kellven, found that on IRC yesterday, it works for me, and I can also fly planes with the ocean 2m too low ;P Alchemist, that\'s cool, I really like that, finally animated and realistic working panels.
So no more inverted inverters for inverting inverters? ;P I hope it will go down to the point it fits in 2gb with Down Under (and NovaPunch, but I don\'t use it in .15 for now).
Rename the plugin so that it is behind MuMechLib in alphabetical order. Also, panels don\'t seem to work. And I really hate .15 for it\'s terrain improvemets, game is unplayable now.
If you ignore the particle bugs, the ability to rotate retro rockets worked at the 3rd try ;P! (It\'s not stalling, I think I could fly some seconds in that angle)
And the best is, that I added them to my plugin just hours before .15 was released, just wrote the code without even thinking about it, worked perfect, no bugs... Well, we have to deal with it.
Tried out Plugin only+VB parts and it said that the parts aren\'t aviable. Gonna try it with the new MJ version and recompiling, don\'t have too much hope that it will work. Edit: Crap. Didn\'t work. And I\'ve got no time for this now...