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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Banned by all the competing factions.
  2. From my face, yes. TUBM hasn't been here for awhile.
  3. Congratulations to @Ultimate Steve
  4. Depends on how much snow is on the mountain. What to do when you are born to be bad?
  5. 75, we won. (The third great number War back in action)
  6. SE: You are sued for copyright. SP: I can fly like an Eagle, to the sea, fly like an Eagle, let the spirit carry me, I can fly fly fly, till I'm free, fly right into the future.
  7. Waiter: We love our customers who have soup too. Customer: There is a flyby in my soup.
  8. The bookmakers are making the the books. The bookies are making the bets. The bookers are getting out of there fast. The booked are getting a speeding ticket. The bookish are reading. The Beastie boys are getting no sleep till Booklyn. Do pagers make pages?
  9. Waiter: We stay strictly in our thread but it seems we are running out of soup. Customer: Is there a future in my soup?
  10. Nope, desktop with firefox. It still is just a big black rectangle now that I am back. I will imagine them instead.
  11. 3 Hello @OrdinaryKerman Welcome to the "Who will be positive next" thread.
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