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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Slight problem, Docking ports have a speed limit that if you go over (it's like 1 metre a second) they refuse to dock, so if you don't have fine control from RCS then it is going to be a problem. The creator of the Kerbal Attachment system mod has been talking about a grappling cable, so maybe if they get that working?
  2. Someone left the cookie in the rain and I don't think that I can take it, cause it took so long to bake it, and I'll never have that recipe again. Same sentence but substitute new page for cookie.
  3. Banned for not being a Serious Darth
  4. The only way it would not have textures is if you have somehow changed the contents of the folder. The Crash Kerbal folder should contain 18, *.dds files that all start with Pose in their title. If they are not in the folder any more or have been renamed in any way then the configuration files cannot find them to use them. The system is not smart, if you see something missing you go look for it, the system does not go looking if something is not where it expects it to be. I don't know by what method yours was installed but I would look in and check that they are all there.
  5. @Nazalassa no good can come of teasing moderators with fantastic tales of mysterious threads. Legend has it that there was once a "Don't lock this" thread, but nobody has ever been able to prove this.
  6. The moderator's cat keeps jumping up on the keyboard and hitting the clock reset button so that the thread thinks it is 2012 and hasn't been locked yet.
  7. SE: Only works when you are 42 years, 42 weeks, 42 days, 42 hours, 42 minutes and 42 seconds old. SP: The Segue.
  8. You can't handle the truth. (Talk using movie quotes)
  9. Here is a flipper. Poached egg on toast please.
  10. You run out of phone credit, Playing Defender on an Atari 2600. (sort of a space mission)
  11. No. instead I started singing "I've become so Tumb" by Linkin Park TUBM can understand letter substituion for comic affect.
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