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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. You have been Vanned. Why is the lass doing grass?
  2. This is true but what I would like to know is why. Sometimes it is fine and works as advertised while at other times things come apart and just float in the air like a balloon.
  3. Potato Cookie. (We have potato scallops)
  4. Cheating by once more not playing this thread correctly. There is literally only one thread where you can ban someone and not get in trouble.
  5. Rocks fall on everything and make a new. My Hill.
  6. It is so windy you could end up in Oblivion. Slowly dig the bars out of your prison cell over 20 years. How to boogie?
  7. Waiter: We serve soup, we don't have a liquor license. Customer: What is that?
  8. No. TUBM prefers to create.
  9. Granted: All copies are gone but original is still out there. I wish to know why things float off after being grabbed?
  10. Banned for 2 brown holes where your eyes should be. (In your pfp)
  11. Granted: It makes an impressive paper weight. I wish to get better.
  12. Why did the "bit of fun" "Don't lock me" thread get merged into the always locked "Don't click me thread?
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