so passionate about it. Heck, we wouldn't all be here if he wouldn't have been. But, unfortunately, that seems to be going the way of the dodo. Game development is no longer a guy sitting in his basement or his garage with an idea, some spare time, and a case of Mountain Dew. Game development nowadays requires careful planning, project scoping, getting the right team together, and a whole lot of money. Marketing alone will kill most small businesses. And the people/companies that have the capital to make that happen care about one thing: how do they get their investment back. If they spend x, they want to make sure they make back x + y...and probably throw in a whole lot additional z. And if that doesn't happen...well, we all know what happened here.
And yet, instead of posting that when I said I'd let it go as soon as it was stated, you and everyone else decided not to. I'm done. I quit. Despite fighting to be here, the community has shown itself to be elitist and hateful towards certain people. I'd rather fly rockets without being here.
Quit being obtuse . My guy, at this level you're just nitpicking semantics to have something to be right about and can't be discussed, you're not arguing a point or sharing an opinion. I really fail to understand what you want from people discussing this topic. The sentence literally says that substantially all of Private Division's live and unreleased titles are part of the deal, that group includes KSP 1 and 2 as both games are currently live for sale and playable. I'm not attacking you or getting mad at you, I'm just confused at what your point even is. Wrong. You guys are arguing ssemantics. My point is factual and valid. There has been nothing said to indicate PD currently owns the rights to KSP, or KSP2. Yes, the statement says tall titles held by the publisher. Do you have a list of said titles? No, you don't. Hasn't been released. But no, I'm the one being harassed over it? I'm arguing semantics? The lot of you are simply hoping this means someone will develop KSP. And the hard fact is that we. Don't. Know. Period. If you have inside information, share it. Otherwise, shut up and leave me alone.
Show me directly that KSP was included. Show me what other titles PD owns that are explicitly mentioned in the sale. Saying "All live and unreleased titles" doesn't state "x, y, z, and this one here, too". It's corporate PR speak at this point. Is KSP probably included in this? Probably. And when it comes out whether it truly is or not, I'll say "Hey, look, they finally told us which titles are included". Until then, that statement means nothing. NOTHING. Why? Because it's the same as the TT telling us that they were still developing KSP2 after the layoffs. They said they were, but they really weren't, but we were supposed to think they were. Nobody on the outside of the organization knows anything. Heck, they won't even tell us who they sold it to, but you want to believe without confirmation that KSP was included in the sale? And then you want to try and make me feel bad because I don't want to hop on some currently non-existent hype train? I really don't know why I come here any longer. All I ever get is grief over telling the truth. And, for the record, the truth is that they have not explicitly mentioned which titles. Show me where they do that and I'll shut up. Until then, I will absolutely die on this hill because this hill is the truth.
But the article says nothing about which titles were actually included in the sale. It does say: None of that says that these titles are included in the sale. There is no article definitively saying what titles were included. Nice try, though. Perhaps read the article before telling me what it includes.
@MechBFP @PDCWolf @Superfluous J Show me an article where it is explicitly stated what IPs are included in the sale. Until you can do that, you cannot prove that KSP was included. It really is that simple. The lot of you have continued over the years to say you support facts. Well, the fact is that nobody knows because neither TT nor the purchaser of the studio - who hasn't been made public either - has said which titles are involved. Therefore, until we get confirmation, we are all just guessing.
It is still speculation. No articles that have been put out indicate for certain what titles are included in the sale. Anybody who, at this point, says that KSP is definitively included is simply guessing.
Let's all try to keep in mind that this is speculation on if PD even owns the IP. Did they retain the rights to it when TT acquired Squad and set the publisher up? Or did TT buy the rights and simply allowed PD to distribute?
I need to do this as well. And I need to remind myself that sounding rockets and one-way satellite trips are not the death of a space program; not all launches are going to return science points.
So, I came cross the following article when I heard that this happened. A lot of what is in this link is, I would guess, in the games industry link in the OP. {A link from Variety Magazine has been snipped for reasons} Several things in the article struck me. While TT hasn't been on the level recently with this community, I have to believe this isn't some large amount of subterfuge. I'd guess there are still moving pieces to this, which are restricting disclosure. I hope. Quite possibly the most important thing Zelnick said. If KSP is considered to be an existing PD title, and not wholly owned by the now-former parent, this could have serious impact on the franchise. I don't want to start or board the hype train here, but I am curious as to what this means (and nobody knows what this means yet, so we are all just waiting). Well, they won't be hamstrung by TT any longer. All told, I'm very cautious about this news. I let myself get too riled up over KSP2 only to be disappointed in the end. But, here's to hope, as small and dim as it is.
That is going to be tough. Yes, you can get propulsion with batteries, and you could probably create a ramp and such. But sustained flight with no engines?
The KSP Caveman Challenge - The Next Generation
Scarecrow71 replied to Scarecrow71's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Yeah, I'm not sure that's it either. The use of Green Monoliths is also allowed; it's like 5 or 6 lines down in the opening post of the challenge. -
You are welcome. There are so many different options and settings and tweakables that it is impossible to remember everything. I simply made a guess based on the number of threads that are out here complaining about wheels. But I am glad that I was able to help, and you are most welcome! Happy flying!
Well, you can click on the Navball to get it back into Surface mode. As far as slowing down, my first ask would be what settings you have on your wheels. We all know that wheels and physics sometimes don't mesh well in this game, and they can seriously mess with your mind. Possibly too much or not enough traction, which would then cause you to stop rolling? I'm just spit-balling here, but it couldn't hurt to at least take a look.
The KSP Caveman Challenge - The Next Generation
Scarecrow71 replied to Scarecrow71's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
DLC is allowed; not sure where you got that from. -
technical issues So, we had some kind of technical problem.
Scarecrow71 replied to Vanamonde's topic in Announcements
No, the problem is that I keep stating that it isn't you guys, but you continue to either not see that or choose to ignore it. How many times do I have to say it before you see it? At what point are you going to stop accusing me of saying it is your fault? I'm starting to take it personally. Like, what about my repeatedly saying it isn't you that is getting lost in translation? I mean, if you don't want me here, just say so. -
technical issues So, we had some kind of technical problem.
Scarecrow71 replied to Vanamonde's topic in Announcements
You know, I'm getting tired of asking simple questions and being treated like dirt. Someone said you guys made the announcements you had, and I asked where. I stated where I didn't see them, and why I don't like Discord. And I get flak for that? Talked down to and berated for a simple question? I have stated REPEATEDLY that this was on TT and not you guys. I fully understand that none of you have anything legally binding with TT. What else do you want from me? Silence? I'm the only one not allowed to ask questions? Makes me wonder why I care so much about this franchise and community. I'm tired of being this community's whipping post for no reason. -
technical issues So, we had some kind of technical problem.
Scarecrow71 replied to Vanamonde's topic in Announcements
Show me where I accused you of lying. Please. I have been pretty vocal about stating this was on TT and not you guys. -
technical issues So, we had some kind of technical problem.
Scarecrow71 replied to Vanamonde's topic in Announcements
Does that include Twitter and/or Facebook? Because I didn't see anything there. Some of us are also not fans of Discord as posts tend to get lost there, and asking anyone for an update was met with a whole host of "GTFO".