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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Banned for relative instability . I believe so.
  2. Banned for being the bane of the sensible time system. 11:28 21/03/2023
  3. My apologies to Kerb24 but to get this to a conclusion faster. N -59 egap wen kool yeh
  4. Seems it is me. I am on far less due to real life these days @Maria Sirona
  5. @KlunkWorks When you are ready to tackle modeling in blender (Though I find the fork of blender, BforArtists, easier) then peruse my thread to make things a bit easier.
  6. Well as there seems to be a concerted effort to get to -75 I will change for now. N -53
  7. Granted: "Update: everybody has reverted to KSP1 with cool mods, that don't require a brand new computer to run" I wish for a @kerbiloid pun.
  8. Banned for shift work. ("Morning Sam, Morning Ralph.") (If you aren't old enough to get the reference then look up old Warner Bros cartoons.)
  9. No. They are very furry and so filled with fury. Hello @adsii1970. How is campus life?
  10. Intake orientation is set inside the .mu model file when it is built in the 3d modeling program. If it has been put in backwards then it would need to be corrected in there and saved as a new model file. Only if the model has been given an animation that allows it to rotate, can the cfg file do anything about orientation.
  11. The vampire in the original black and white movie was better looking.
  12. ColdJ

    Shower thoughts

    Too damn much? I'll be damned to heck if I don't damn well care, dammit!
  13. Banned by sand that is hand crafted and canned as was planned as a grand monument to manned space flight that has spanned the solar system of the damned.
  14. Hi. Nice to meet you. I made the comment as a sentence that would annoy a fan base. I would say something to annoy Windows 11 fans, but there are none.
  15. P -3 Been nice, thanks @Nazalassa Are you a Linux wizard? I am just learning on the closest OS to Windows I could find. Have KSP running natively but needed to install BforArtists through WINE.
  16. P -4 Coming too you from a freshly built desktop pc running the Zorin OS. Still saving for a good graphics card.
  17. Open up the stock scanner module (or my Thunderbird 5) in blender at the same time as their config and see how they are layed out. This is how I learned to make it work. Usually it is something subtle that we overlook, that trips us up.
  18. Are you clicking on "internal view"? In both cases they are considered inside the craft and so only visible if you toggle it on. They are not in actual external seats because it ruins the balance of the craft. So I went with an overlay.
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