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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Having more than 18000 posts is definitely a sign of cheating.
  2. There is only one reason for someone to not have an avatar, and that is they are covering up their cheating.
  3. I'm curious as to what you think is a small, underfunded organization. Because the team developing KSP2 is 50+ people strong and is backed by one of the largest game companies in the world. By comparison, the totality of the department I work in is ~50 people and is backed by one of the largest health insurers in the world. Explain to me how these are any different from one another? The plain truth is that something internal is going on, and none of us are privy to it. It doesn't matter what that something is. What matters is that something is interfering with the team being able to do their jobs effectively. From a technical standpoint alone that shouldn't happen. Unless they are actively being told to stand down, the developers - not the artists, not the marketing deparment, not the CM's - should be working 45+ hour weeks to fix bugs until they are resolved. Period.
  4. You are now covered in bantha pudu. Edit: new page!
  5. Ah, but I DO have a developer background. I'm the point person for automating file loads through SSIS/Alteryx into SQL Server/Snowflake for a pretty darned large team in a pretty darned large organization. I'm fluent in several programming languages, understand the waterfall/agile methodologies, and am quite capable at scripting (in terms of the job I do, not necessarily overall for any type of coding project). So I speak from the heart when I say that I feel that this project, KSP2, is not being handled the best way from a technical standpoint. Although I'm sure the internal team uses Kanban or Rally or JIRA or whatever other board software to track projects, bugs, etc., I'm not sure why things are staying on it longer than one or two sprints. Something is amiss, and regardless of background, anyone can see that. And I recall telling you I adjusted my graphics settings in KSP2 to lower a bunch of stuff to try and get better performance. In fact, a list of some (if not all) of the applicable graphics settings from KSP2: V-Sync: Off Resolution: 2560x1440 Anti-Aliasing: Off Anisotropic Filtering: Off PC Quality Preset: Low Environment Prop: On Environment Prop Density: Low Environment Prop Draw Distance: Medium Ground Shading Quality: High Texture Quality: Medium Water Quality: Low Shadow Details: Low Shadow Quality: Low Cloud Quality: Low See anything there that I haven't already been advised to tune? I've got pretty much everything at low or off, with a couple of exceptions. And before you ask, no, I do not have any graphic mods installed. I don't use them in KSP1, and I don't use them in KSP2. So please stop accusing me that I'm not listening when I clearly have been. I am not seeing performance improvements. I am also not the only one; I've spoken with people on Reddit, Discord, Facebook, and here on the forums that have the same issue. If you see something there that I haven't tuned or haven't been told to tune, please spit it out and I'll give it a go.
  6. I'm still waiting to see any of the performance improvements people keep talking about. Since launch, with a 2060 Super, I get maximum 40 FPS. And if my ships even approach 100 parts, that FPS drops. In fact, I had a 300+ part ship I sent to Tylo for the last story mission, and at launch I was lucky to get 5 FPS. That jumped to a whole 10 IN LKO after dropping to 250 parts. I have yet to see any increase in performance. Yes, I'm using a mid-range graphics card. Which shouldn't mean anything considering every patch keeps telling us how much performance is improved. Again, I have yet to see an iota of increase in performance since launch. If anything, they've optimized the code for high-end cards and decreased performance for anything mid-range or worse. Every patch has introduced new bugs. And while they keep saying they are knocking out bugs, the worst ones that have been around since launch day haven't gone anywhere. In fact, missing orbital lines returned after the last 2 patches dropped. How nice of him to share it here too. Oh, wait - he didn't. Thanks to the organization for continuing to ignore the forums unless it's to delete threads/posts they don't want to see. Again, we have bugs that have been present since launch day. The core gameplay loop is not entirely fixed, the game is still unplayable for some (and for others it's playable but buggy), and we've seen new content once (no, I'm not counting grid-fins) in the last 14 months. They hired 2 of the best from the KSP1 modding community, and they can't even give us information on colonies. They are certainly, and at a minimum, doing a poor job at the technical level.
  7. I don't know, man. Some of the end users I deal with on a daily basis seem to think I'm more than capable of reading their minds to figure out what it is they want. To get back on topic: The situation at hand isn't the best. Heck, it ain't even close to being in the same sport. But there ain't a whole lot we can do about it, apart from sending PM's to the mods to ask what the frak. What that leads to is anyone's guess.
  8. This is a good thing to know. I saw a preview for the show last night right before I fired up season 2 of Jack Ryan, and while I don't normally watch entire trailers, I did for Fallout. It looked goofy, and janky, and full of life, which is what the games are. Or so I've heard; I've tried to play New Vegas several times (what with me living in Henderson, being a regular at the Pioneer Saloon in Goodsprings, and knowing pretty much where everything is out here) but have failed miserably to actually get into the game. I always start up, go through the opening garbage with seeing the old guy at the saloon, then going into the desert to kill the gila monsters (or whatever they are called)...and then I just lose interest. I think part of it is because the rifle in that scene is so bad that any attempt to aim is littered with spectacular failure no matter what you do. So I can't get into playing it (I do own it on Epic). Anyhow, the show looks intriguing. I may have to catch this...after I finish the next 3 seasons of Jack Ryan, that is.
