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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. ColdJ

    Say yes!

    Oh no a new page.
  2. Can we Car Boot this thread?
  3. 14 @Maria Sirona It can not be changed in the original post because @AtomicTech needed to take time away from the forum and so is not here to change it. But he and many core players voted for the 5 minute rule as before it players were constantly posting incorrectly as they all tried to post at once. As a result we had to stop playing for over a month to recover from the chaos. 5 minutes goes by quickly and you can play other forum games in between. It does not disadvantage anyone because if many players on the same side are on they can all post 1 after the other and still gain the upper hand. The fact that we are back in the teens shows that.
  4. It is the punchline to that old Sphincter joke. How to land at sea?
  5. Waiter: Try AA down the street. Customer: Some soup in a glass please.
  6. Banned for not being here often enough to get banned. This new page is dedicated to @Maria Sirona.
  7. Are you sure? Rick Shaw hill.
  8. Granted: I am in fact Exploro, The one calling themselves Exploro is an imposter. I wish I could eat lots of icing.
  9. Um, Twisties, Cheezels or Cheatos.
  10. Floor 2802: Enterprise bridge but the Turbo Lifts are out of order.
  11. Air conditioner. TUBM likes the original Thunderbirds series.
  12. (Shareef don't like it) Thinks it’s not kosher (Lockin' the thread yeah Rock the thread yeah) (Shareef don't like it) Fundamentally can’t take it (Lockin' the thread yeah Rock the thread yeah) (Shareef don't like it) You know he really hates it (Lockin' the thread yeah Rock the thread yeah) (Shareef don't like it) Really, really hates it
  13. ColdJ

    Say yes!

    That is good but for me it was . You say yes, I say no You say stop and I say go go go Ooh no You say goodbye and I say hello Hello, hello I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello Hello, hello I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello
  14. I think I am addicted to 3d modeling. WIP
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