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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. My issue is lander design. I can get a rocket to Duna and have all kinds of fuel remaining to get home. But the lander? I'm stuck. I'm just...stuck. I simply.csnnot think of a decent design that works, and all my designs seem to just be a variation on the same theme. And I can't seem to find any decent, recent tutorials on lander design that don't use every part from tier 7.
  2. And I'm ready to give up. I cannot design a rocket that can get to Duna and Ike and back. My lander always ends up being top-heavy, or I cannot get back into orbit, or something else goes wrong. I've spent the last several weeks trying to get somewhere other than Dres and I can't do it. Simply put, I CANNOT DO IT.
  3. This is my biggest issue with the dV map -it is simply, to me, unreadable. And it is hard to figure out how much dV I need if I'm like you and hitting multiple bodies in one launch.
  4. Banned for not having a profile pic
  5. The funny thing is that @ManEatingApe did all of that as part of the Kerpollo Challenge. The videos are amazing
  6. Is there a consolidated place where all the show and tells and/or dev diaries are located? I feel like I'm missing them.
  7. Do I have to mention Antonio Banderas? Puss In Boots
  8. Add Jay Ferguson, and now you've got Thunder Island.
  9. Time has almost no real bearing on the game other than for transfer windows and time to travel somewhere. Not that I've found, anyhow. I know some people want to conserve as much time as possible, but I think that's just a personal thing.
  10. Yeah...not really. I gotta tweak the rocket a bit. Standing at just under 80m tall, that's one wobbly thing. Gotta get better at rocket design or I'm gonna run into this issue over and over; it's why I can't get to Eeloo or Moho yet.
  11. Got all the way to the surface of Duna...and didn't have enough fuel to get back into orbit. Had I had enough to at least dock, I could have transferred some resources from one of the lower tanks (I think). Have to redesign the lander, but I should have Duna done in the next couple of days!
  12. YOU may not need them. I most certainly do. I mean, I like a spectacular crash with the pieces exploding into a fiery ball of death as much as the next guy. But I need the parachutes if I want to walk away from this. Yeah, I keep reading that everywhere...but I also see that, of the CB's I need to hit yet, Eeloo has the smallest dV requirement. Duna may have the smallest dV requirement in normal circumstances, but for this challenge? Nope, it's Eeloo. But, you know, it is what it is. Think I'ma hit Duna/Ike first and then see what I can see.
  13. Man, I am having a bear of a time getting to Eeloo. Even MechJeb is freaking out and not creating proper nodes and all. Like, MJ created a node for me today that wanted to gravity assist its way around Jool back to Dres. Yeah. So a question or two. 1. Is it easier to get to, say, Duna/Ike and back, and wait on Eeloo for when I have Tier 8 engines? 2. If the answer to 1 is Yes, do I have to have the orbiter around both bodies? That is, could I orbit Ike, land on Ike, take the lander to Duna and leave the orbiter at Ike, and the come back to the orbiter after Duna? 3. Do you need to use chutes on Duna, or is the atmosphere thin enough and the gravity low enough that you can get away with engines to slow down?
  14. This may very well need to be in its own thread, and if that's the case I can certainly move it to one. But I've been playing a lot of KSP (duh) and watching the new season of Another Life, and something I saw in one of the episodes got me to thinking about traveling vast distances quickly: wormholes. Wormholes are, in theory, created when space folds in on itself, creating entry and exit points at 2 spots that are far away from each other. Kind of like rolling a piece of paper in on itself until the outer edges touch. And this got me to thinking about how space bends in on itself, which leads to the following question: Does gravity cause space to bend/fold in on itself....or is gravity the result of space folding in on itself?
  15. Yeah, I just need 6 more science to unlock the first node on tier 7. Thats really the inky reason I want to farm a bit more. Other than that...to infinity, and beyond!
  16. Well, I'm like 6 science away from unlocking the first node of Tier 7. I know there are probably a billion more biomes at the KSC, but if I can hit the shores I can get that last little bit and get access to...gosh, I'm not sure. Probably the LN-V.
  17. Granted, but only Kerbals can use it. I wish to actually understand cryptocurrency.
  18. MISSION IV.V: KSC SCIENCE FARMING After completing Drespollo, I was left with 171.2 science points. This isn’t enough to purchase/unlock any nodes on the Tier 7, which I was kind of bummed about. Although I would really like to get access to Tier 8 and the engines that exist there, I really do need to get the fuel tanks on Tier 7. Yes, they are heavier than what I have access to now, but I would need fewer of them, which might open some odd design choices. Anyhow, I was thinking about where I might have left out some science, and I remembered that I wrote I may have missed the EVA report at one of the KSC buildings. So I went through the R&D archives and put together a small table of what I have already gotten from the KSC: When looking at this, I can see that I missed the EVA report at the SPH…but then I’ve also entirely missed the Astronaut Complex, Mission Control, and the Tracking Station. I’ve also missed using the Materials Bay everywhere but the Launchpad and Runway. This is a lot of science that is just sitting there for the taking. While I could technically drive and get to Kerbin’s Shores, I don’t believe that is in the spirit of the challenge or the rules. The rules do state you can drive anywhere you want to go, but that means I could technically get to multiple biomes on Kerbin without flying. In fact, you could complete the Elcano Challenge during this challenge just farming science. So until I hear otherwise, I’m going to just farm science from the KSC itself. Using this little rover-esque machine: It’s got all of the science gadgets I have access to, and runs on battery power with a solar panel. No flight capabilities, so I’ll drive all over the KSC to pick up the science I missed. This ends up giving me a total of 294.1…which is still just shy of the 300 I need to pick up the big fuel tanks. Puts me closer, but still a just a little bit off. So, for now, I'm off to design a ship to get to one of the remaining planets!
  19. I'd like to ask for a point of clarification on this please. I know that we aren't allowed to use other launch sites, and that's cool. We also aren't allowed to drive all over other planets/celestial bodies and collect science. But the above is a bit contradictory when it comes to driving around Kerbin. We can, technically, reach Kerbin's Shores from the end of the runway by driving. We could also, technically, reach multiple other biomes on Kerbin by driving, such as Grasslands which are pretty close by to the West. So, I'm looking for clarification on the following question: Can we drive away from the KSC to collect science from nearby biomes? I ask because your above statement states we can drive wherever we want...but you specifically mention having to land in the desert to collect that science. And I want to make sure that I break zero rules doing this, so I await your amazing wisdom!
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