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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Things got changed in 1.11.0 LightOn/Off events have been replaced with a toggle event on the PAW to reduce PAW redraw. The events still exist and can be triggered, but are hidden from the PAW. ModuleLight no longer uses animations to control color and brightness of the lights.Instead this is done by the part module itself. That is a quote from here. Also check this for some info. For pure emissives that don't cast light this module is generally used. And this is generally used to toggle animated lights that cast light,
  2. I roll a 20. Clearing out Zombie Kerbals from a Mun base.
  3. ok. I will wait the proper 5 minutes so that we get back on track. @Zozaf Kerman I think you know to wait 5 minutes between your own posts, if not, then now you do.
  4. @Nazalassa already fixed, I never get to finish typing. So as you go negative it is now 18
  5. Banned for weaker streaker who is past the peaker.
  6. Gr8, W8, 4, Pl8 Customer: Is this alpha dog soup.
  7. They are best in Duck season. Animation or Dalmation?
  8. Ever Rust Iron Mountain.
  9. Granted: You have a landscape painting of a 3D photocamera. I wish that @Abel101126 learns when to put AN rather than A.
  10. Yes, this is the Matrix, everything is an illusion, guns even more so. TUBM has infinite buns.
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