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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. P 0 @Caerfinon. Yeah, know from watching friends go through it how hard it can be. Be glad that you are recovering, even if slowly. I knew people that never did and it is terrible to see them wither away.
  2. When using the thrust transforms from the original Squad parts, they seem to rotate 90 degrees on export for some reason. The ones I use these days are self created empties, named so I remember what to put in the config file. They don't rotate themselves on export. Not sure why the old ones do. So if trying to adjust ones that already exist you need to work out which way they rotated and then import the mu file, rotate 90 degrees in the opposite direction for the original import or 180 degrees for the one you exported and then export. When the export rotates it, it will now be pointing in the right direction. If you highlight the empty that is the thrust transform then go and click on "Object Properties". You can then change the "Display As" selection from Plain Axis to Arrows. The Positive Y axis is the direction the thrust will push. As in, the positive Y is the direction you want pointing out the back of the engine. Also just do all rotations in quarternions. The rotation tools work in degrees, so it is easy to see how you have adjusted, but all changes will be recorded in the quarternions that the game uses.
  3. Hi. Haven't got time to test right now but it is probably because this config actually creates 5 different parts. So you need to put the module in between each instance of bulkheadProfiles = srf And the end bracket of that part. So added 5 times. Once for each part the config creates. Each part begins with. PART{
  4. Try this instead. MODULE { name = ModuleCargoPart stackableQuantity = 1 packedVolume = -1 } If this doesn't work I will get you to copy and paste your config file here and put it into a spoiler so that I can look at it later. I am afraid I have to go to bed right now. Good Luck.
  5. P 1 Hello @Caerfinon. Hope you are well. Hello @Stormpilot It has been a while.
  6. One moment and I shall call out for: Stella!!!!! Waiter, there are amino acids, salt and water and carbohydrates in my bowl.
  7. A cheater who cheats at cheating is cheating the cheaters and so an anticheater who is still a cheater and so a paradox.
  8. Floor 3290: Chocolate covered pasta factory.
  9. An old Lady holding a Fallout Fatman.
  10. Ho Lang (Beautiful in Cantonese)
  11. No. That is someone who likes farm machinery. Is someone who like eyes, provision?
  12. Should just be that it can't be the first part laid down. If you start with something else first, is it able to be added?
  13. Because Singapore is a Song. What is a good song for me?
  14. Wasn't me It was "Talking Heads." Here you go @Maria Sirona
  15. Though I am not modding right now. I have shown in the past that it it is possible to do reasonable propeller animations using just the stock modules and the right animation, set up with blender. Have a look at my helicopter mods or my Belafonte mod.
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