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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. See, that's not what the documentation related to this EA says. It makes no reference that the only place to interact with the devs is on Discord, and the forums are literally touted as the OFFICIAL place for all things KSP. Does being on the Discord help? Yes. But it isn't the only place, and the company shouldn't ignore the official forums that are still very active.
  2. Well, seeing as @kerbiloid originally mentioned Sith, there is only 1 child capable enough of claiming and defending said hill. Heck, even Yoda was afraid of this kid. Afraid enough to deny him training under Qui-Gon, and afraid enough to eventually - but rather reluctantly - allow him to be trained by Obi-Wan. And even Obi-Wan mentioned "The boy is dangerous. They all sense it; why can't you?"
  3. Side Effect: You are always late for everything else. Superpower: To always know which way is north.
  4. Oh my god! It's sheer ban-demonium in the ring! Somebody stop the damned match!
  5. Side Effect: All dialogue, acting, sets, and props are infinitely worse. Super Power: I can speak every language.
  6. This is the most bothersome point of the whole communication breakdown. We get promised more, but actually get less. And then, when the project manager does a 40+ minute interview on a topic that the community has been begging for information about, but doesn't tell us he did it and we have to find out through other means? That's literally a slap in the face to the paying portion of the community.
  7. Well, it was initially reported as a bug because it wasn't known that it was designed that way. And the bug report was closed without indicating why in the bug report itself. I get that it ended up in the KERB, but people aren't going to go combing through each KERB to see the status of a given bug they may be following.
  8. @The Aziz, @kdaviper You both missed the intent of my question. I'm not questioning what bug reports are for. I'm questioning why it was closed without giving the reason why. I'd also like to know why, if the community is providing feedback on this issue AND it was originally reported as a bug, why is it simply listed as "Working as designed" when Dakota stated that this is merely meant to be "We are looking for feedback". The community gave feedback, but the bug report is in the archive without any further discussion. This is what leads to the community thinking "They implemented this, don't care, and aren't changing it".
  9. Side Effect: You must roll with them. My Superpower: The ability to post witty retorts in any forum thread.
  10. Well, seeing as I want to get in on this, I cast Armageddon: Now that there are no more lands in play, I play a Mountain: And then I tap it so that I can cast Brass Man to defend my new hill:
  11. Calling 911 because ET has to phone home.
  12. 0/10 as this isn't Super Earth. I must be human because I can say that I am human.
  13. I'll add that I'm tired of having to pan the camera every which way possible in order to get to the actual controls for the node. Those prograde/retrograde handles inside a planet? Good luck using them! Oh, you need the normal/anti-normal, but they are literally hidden inside the rest of the node? We meant for that to happen! Based on this comment, @Dakota, can you help explain why the bug report for issue #7 was moved to the archive with no post or explanation in the bug report given as to why? If the intent of the statement "Working as designed" is to illicit feedback from the community, then why was the bug report closed without addressing the fact that the community wanted this changed?
  14. Good call. I submitted a new bug report and linked this one in. Hopefully the craft file I uploaded will help them identify what is happening here.
  15. Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: Community Fixes, MapView Focus and Targeting, K2-D2, Flight Plan, Maneuver Node Controller | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12 core | GPU: GeForce RTX 2060 Super | RAM: 32 GB This report is directly related to the following, and I am asking that this report be merged with that one: I'm submitting this bug report as there is no other way to get the craft file I got this on without creating a new bug report. The autonomous sampling unit is on the lander, at the bottom of the lander's fuel tank, just above the engine. There is a radial environmental survey unit to one side of it, and a landing leg to the other; neither of these are close enough that the device should be blocked. I landed on Ike with this craft, but I get the message that the sampling unit is blocked and unable to be used. Included Attachments: IahI.json .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  16. The fact that bugs were reported for issues 7 (Signals go through planets and moons (CommNet/Antennas not affected by occlusion) and 19 (Can't create a maneuver node within another SOI) tells me several things. The developers made changes to the core game loop from KSP1 to KSP2 that were not needed. The developers made these changes without assessing impact to the community or gameplay. The developers made these changes without talking to the community about how these changes would affect their enjoyment of the game. I'm not sure why the blanket statement "Working as intended/designed" was put out there for these other than for the developers to simply say "We don't want to change these things because that's how we like them". And the fact that the community has created the bug reports and upvoted them (52 upvotes for #19; #7 is in the archive for some reason and we cannot see how many upvotes it originally got) tells me that the community has given the developers the feedback on these issues that they say they want. Anything less than acknowledging that they made a bad decision and it will get fixed is simple tone-deafness to the community. With that said, I don't care about