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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Waiter: We love our customers who have soup too. Customer: There is a flyby in my soup.
  2. The bookmakers are making the the books. The bookies are making the bets. The bookers are getting out of there fast. The booked are getting a speeding ticket. The bookish are reading. The Beastie boys are getting no sleep till Booklyn. Do pagers make pages?
  3. Waiter: We stay strictly in our thread but it seems we are running out of soup. Customer: Is there a future in my soup?
  4. Nope, desktop with firefox. It still is just a big black rectangle now that I am back. I will imagine them instead.
  5. 3 Hello @OrdinaryKerman Welcome to the "Who will be positive next" thread.
  6. 15 I'm off, always seems to die down when I am here, (not that I am feeling paranoid or anything) have fun.
  7. 15 I hope that @Maria Sirona , that you will work just as hard if the number goes negative.
  8. 17. Higher? I left the number around 40 in the last 48 hours and came back to find it in the teens. As for today, briefly had 3 positives but it never lasts for more than half an hour.
  9. 19 You have got to be joking. That was 1 positive fighting desparately against negatives and zeroloists.
  10. Banned because once you understand kerbiloid's reference you wouldn't want your song associated.
  11. SE: You shoot a shot around the world and die when it hits you in the back of the head. SP: Can dodge anything.
  12. I could never forget about you @Maria Sirona. If you were positive then we could have won by now. 17
  13. @Lisias and @zer0Kerbal. Thank you both for your responses. I was reasonably sure that was what was happening but the member had not specified whether it was a one time thing or not. I am actually well versed with drag cubes these days and my newer mods actually rely on creating custom ones to put in the config files in order to get the results I want. I don't know how to calculate them myself, but what I do is create a simple geometric shape in blender that suits the dimensions I want, give it a basic config and have it loaded into the game. I then go into the Part Database config file and find the calculated Drag Cube and copy and paste it into my actual model's config file. Using this I have things like my Star Wars mods have ships that act like wing surfaces even if they aren't naturally shaped right for that. One of the most useful things about custom drag cubes is actually for models you want to be able to sink or float. I spent so much time trying to work out the buoyancy parameter and failing. Turns out the secret was Drag Cubes. You give a part that is usually too big to sink ,without a lot of mass, a smaller drag cube and voilia, it sinks quite readily. The inverse for something you want to float, that usually would sink. Drag Cubes are magic.
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