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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Calling 911 to ask for Jobs for all the NASA employees.
  2. Granted: But it goes sick all over you. I wish for a pet Roc.
  3. Oh hello. How about the new player? @MarkedZero
  4. Freezed. My skating rink hill.
  5. The band because of "Scott Pilgrim vs The World." The system because the majority of people have 10 digits with both hands and eveything in metric can multiplied or divided by 10. What does "Going Bananas" even mean?
  6. Looks like a HotWheels version of a Trans-am, I prefer this. TUBM below me remembers cartoons before they were trying to sell merchandise.
  7. My page shows you having 749. I am on the Dark theme. P -25 @KSPPug Here is a link to the rules.
  8. Sir Deddly was listening to an interesting song about quantum entanglement when, suddenly, an enormously talented alien potato, named Chip, came knocking vigorously at the door. Salutations were said, and then Chip proceeded to demi-compose lyrics while an opera Cat sat on string instruments, purring at poignant instrumental pieces. This lead to some UFOs abducting forum Administrators who had decided to attend rehearsals for the recital of Vogon poetry. Rescued by Pickles the Hungarian, they fought Vogon red tape in order of Moderator hierarchy. Those that didn’t had to battle twenty-million bureaucrats for sinning against the allegiance principal. "Don't Ever Eat Yellow Submarines.” The Phillies
  9. Floor 5900: A sign says "Welcome to floor 5900, only 100 to go."
  10. ColdJ

    Shower thoughts

    @SunlitZelkovaHas very long showers. I find myself looking at everyday objects and imagining how I would make them in the 3D modelling program.
  11. Calling 911 to ask if they have had any stupid calls today.
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