issue #7 personally...but that doesn't mean it shouldn't get attention. The game is (mostly) modeled on real-life physics, and the plain fact is that celestial bodies IRL do in fact occlude antenna signals. If the planets and moons block out the light, why don't they block out comms? And if they don't block comms, then why don't they block the light? Heck, even way back in 1996, Jeff Goldblum and Bill Pullman were talking about line-of-sight and taking the curvature of the Earth into account as it related to the aliens need to use our own satellites to communicate during their planned invasion. And nothing in the last 30 years has happened that makes LOS obsolete. I personally dislike everything about the new maneuver nodes, including issue #19. The nodes are fidgety, hard to deal with, and simply don't work properly. The fact that we can't plan additional maneuvers outside the current SOI - such as long-range/long-term gravity assists, or setting up intercepts - is just stupid. This is core gameplay functionality in KSP1, and is a critical factor in real life space travel (or would be, if we as a species could ever get over ourselves and work on this). IRL, there would be no way we wouldn't have computers that could do SOI change maneuvers or set up gravity assists for probes months - nay, YEARS - ahead of time. We wouldn't simply plot a course for Alpha Centauri and says "We can't plan for an orbital path until we get into the star's SOI". That node would be created and tweaked every single hour of every single day until it was time to do the burn. I'd like to add something to the SOI maneuver node thing. Why can't we time warp into another body's SOI? Why do I have to zoom in and time warp as close to the intersect as possible...and then wait until the SOI change happens? Why can't I just time warp from LKO to Low Jool Orbit? What's the point of time warp if we can't do that? And if we can't do that, how do you expect us to be able to go interstellar? Or are we going to be able to time warp into another stars' SOI?
  17. So today I decided to try and take on Second Dibs and plant a flag on Pol. I'll state that I've only ever been to the Joolian system once, and that was in the current career game I'm playing in KSP2. I've never been there in KSP1, and I have never attempted to land on any of the gas giant's moons. So here goes nothing. First, we start with a nice, stable, clean rocket. And a night launch, no less. Oh, look - Jeb snuck aboard the single-seat lander can. I guess that if he is ok being hurtled through the cosmos with no snacks, then I'm ok with hurtling him through the cosmos with no snacks. And you will notice that, once in orbit, you can see that this rocket actually turned out to be an SSTO. Didn't plan that...but I didn't plan on using Jeb either, so maybe he's good luck? You'll notice that we've got only a singular solar panel on this ship. I tried to cut as much weight as possible here...and then forgot to remove all the monopropellant. I was so worried about just getting this launched that I forgot. Oh well. After 4 years in space, and no snacks anywhere in sight, Jeb finally reaches Jool. Ah, the jolly green giant. Jeb was happy to have gotten this far. Now he needs to just get to Pol. Can he do it? By jove - I mean, by Jool - he's done it! I was going to actually circularize at something like 25km, but it turns out that a direct descent cost me only 50 m/s of dV more than circularizing, so Jeb made an administrative decision and parked this puppy instead of orbiting. Bit of an incline there, but that's what happens when you set down on the side of one of the mold-covered cheese mountains on this rock. Now that the easy part is done (easy? really? easy getting to Jool and landing on its farthest moon?), I get to try and get Jeb home. Which was a chore. I needed to do three correction burns mid-flight, and then I had to come in really hot and really fast. By the time I got into Kerbin's SOI on the return trip, I only had 950 m/s of dV to orbit and land. I came in at just over 3000 m/s, dipped into the atmosphere down to 50km, then clenched every orifice as I burned and aerobraked. That little red bar comes up fast, and I know from experience that once it comes on you are almost certainly a goner. But I somehow managed to not burn up and put this thing on the ground. Granted, I had to do this maneuver like a half dozen times before it came out right, but I got it done! All told, 9000 science points. I have now landed on a Joolian satellite for the first time ever. Wow!
  18. Whichever developer is responsible for this feature has obviously never played KSP1. One of the most common interplanetary maneuvers is Kerbin-Eve-Jool, and it sure is nice when you can create that gravity-assist node to transfer from Eve to Jool well before you get to Eve. Horrible design choice. This, coupled with not creating nodes when you are out of fuel, is a real detriment to the game.
  19. I got this today with the autonomous sampling unit. I have a craft file, but unsure how to attach to this post.
  20. Today I once again completed a mission without taking pictures. The Crater Conundrum. I don't know why I keep failing to take pictures; I'm usually really good about it. Anyhow, I sent a probe instead of a manned mission, primarily because I thought "Hey, I've got the automated sampling thing, I'll use that instead of putting a Kerbal in jeopardy". And when I went to use it, I kept getting the error that the part was blocked. Wouldn't tell me what it was blocked by, and considering it was nowhere near anything else other than the part I attached it to, I have to assume it's a bug. I've never been able to use any of the automated science parts even in KSP1, which tells me I'm doing something wrong. So does anyone have a tutorial on using this? Where to place it, how to avoid the blocked issue, etc.?
  21. How many bans could a fairwell ban if a fairwell could ban wells?
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