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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Lets not forget that recently we were informed that TT might actually be trying to sell PD. Wanting the show to go on and it actually going on are 2 different things. And you want it to continue when all signs point to it being over.
  2. I don't disagree with you. But you are asking to have an update done to a game that was announced as having development finished prior to them releasing the sequel into EA. And you didn't provide any context in your original post about why you wanted the launcher gone, so naturally, I and others gave you options.
  3. That's...not really news, though. Today is the last day the studio is open. We knew this was going to happen today. We knew development would stop.
  4. Open the folder location and create a desktop shortcut directly from the KSP executable.
  5. I think the sentiment is that people are disgusted that TT is trying to get one last breath's worth of money out of this before it goes the way of the dodo, after having not given any information on the game or its future (although we all know/assume it's dead). I think that's what people find disgusting, not that the game is still available. I do agree that anyone who purchases the game at this point is just blind. Reviews are available, news is available (what little there is), the forum is still up and running, Reddit hasn't gone anywhere. You buy this unpolished lump of organic matter at this point and you are just throwing money away.
  6. That isn't surprising. Not to me, anyhow. Today is the last day the lights are on, but they are still on today. Which means that, if anyone is actually employed there through today AND they are still working, I'm not surprised that some work is being done. With that said, I'm surprised anyone who is still employed is actually doing anything of value. I know people don't want to go out on the wrong foot, and they want to make sure that they don't burn any bridges. But me? I'd be all like "Um, no, last day, not doing anything, think I'll take lunch early".
  7. Ground Control to Cheater Tom Ground Control to Cheater Tom Take your protein pills and get your cheating on
  8. East Lansing It's in Michigan.
  9. The short answer is: no, it's not possible with the current version of the game. The long answer is: no, it's not possible with the current version of the game, although it might be possible with a mod. Unfortunately, with the game appearing to be deader than a handful of door-nails AND the modding community getting smaller and smaller for this particular title, it is highly unlikely that this will ever happen.
  10. Not sure if any of these are actually appropriate, but they keep coming into my head when I think about tomorrow.
  11. @PDCWolf I cannot disagree with you on the lack of support through Epic. Fortunately, I have had to use the Steam forums for support for anything in a long time (sometimes if I'm stuck I'll Google my issue, and the Steam forums pop up), and I have learned to just avoid them at all costs anyhow. I cannot comment on the refund policy as I have not tried to refund anything through Epic (KSP2 is the only game I've purchased from Epic, and I'm just gonna keep it at this point). I do know that getting around through either service is an exercise in futility if you are outside the window, though. I also cannot comment on anything you stated in that list as I honestly don't follow gaming that closely. Sure, some games I'm up to date on. But most of them, especially the small ones, fly way over my head. I will have to take your word for it until I get the gumption to do the research myself. All told, I'm not really a fan of how gaming got to this point with either Steam or Epic. I'm old-school; I like having hard medium. I like popping a disc in the tray, listening to the slow hum of it spinning, playing right from the disc itself. I really don't like downloading games; I am always afraid the download will fail or get deleted and then the company is like "Too bad, so sad". But as I have no choice, I went with Epic because of the free games. Free is in my price range. Also, you brought up launchers, so I'm not surprised nothing was deleted. Then again, the mods could swoop in here at any time, so...:shrug:?
  12. Steam isn't the be-all/end-all of games, you know. I use Epic primarily for the free games on Thursdays, and it was convenient to continue using that as opposed to signing up for yet another account with yet another company. Please keep in mind that what works for you does not work for everyone; please don't be dismissive of what other people may find better for themselves.
  13. Not using Magic Sand is cheating. New page initialized...
  14. It's not a matter of if, for you see, you can turn back time on any clock. And no, it doesn't really fix anything. I shot the sheriff...but who shot the deputy?
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