  9. Continuing on with my current career save, I got contracts to go to Gilly, orbit the overblown asteroid, and then come home. Which I did...and I completely failed to take pictures on the way there and back. But I had to go there and back to collect enough science to get two things I really needed: RCS Guidance Unit, and the Clamp-O-Tron Sr. I really dislike the smaller docking ports, primarily because they wobble all over the place. I really prefer to use the big one, so I had to collect enough science to unlock those nodes. In fact, before I forget, I should probably show you guys both my mod list AND the current tech tree in my career save. Yeah! One of these mods, probably left over from when I had an install of KSRSS at some point, has altered the clock in my game. So I'm operating on a 24 hour clock, not a 6 hour one. Which is fine by me; it doesn't alter anything as far as mechanics goes. I know - this looks nothing like the stock tech tree. Which is what I wanted. Un Kerballed Start with the Community Tech Tree gives me just the right feel for progression that I'm looking for. Anyhow, today I decided it was time to start working on the Kerbin space station, the Nebuchadnezzar. This thing is going to be massive, and will take multiple - MULTIPLE, with a capital EXCREMENT-TON - of launches. For reference, I'm kind of using the following model as a basis for this: Space Stations Creator - 3D model by Ebal Studios (@EbalStudios) [5d33a66] (sketchfab.com) I fully realize that this is going to be a massive undertaking that will more than likely invite the kraken to dinner. But anything worth having is worth working hard for, right? Right! Pictures, and then some explanations! So, here we are with the central command column of the station. It isn't anything major, having the Hitchhiker module so as to house 4 Kerbals, but is currently controlled by the aforementioned RCS Guidance Unit (nobody is on board this thing yet). I put several small antenna on the top of this thing (3 standard Communotrons and the first small dish you get), and then spiced it up a bit with some lights. The blue ones on the "top" of the station blink, which gives kind of a neat effect when just watching it. The red ones along the hitchhiker module are static red and are just lit up. Hidden in the tube under the antenna are the guidance unit, a couple of batteries, and a decent-sized RCS tank (even though I didn't put any RCS thrusters on this thing; that tank is there for future needs). A docking port at the "bottom" of the stack here will be used for future expansion. Once again, not a bad day. And the Las Kerbas Space Agency thanks you for your continued reading of our adventures!
  10. That's a rule I can get behind.
  11. Granted, but it didn't actually get you to make the wish. You remembered you had to, but you didn't do it. I wish I could edit every post on this forum.
  12. Nellis Air Force Base https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nellis_Air_Force_Base
  13. Mike indicated on Discord yesterday that he is trying to get their internal calendar in order, after which they will let us know. Beyond that, anything anyone says is speculation. What is really disheartening is that I responded directly to his comment, asking him what else they want us to say that we haven't said in the last year...and my response was deleted. Why? It was on topic to something a moderator said, and it wasn't an attack. I'm about done. I've given the reasons why I'm not playing KSP2 right now, I've been civil, I've asked questions and have tried to engage in a positive way to get some answers. And instead of discussion, the mods decided silencing is a better option. I'll stick with KSP1 at this point, and I will check back in on KSP2 in a few months.
  14. And my original response was to the original comment: After I responded to this directly, you came in and started making comments about specific situations that are, in fact, kraken attacks. I stand by what I said: As far as the original comment goes, the issue is resolved. Temporarily or not, bandaid or not, autostrut or not, whether you agree with it or not. I responded to the original comment, and I don't appreciate you harshing on me for that.
  15. I am a bit disappointed that there is no KERB this week. I was incorrectly operating under the assumption that it'd be 1 month from the last one, and that is entirely on me. Thankfully I was able to get clarification in the Discord yesterday, which has reset my expectations of when to, well, expect something. I'm trying to stay positive here, but I won't lie.
  16. Thank you. This is the difference between the original statement (Wobble is not fixed) and what cocos is actually complaining about (kraken attacks). You just said it far more eloquently than I was trying to.
  17. And I'm going to die on this hill. The original comment, without any clarification or qualifiers, was that rockets were still wobbly. You can go look through this thread to see that for yourself. And the truth is that the initial wobbliness was, is, and continues to be fixed. All of this stuff about orbital colonies and ships with 1000s of parts came after the fact in an attempt to discredit my position that the wobbliness upon launch is fixed. I even went so far as to state that it wasn't the best fix, and that if someone is building something with a bunch of stuff hanging off the side then yes, you are going to wobble. But the central issue of wobbliness upon launch is fixed, and nothing anyone says can change that. Doesn't matter what the fix is, or how it was implemented, or even if it's temporary and will be looked at later. It's fixed. Period. Now please, stop harshing on me over this. I'm not the enemy here. If people want to discuss the original comment and my position, fine. But don't tell me I'm wrong for answering the original comment by stating I didn't take anything else into account, or that someone qualified it after the fact. I'm not a freaking mind reader.
  18. Calling 911 to say "You've got mail!"
  19. Banned for not realizing that is the eponymous version of Captain Hook.
  20. You really are looking for a reason to harp on this, aren't you? The issue at hand was wobbly rockets, not an orbital station with 1000s of parts. Because wobbliness isn't a prevalent issue in space, but rather upon launch. I'm not saying it doesn't exist in space, but the issue that was fixed was related to launch. We are all aware of what the kraken can and will do to ships with 1000s of parts in space. That isn't wobbly rockets; that is merely a hungry space demon. But the issue we are discussing is fixed. Stop harping. Please. You are literally just looking for something to be wrong where nothing is. The initial issue is resolved. Period.
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