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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. I would care more about the graphics if the core gameplay was correct. Until then, I don't give a rat's patootie about graphics.
  2. I think the most damning thing that was said on the call was when they acknowledged that several large projects were in fact cancelled, but without calling any single one of them out.
  3. Said, sugar, take it slow And things will be just fine You and I just use a little patience Said, woman, take the time Cuz the lights are shining bright All we need is just a little patience...
  4. I never attempt to deploy chutes while time-warping. I always slow down time warp to 1x, and then attempt to deploy
  5. Nope. And no plans to, either TUBM has never left their home city.
  6. Calling 911 to book a reservation at the restaurant at the end of the universe.
  7. Kind cheating may be nice...but 'tis still cheating.
  8. Remember that your experience is not necessarily going to be the same as everyone else. I have yet to fly a mission in FS! that didn't have bugged parachutes. Perhaps, and this is a good call-out. Myself, I'm on Windows 11 with 32 GB of RAM, a Ryzen 9 12 core 3900, and a GeForce RTX 2060 Super (not that the video card could cause bugs, per se, but you never know). For yourself, what rig are you running that you aren't seeing the chute issue? Au contraire, mon frer. There is actually a bug report out there for this very issue. I'd tell you to go look it up, but I'll save you the trouble: Originally posted 12/11/2023, with 58 upvotes. And a large number of responses to the thread are AFTER FS! dropped. This was talked about in multiple KERBs as well. I'd say the community not only is aware of the issue, but that a larger portion of the community than you care to admit is having the problem. Again, your mileage may vary, so don't assume that just because you don't see it that it isn't happening. By that logic, the KSC following people into space never happened because I never saw it.
  9. Oh? Fix it to what? Endless optimism in the face of the truth?
  10. We are all hoping that they drop some nugget of info on that call, and then expand upon it over the next week. The harsh reality is that we may never hear anything at all.
  11. Normally I'd say that you are comparing apples to dragonfruit here, what with advances in technology AND that people should have learned from previous mistakes. However, I wasn't around in 2014, so I cannot fully comment on what KSP1 was like at that time. I can only state that, today, the game is better than its successor in their current states.
  12. Havlíčkův Brod Havlíčkův Brod - Wikipedia
  13. Expressing oneself through the use of a rather gargantuan vocabulary is the very definition of obtaining an advantage through unscrupulous means. EDIT 1: Means "Using large words is cheating". EDIT 2: New Pagination!
  14. Cool or epic? How about a rocket-propelled, chainsaw-wielding velociraptor...fighting pirates?
  15. Marginally? What exactly makes KSP1 only marginally better than KSP2? I agree that KSP1 has its flaws and problems. But if you think that the buggy dumpster fire that KSP2 was at launch, or continues to be today, is only marginally worse than KSP1, then nothing anybody says here will make any sense to you. Right. But they do those "man on the street" things on the late night talk shows all the time, and they ask people general questions. "What's the capital of the US" and "How many ounces in a pound" and "Show me where Maine is on this map". And you know what? Most of the people that they show - not that they ask, but that they show on TV - can't answer the questions correctly. By your own definition, that makes basic US geography and simple weight conversion mathematics niche areas of interest.
  16. While I cannot prove people aren't giving KSP1 a free pass, it doesn't mean that KSP1 is inferior to KSP2. And you seem to ignore the fact that KSP1 is far more stable, has better performance, and works all-around better than KSP2. Again, if you think both games are so terrible...why are you here?
  17. I'm not sure how you can harsh on KSP1 for all the problems KSP2 is having. I get that KSP1 had/has its share of problems, but a lot of them - not all, but a lot - have been resolved. I just don't get why you are giving KSP2 a free pass on the same things you are bashing KSP1 over. Agreed. This IS a niche game. It just happens to be in a genre/area of interest that does at times get a lot of attention. And you have to admit it's gotta be pretty cool to have something you (not you, but the developers) worked on actually make it into space. Come on, man! A plushie from a game about rocketry and space flight makes it into space? You have to appreciate that. Not sure where this comes from as 434 people is certainly NOT 5-8% of the total copies of KSP1 being sold. It isn't even 5-8% of the highest player count in the last 12 months. Again, you are giving KSP2 a free pass for the things you claim KSP1 fails at. Or are you simply indicating that KSP1 has the same problems KSP2 has, but failing to mention those problems do in fact plague KSP2?
  18. The gameplay flow is "build rocket, launch rocket, repeat". I fail to see how you can improve upon this as both games did this. If you feel that strongly about the game, why on Earth did you ever come here? And stay? And keep playing? Guess you haven't gone through the bug reports subforum. Or been involved in any discussions about KSP2 since EA launch. Or read anything regarding what's happening with Take Two. Because I'm pretty sure we can all agree that some form of technical debt has racked up, to the point where the studio was shut down. Because the music and height maps made KSP2 so much easier to play? Throw the UI discussions, performance issues, the lousy part window, and the shoddy camera controls in the discussion. Which game now is it where the developers were more concerned about it being pretty than functional?
  19. Deutschland Also known as Germany.
  20. And still clicking? CLICKING!
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