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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. Sorry, I meant RAM. Had problems with that in .14 (game crashed while loading flight scene).
  2. Rename Kreuzung.dll to something that comes after MuMechLib.dll in alphabetical order, should work again then.
  3. kellven, found that on IRC yesterday, it works for me, and I can also fly planes with the ocean 2m too low ;P Alchemist, that\'s cool, I really like that, finally animated and realistic working panels.
  4. Tiberion, what happens/happened to redundant pars (rotated etc.)? Are they still in and if yes, will they be removed?
  5. So no more inverted inverters for inverting inverters? ;P I hope it will go down to the point it fits in 2gb with Down Under (and NovaPunch, but I don\'t use it in .15 for now).
  6. Do you have the newest MuMech version? If not, save this in your plugins folder
  7. Rename the plugin so that it is behind MuMechLib in alphabetical order. Also, panels don\'t seem to work. And I really hate .15 for it\'s terrain improvemets, game is unplayable now.
  8. If you ignore the particle bugs, the ability to rotate retro rockets worked at the 3rd try ;P! (It\'s not stalling, I think I could fly some seconds in that angle)
  9. Could you add 3d crosses that show the center of gravity, thrust, drag and what we have else? Whould be good for VTOL alchemists ;D
  10. Yes, that seems to work, thanks. Added it to the Xenolith description. However, I\'m gonna re-write it using the new resource system.
  11. And the best is, that I added them to my plugin just hours before .15 was released, just wrote the code without even thinking about it, worked perfect, no bugs... Well, we have to deal with it.
  12. Tried out Plugin only+VB parts and it said that the parts aren\'t aviable. Gonna try it with the new MJ version and recompiling, don\'t have too much hope that it will work. Edit: Crap. Didn\'t work. And I\'ve got no time for this now...
  13. Someone tried this with the newest MuMech version and .15? Don\'t have the time to fix it, maybe at the weekend, if school work allows it.
  14. Came on the stream half a second before engine ignition ;D
  15. It could be the one from the Sattelite Relay Plugin, you can change it to the normal one in the .craft file, should work.
  16. I think it\'s because the fuel tanks are placed after the engine/other part that has fuel crossfeed. Can\'t imagine of a solution, sorry.
  17. It\'s just an old 6-way coupler with a name that confuses people these days...
  18. You could also have \'nuclear\' decouplers that decouple very hard, decouplers can be used for propulsion with the right values
  19. Headphones are nuclear blast tested, eeh, you not, right? Well here comes the tsar bomba Mk2 blast test... I wish for being out of range
  20. IF activated, it filters ZO2 by energy. It\'s a bit overpowered in my opinion, if someone has better values, you\'re welcome.
  21. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=11247.0 ;P I wish for a 1m or .5m high 3m fuel tank
  22. Saw the thread where the author posted it in, he ended the flight because it had no chute and therefore no chance.
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