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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. License CC-BY-SA-4.0 https://spacedock.info/mod/3003/Crash Kerbal We did a few surveys recently and found that 1: Deep space probes get lonely and 2: Kerbals would prefer if somebody else crash tested craft to see how they explode. And so the R and D department came up with a simple solution. The Crash test Dummy. The probes got something they could athropomorphise and Kerbals saved resources by not having to constantly train new pilots. Kerbals being Kerbals, they soon started pranking each other by dressing up the dummies and pretending they were the real thing. Now you can too. Just a multi part poseable Kerbalish figure you can use however you like. Most body parts come in a range of colours, both straight and set up for wearing with denim jeans. Everything has nodes that correspond, the things that attach to the top of the head generally have 2 so that parts can stack, this allows for having hair, glasses and hat/helmet all at once. The val head is shorter so the glasses and Kerbal type helmet will need shifting up after placement. Found in the utility section. Enjoy.
  2. As I understand it. On a non English Windows PC they just had to use commas in the place of periods for the program to acknowledge the correct figures.
  3. It's fun to stay at the YMCA. (almost ready to release the base version.)
  4. Both not including cheater. Cheaters!
  5. Jelly Belly 500 flavours cookie.
  6. Put it on a flat bed truck. Have you flown under both successfully in one go?
  7. Floor 2790: After enjoying supper on the previous floor , this is the desert room. Hmm, some cocolate mud cake with cream.
  8. I get rich from them. Moolah Mountains.
  9. Banned because I already used the Can Can song as a Bab Ban song.
  10. Granted: You try to Bishop with it and cut off all your fingers. I wish for serenity.
  11. Try the broadcast network up the street. Customer: Any stew?
  12. Hate is a bit strong, make stock ones that actually work properly, I find hard. TUBM has climbed the ladders on the VAB from the bottom to the top.
  13. Banned for not knowing what you do know.
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