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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. CAN Tatch casette be the floaty sus kat simulator of Vall prime
  2. That lamppost might shed light around Narnia.(18)
  3. Good Guess. @Zozaf Kerman is my guess.
  4. One Cheeseburger, no ham. I would like some Fission Chips please.
  5. Danny Kerman surfs a tiny lemon-and-soda powered broom rather than a Comet into a Dres asteroid. He doesn't
  6. Hill of the Beholder.
  7. @taniwha I had the link in "open recent" but when I tried it said it no longer existed. The best I can do is post this older one I had put further back in the thread. If I get new ones in the future, I will screen shot, post and tag you. I don't have the experience to interpret them myself.
  8. @kerbmario Ok the link above can help with some things, it is far from answering every question but will help with some. I am also going to PM you with something that might help.
  9. It is one small click for a man, One giant CLICK! for mankind.
  10. Click Clack, front and back.
  11. Curved shapes take alot of work to get right in blender, then there is the adding of the windows, Curved shapes use far more vertices and you have to compensate for the vertice limit per mesh section that the Unity engine has. Have you any experience using blender? If yes, have you used the .mu plugin for blender? If no to these 2 then you need to start very simple and learn bit by bit how things work until you feel confident with creating a complex model that matches the scales used by KSP. Then there is the internal model to go with it. Let me know your experience level and I can see about linking you to posts that can help to get you started.
  12. Sorry, I didn't realise that I could ask for help resolving the issue, I had just been mentioning it to @Stone Blue as it had happened again and that is why I am reluctant to save everything to a .blend file until I am finished, rather than export as an .mu, because if I export then I find out much more quickly if something has gone wrong. I will look to see if I still have a blend save that will cause the issue. I think it had something to do with how I had cut a model into parts that would be separate parts in the game and then patched the cut ends that would show. I ended up patching them a different way and that worked once I had redone everything. Anyhow I will go have a look and if I have the file to replicate and get the error log I will post and tag you.
  13. Jebediah Kerman flies a tiny lemon-and-soda powered broom rather than a Comet into a Dres asteroid
  14. Click! I made it in time @Nazalassa and @AlamoVampire
  15. CRAN Tatch cassette be the floaty sus kat simulator of Vall prime
  16. This lamppost hasn't pickled in Narnia. (13)
  17. No. But, being that everyting gets loaded into RAM at start up and the more you add, both the longer the load up time and the less spare ram for actual game play, I wouldn't be creating so many. KSP people have all different sizes of computer and most would have their game play ruined if they tried to use your mod with that much in it.
  18. Getting to space using solid rocket boosters. THAT'S NOT KERBAL! Getting to space using electric ducted fans. THAT'S KERBAL!
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