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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Banned for not having date pips/seeds.
  2. Floor 2999: A blackboard full of chalk. On it is written "Tonight I going to party like its 2999!"
  3. I wasn't then but I am now. @Nazalassa?
  4. So Dr Evil can have his super laser. In stock, is there any thing outside the Kerbol system?
  5. The tentacles take over. (Day of the Tentacles)
  6. Eloping rather than enduring a wedding ceremony is cheating. Cheater!
  7. CRANE Toadch cassette be the floaty sus tat stimulator of Vall prime
  8. Looks up people and their proffessions. How far can a Kerbal Jump on Minimus?
  9. The Python foot suffers a tiny vinegar-and-baking-soda boom rather than wear a dress into a dres shop. He expects a kraken to appear before dark. Writers thought of massive booster shots.
  10. ColdJ

    Shower thoughts

    We have found microbes that can survive in a pure arsenic enviroment. Organisims that can stay frozen and dormant indefinitely, I wouldn't say never till we can prove it for sure.
  11. Floor 2993: The rock from which the Monkey King was hatched.
  12. Didn't play today. Maybe @Aerodynamic Kerbal might?
  13. When you roll a 20 sided die to work out how a conversation is going to go.
  14. So long, and thanks for all the fish. Are there any new ideas?
  15. Alchemy transmutes the magnetic ore into non magnetic ore.
  16. Micro meteor shower beats solar panels being already on.
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