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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. An author turns him into a fictional character.
  2. You will never get an autograph. You will never get your own new page.
  3. More of a sigh. TUBM is feeling a little lost.
  4. I use the same device to gently pick you up and shake the cookie out of you. My Cookie.
  5. I might be passing through. Maybe @Admiral Fluffy is too.
  6. Congratulations to all and hello to the new categories. Otherwise I am sure you already know what I would say about the measure of time and it's effect on the relative velocity of us through the universe.
  7. As your part looks to have nothing to light up. Try making your own emissive texture, set it in your model as the emissive, put in the same folder as your config and just make it a completely black pic. Obviously remove the line for the texture in your config so that it looks only in the folder it is in. This should hopefully darken the underlying surface. An emissive is basically like a base coat with the main texture overlayed on top. If that still doesn't do it then copy the original texture into your folder and edit it in a paint program to be darker, start off with about 10% darker and see how it goes. Again remove the texture redirect in the config. As long as you change something (doesn't have to be much) from the original it can be considered a new asset. Experiment till you get the effect you want. One other question: Is your emissive in your model set up named differently than your main texture? If so did you remember to edit the texture redirect to make sure that that is what was being replaced? You will want the emissive to be named something other than your main texture.
  8. You and the other guy have similar profile pics. One of you is a Cheater!
  9. Dolphins move in. Marine Science Hill.
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