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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Nope, Samuel. How did all these snakes get on this plane?
  2. I click for @Maria Sirona and @SSTO Crasher and @Aerodynamic Kerbaland @OrdinaryKerman
  3. Still 8 don't forget to wait 5 minutes Damn ninjaing Still 9 then @Aerodynamic Kerbal if you have been away then you may not know that you have to wait 5 minutes between your own posts these days to stop chaotic posting.
  4. Don't lock this for @Nazalassa s sake.
  5. Your last post which should have been corrected to 8 was the last valid. So whoever post next must be above or below 8, once they have posted you can make a valid post as the last could not be counted as it was you after you, I will hold off mine till you have posted. 8 sigh. I cant type that fast.
  6. Goes both ways, If you had posted while I was typing and beat me there, I would have had to correct to what you had posted. I could not have put 9 because 8 was the last post I had seen, I would have to correct to 8 because you put 7.
  7. Post correcting when ninja'd is allowed, posting what you want it to be is not e.g 7 after 9
  8. 9 Polar opposites who vote differently at the poles, is one side red and the other black? Or is it like original Star Trek where they have two tone faces that are just reversed compared to each other.?
  9. 8 Welcome to the new page. It had to wait atleast 5 minutes after the last time it turned up.
  10. SE: You forget to get off Earth before the Vogons destroy it. SP: Getting off planets before they get destroyed.
  11. That would be Lassie. Is timmy in that well again?
  12. Please don't merge this thread. (The former thread known as "Please don't lock this")
  13. SE: You can't stop chasing and eating raw rabbits. SP: I can invent anything.
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