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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. It is white because it it can't find the texture file. I am assuming you moved what folder your new config was in but didn't copy the texture files into the new folder. Alternatively you need to define the texture pathway in your config and use the MODEL module rather than "mesh =" Little tip with "mesh =", no matter what name of .mu you put in it , it will always use the first one in alphabetical order that is in the folder with it. You can do it this way too. the following is 1 of the 2 chairs that evolved out of the Fun Seat and can be found in my very first mod "Working Underwater Light" which basically was just reconfigurations of stock models to make them work for submarine applications, though in this case it was the precursor to the Spacewalk chair. Only worry about this part and notice the mesh parameter is commented out. The config uses "Part Stacking" and so the other MODEL sections in it are other models that were incorporated inside it. MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Command/externalCommandSeat/model } Have a read through this thread too. It is where I was putting part reconfigs when I was first starting out, before I started 3D modeling, it has lots of examples you use to see how things work.
  2. Floor 2868: You find yourself singing. Trailer for sale or rent Rooms to let, fifty cents No phone, no pool, no pets I ain't got no cigarettes
  3. Banned because I Object to all the banned programming.
  4. Not putting in the effort and realeasing a mod so that some young person, who wouldn't have a clue how to make one themselves, can critique your work. Cheater!
  5. Floor 2866: They are playing the song "Things can only get better" by D:REAM.
  6. At the very beginning when there was more science and less action and he stopped a leak using candy bars.
  7. -10 I am starting wonder if I have the record for starting new pages.
  8. Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts\Aero\HeatShield\
  9. Banned for not saying with a raspy voice "No Maria, I AM YOUR FATHER"
  10. Floor 2853: A medical floor where they perform surgery to give you new hips and knee joints to replace the ones you have worn out from all the climbing.
  11. Those are in files that are not accessable by the average person, but if you go in to the Spacedock website and look for the the mod KSC extended and others that use Kerbal Konstructs, you will find they use models faithful to the style and they are easy to get to their texture pics.
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