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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Marshmallow Lamp Lighter.
  2. ColdJ

    Say yes!

    What Seargent Shultz would say.
  3. Don't know what they smell like. TUBM would like a Yes.
  4. Bodybuilders move in. Manly Science hill.
  5. Bragging about you wealth of literary knowledge. Cheater!
  6. Here you go, 2 Roosters
  7. Floor 2883: A room full of chandeliers.
  8. Granted: Everything is instantly fatal. (It feels really mean to say that, so appologies.) I wish for floating structures that have an internal vaccum for buoyancy.
  9. Banned by a Nun on the run who was holding a gun, with her hair in a bun, while having fun outside in the sun, who thought of a pun about bowling a tun to Atilla the Hun.
  10. I am not certain which Eagle Head would be thought of as Black and white, but that is not what is referenced in your log. The 2 that are listed are for the aft and fore in the structural frame and not to be worried about. When I made this mod I had barely any 3D modeling knowledge and mostly it was upgrading through the configuration files. I adapted some things where I could but had no idea of how to make an interior from scratch. So at that time I just made use of stock internals where I could. The fore and aft use the Mk1 cabin internal which is set up to have 2 seats. I have limited those parts to only have a crew capacity of 1 and so that is why that message is in the log. Unfortunately you can't have a crew hatch to get in and out unless you have an internal, so it needed something. The other message is not related to the mod. I have double checked and the crew capacity for all 3 and internal all have 4 set up, so it would't come up as 0 crew capacity. Quite often there are things like that in many mods, as long as something in your actual game play isn't going wrong then messages like those can be ignored. I hope that clears that up for you. @Xtra
  11. ColdJ

    Shower thoughts

    It is the nature of human populations to shorten words to the smallest form they can get away with. This language is then spoken in homes and passed down the generations. So wherefore became just where. There are hundreds of examples of this if you look up the etomology of words.
  12. Granted: You get all the players from the Springfield baseball team. I wish you to guess what is next.
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