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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. 17 We choose to fight the darkness, not because it is easy, but because it is hard. I may be the last stub of candle but I will burn till I have nothing left.
  2. 23 If only the agents of positivity were so dedicated. We could have 3 x 0, then 4 x 0, etc.
  3. Banned by the Nuns in "The Sound of Music"
  4. Banned for having a Probe Droid on Hoth.
  5. 22 This forum has members from many different time zones all around the world. Apparently many negatives live in similar time zones.
  6. Granted: they get on an Ark 2 by 2. I wish more active positives.
  7. No, because it is a visual language. TUBM rarely sees the Sun shine.
  8. 22 This is why truces don't work, you would come back to find negatives have gone wild in your absence. @Nazalassa Please be respectful to linuxgurugamer, it was nice of him to respond to my request for help for you and he is someone well versed in the operating system.
  9. I see your Wakizashi Dangookie. And raise you a Zanbato Mega cookie.
  10. It gets heated till it is ready to cook. Stone cooked pizza.
  11. To get to the other side. How do helmets get on Kerbals?
  12. Every ban is a winding road, I get a little bit closer, every ban is a faded sign, I get a little bit closer to feeling fine.
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