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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. tlhIngan Hol vIghoj vIneH (I learnt klingon) (I didn't actually)
  2. Snow man is an island. What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
  3. Too much TV, time to get fit. Active Hill.
  4. They should change it from the right to bear arms to the right to bear swords.
  5. Completing games is cheating. Cheater!
  6. Bridge ban. Getting from one side to the other.
  7. The troll sees sunlight. I pickup the cookie after the stone statue drops it.
  8. Hi there. A list of your added parts and some pics of your parts would nice so that people could have some idea what they would be downloading. Hope it goes well for you. Thank you.
  9. ColdJ


    Updated to 1.0.1 on 9/9/22 to add a symmetrical deck with nose ramp for use with Heisenberg Airships. @Manul @Fletch4
  10. ColdJ


    So something like my thinnest width variant, just a a rectangle, with a ramp at the end do you?
  11. It is a cockpit inside a wheel with nothing to stop it turning over other than a reaction wheel. You hit the pitch control and you are tumbling the cockpit over, so you just need to assign one or the other to a different key.
  12. You tried what? The outer is a wheel. Just at a guess, you wouldn't have your pitch control still on the same key as your rover acceleration control would you?
  13. Never played it so wouldn't know what they look like. If we had fantasy space sim physics then I would look at ships from the X3 universe series.
  14. I haven't done anything to them other than stock and I have made them available right from the Start. If you whant to make them something to have to work for then you will need to edit your config files or create a MM patch.
  15. Only if you build a frame work off the cockpit balls extra nodes as 2 wheels by themselves would not be controlable. What is CTT?
  16. @flart Hi. I know that when you have only dealt with wheels that have shock towers that it can be confusing at first. All wheels from everywhere (except for a confusing one from Fast corp where the node was backwards) enter the SPH with the top pointing out the open doors and seeing as a wheel needs to have it's top pointing up when on a rover in order to work, they need to be rotated 90 degrees clockwise to work. So If you spawn the ball cockpit into the SPH first and don't change anything then grab the outer ball wheel and click it to it's node, again without changing any orientation. Once on click on the rotation tool then click on the ball wheel you will see that the blue line is horizontal and the red line vertical. Use the rotation tool to turn it clockwise till the blue line is now vertical and it is ready to go out into the world.
  17. A little less conversation, a little more action please. - Elvis Presley. How about @Kerb24?
  18. Yep. It is known as the Bubble Ship.
  19. ColdJ


    They are based on real carrier shapes. But let me know what shape you want and I will knock one up for you.
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