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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. SE: Only works when you are 42 years, 42 weeks, 42 days, 42 hours, 42 minutes and 42 seconds old. SP: The Segue.
  2. You can't handle the truth. (Talk using movie quotes)
  3. Here is a flipper. Poached egg on toast please.
  4. You run out of phone credit, Playing Defender on an Atari 2600. (sort of a space mission)
  5. No. instead I started singing "I've become so Tumb" by Linkin Park TUBM can understand letter substituion for comic affect.
  6. Banned because at this age I am just slow and grumpy.
  7. It is from the "V" television series. Can @Stormpilot ride Tornados?
  8. Yes. For @Admiral Fluffy It is always good to broaden your knowledge. TUBM has broad tastes in music.
  9. Hi. I was just making a reference to the movie Apocalypse Now, It is the sort of thing that I know @kerbiloid will get, so it is just for a bit of fun. Take Two Hill.
  10. Waiter: Cobler (Pie) Customer: Is that Gidget riding a wave in my soup?
  11. Good Guess. TUBM can hear "The Ride of the Valkyries" play inside their head when they read this.
  12. Acropolis Now. ( I can hear the music swelling now. Richard V/Wagner)
  13. Granted: Now it is so tidy that you can't find anything. I wish for better reference pics.
  14. @BTAxis It sounds as though the fact that you are docked so making you one craft, with a klaw that doesn't allow crossfeed, might be overiding the KAS system, Try releasing the klaw and see if it then works, as long as you don't thrust about you should stay in proximity.
  15. Well, @Abel101126 and @SkyFall2489 it was nice knowing you for this brief time,Remember the immortal words of the guy who stuck his hand inside the Tiger's cage. "I didn't think it would bite it off"
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